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Created July 9, 2014 21:44
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A simple producer-consumer concurrency test using Core.Async
(* compile with:
corebuild -pkg async,unix test_async.native
open Sys
open Async.Std
open Core
let (r,w) = Pipe.create ()
(* producer *)
let countup hi w =
let rec loop i =
printf "i=%d\n" i ;
if (i < hi &&( not (Pipe.is_closed w))) then
Pipe.write w i >>>
fun () -> loop (i+1)
else Pipe.close w
loop 0 ;;
(* consumer *)
let rec readloop r = r >>=
| `Eof -> return ()
| `Ok v -> return (printf "Got %d\n" v) >>=
fun () -> after (Time.Span.of_sec 0.5) >>=
fun () -> readloop r ;;
let () =
Pipe.set_size_budget r 256 ;
countup 10 w;
ignore(readloop r);
Core.Never_returns.never_returns (Scheduler.go ())
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