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Created May 7, 2012 17:26
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counting base 5
(* POSET probably works better than RING here *)
module type RING =
type t
val max : t
val min : t
val succ : t -> t
val val_to_s : t -> string
(* Create a "counter" which is a list of values of type RING *)
module Counter (V_type : RING) =
include V_type
let rec next ops = match ops with
[] -> []
| o::os -> if o = max then
(succ o)::(next os)
(succ o)::os
let rec max_val vs = List.for_all (fun x -> (x = max)) vs
let to_s_lst opslst =
List.rev ( (fun x -> val_to_s x) opslst)
let to_s opslst =
let los = to_s_lst opslst in
String.concat "," los
let count_full vs =
let count = ref vs in
while ( not (max_val !count )) do
Printf.printf "%s\n" (to_s !count);
count := next !count
done ;
(* one last time *)
Printf.printf "%s\n" (to_s !count);
module Ops =
type t = C | P | M | T | D
let max = D
let min = C
let val_to_s o = match o with
C -> "C"
| P -> "+"
| M -> "-"
| T -> "*"
| D -> "/"
let succ o = match o with
| C -> P
| P -> M
| M -> T
| T -> D
| D -> C
module Binary =
type t = F | T
let max = T
let min = F
let val_to_s b = match b with
F -> "F"
| T -> "T"
let succ b = match b with
F -> T
| T -> F
module OpCounter = Counter(Ops)
module BinCounter = Counter(Binary)
open OpCounter
open Ops
let test = next (next (next (next (next (next (next (next (next (next
[C;C;C]))))))))) ;;
let test_str = to_s test;;
Printf.printf "[%s]\n" (test_str) ;;
count_full [C;C;C] ;;
open BinCounter
open Binary
let test = next (next (next (next (next (next (next (next (next (next
[F;F;F;F]))))))))) ;;
let test_str = to_s test;;
Printf.printf "[%s]\n" (test_str) ;;
count_full [F;F;F] ;;
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