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Created March 5, 2009 21:37
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Save philz/74566 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Make sense of puppet circular dependency error messages.
# Tags: graphviz, puppet
# See output at
$ cat circular.pp
node default {
exec { "/a": require => Exec["/b"] }
exec { "/b": require => Exec["/c"] }
exec { "/c": require => Exec["/a"] }
$ puppet --color=false circular.pp \
| grep "the following relationships: " \
| awk -F"the following relationships: " '{ print $2 }' \
| tr , \\n \
| (echo "digraph {"; perl -pi -e's/^\s*(\S.*\S) => (\S.*\S)\s*$/ "$1" -> "$2";\n/'; echo "}") \
| dot -Tpdf > circular.pdf
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