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Created May 1, 2014 22:42
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type 'a tree = Empty | Leaf of 'a | Node of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree ;;
let rec tree_map f tree =
let rec aux t = match t with
| Empty -> Empty
| Leaf value -> Leaf (f value)
| Node (l,value,r) -> Node ( aux l , f value, aux r) in
aux tree
let rec preorder_print_tree tree =
let _ = Printf.printf "Preorder traversal:\n" in
let rec aux t = match t with
| Empty -> ()
| Leaf value -> Printf.printf "-%s" value
| Node (l,value,r) -> Printf.printf "-%s-" value; aux l; aux r in
aux tree; Printf.printf "\n"
let rec inorder_print_tree tree =
let _ = Printf.printf "Inorder traversal:\n" in
let rec aux t = match t with
| Empty -> ()
| Leaf value -> Printf.printf "-%s>" value
| Node (l,value,r) -> ( aux l );Printf.printf "-%s-" value; aux r in
aux tree; Printf.printf "\n"
let rec postorder_print_tree tree =
let _ = Printf.printf "Postorder traversal:\n" in
let rec aux t = match t with
| Empty -> ()
| Leaf value -> Printf.printf "-%s>" value
| Node (l,value,r) -> aux l; aux r; Printf.printf "-%s-" value in
aux tree; Printf.printf "\n"
(* simple fold for ints *)
let rec fold_tree f acc t =
match t with
| Leaf x -> f x acc 0
| Node (l,x,r) -> f x (fold_tree f acc l) (fold_tree f acc r);;
(* better, more general *)
let fold_tree f acc t =
let ^zero = acc in
let rec aux f acc t =
match t with
| Leaf x -> f x acc z ero
| Node (l,x,r) -> f x (aux f acc l) (aux f acc r) in
aux f acc t ;;
let fold_tree_dot acc t =
let rec aux acc t =
match t with
| Leaf x -> acc ^ x
| Node (l,x,r) -> "{" ^ x ^ "->" ^ (aux acc l) ^ "}\n {" ^ x ^ "->" ^ (aux acc r) ^"}\n" in
aux acc t ;;
let node_to_label n = match n with
| Empty -> "EMPTY"
| Node(_,x,_) -> "{N"^x^"[label=\"" ^x^"\"]}"
| Leaf x -> "{L"^x^"[shape=box,label=\"" ^x^ "\"]}" ;;
let edge n1 n2 = (node_to_label n1)^"--"^(node_to_label n2)^"\n" ;;
let fold_tree_dot acc t =
let rec aux acc t =
match t with
| Leaf x -> acc ^ x
| Node( Node (l,xl,r) as n , x, Leaf xr) ->
"{"^x^"->"^xl^"}\n"^"{"^x^"->"^xr^"}\n" ^(aux acc n)
| Node( (Leaf xl), x, (Node (l,xr,r) as n) ) ->
"{"^x^"->"^xl^"}\n"^"{"^x^"->"^xr^"}\n" ^(aux acc n)
| Node( (Node (ll,xl,rl) as nl) , x, (Node(lr,xr,rr) as nr) ) ->
"{"^x^"->"^xl^"}\n"^"{"^x^"->"^xr^"}\n" ^(aux acc nl)^(aux acc nr)
| Node (l,x,r) -> "{"^x ^ "->" ^ (aux acc l) ^ "}\n{" ^ x ^ "->" ^ (aux acc r) ^"}\n" in
aux acc t ;;
let fold_tree_dot acc tree =
let rec aux acc t =
match t with
| Empty -> acc
| Leaf _ as l -> acc ^ (node_to_label l)
| Node( (Node (_,_,_) as left) , _, (Leaf _ as right)) ->
(edge t left) ^ (edge t right) ^(aux acc left)
| Node( Leaf _ as left, _, (Node (_,_,_) as right)) ->
(edge t left)^ (edge t right) ^ (aux acc right)
| Node( ( Node(_,_,_) as left) , _, Empty) ->
(edge t left) ^ (aux acc left)
| Node( Empty, _, (Node(_,_,_) as right)) ->
(edge t right) ^ (aux acc right)
| Node( ( Leaf _ as n') , _, Empty) | Node( Empty, _, (Leaf _ as n'))->
(edge t n')
| Node( (Node (_,_,_) as nl) , _, (Node(_,_,_) as nr)) as n ->
(edge n nl)^(edge n nr)^(aux acc nl)^(aux acc nr)
| Node (l,x,r) as n ->
(node_to_label n)^"--"^(aux acc l)^"\n"^(node_to_label n)^"--"^(aux acc r)^"\n" in
aux acc tree ;;
let tree_to_dotfile t file =
let dot_tree = "graph btree {\n"^(fold_tree_dot " " t)^"}" in
let channel = open_out file in
output_string channel dot_tree;
close_out channel;;
let t = Node (
Node (
Leaf "0",
Leaf "2"),
Node (
Leaf "4",
Node (
Node(Leaf "6", "7", Empty),
let tree' = tree_map ( fun x -> Printf.printf " %s\n" x; x ^ x) t
let _ = tree_to_dotfile t "" ;
preorder_print_tree t;
inorder_print_tree t;
postorder_print_tree t
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