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Last active April 13, 2020 02:35
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FinVect with numpy
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.linalg
class FinVect(np.ndarray):
def __new__(cls, input_array, info=None):
# Input array is an already formed ndarray instance
# We first cast to be our class type
obj = np.asarray(input_array).view(cls)
assert(len(obj.shape) == 2) # should be matrix
# add the new attribute to the created instance
# Finally, we must return the newly created object:
return obj
def dom(self):
''' returns the domain of the morphism. This is the number of columns of the matrix'''
return self.shape[1]
def cod(self):
''' returns the codomain of the morphism. This is the numer of rows of the matrix'''
return self.shape[0]
def idd(n):
''' The identity morphism is the identity matrix. Isn't that nice? '''
return FinVect(np.eye(n))
def compose(f,g):
''' Morphism composition is matrix multiplication. Isn't that nice?'''
return f @ g
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.linalg
class FinVect(np.ndarray):
def __new__(cls, input_array, info=None):
# Input array is an already formed ndarray instance
# We first cast to be our class type
obj = np.asarray(input_array).view(cls)
assert(len(obj.shape) == 2) # should be matrix
# add the new attribute to the created instance
# Finally, we must return the newly created object:
return obj
def dom(self):
''' returns the domain of the morphism. This is the number of columns of the matrix'''
return self.shape[1]
def cod(self):
''' returns the codomain of the morphism. This is the numer of rows of the matrix'''
return self.shape[0]
def idd(n):
''' The identity morphism is the identity matrix. Isn't that nice? '''
return FinVect(np.eye(n))
def compose(f,g):
''' Morphism composition is matrix multiplication. Isn't that nice?'''
return f @ g
def par(f,g):
''' One choice of monoidal product is the direct sum '''
r, c = f.shape
rg, cg = g.shape
return Vect(np.block( [ [f , np.zeros((r,cg))] ,
[np.zeros((rg,c)) , g ]] ))
def par2(f,g):
''' another choice is the kroncker product'''
return np.kron(f,g)
def monic(self):
''' Is mapping injective.
In other words, maps every incoming vector to distinct outgoing vector.
In other words, are the columns independent.
In other words, does `self @ g == self @ f` imply `g == f` forall g,f '''
return np.linalg.matrix_rank(self) == self.dom
def epic(self):
''' is mapping surjective? '''
return np.linalg.matrix_rank(self) == self.cod
def product(a,b):
''' The product takes in two object (dimensions) a,b and outputs a new dimension d , two projection morphsisms
and a universal morphism.
The "product" dimension is the sum of the individual dimensions (funky, huh?)
d = a + b # new object
p1 = FinVect(np.hstack( [np.eye(a) , np.zeros((a,b))] ))
p2 = FinVect(np.hstack( [np.zeros((b,a)), np.eye(b) ] ))
def univ(f,g):
assert(f.dom == g.dom) # look at diagram. The domains of f and g must match
e = np.vstack(f,g)
# postconditions. True by construction.
assert( np.allclose(p1 @ e , f )) # triangle condition 1
assert( np.allclose(p2 @ e , g ) ) # triangle condition 2
return e
return d, p1, p2, univ
def coproduct(a,b):
''' The coproduct takes in two object (dimensions) and outputs a new dimension and a universal morphism
d = a + b # new object
p1 = FinVect(np.hstack( [np.eye(a) , np.zeros((a,b))] ))
p2 = FinVect(np.hstack( [np.zeros((b,a)), np.eye(b) ] ))
def univ(f,g):
assert(f.dom == g.dom) # look at diagram. The domains of f and g must match
return np.vstack(f,g)
return d, p1, p2, univ
return a + b, lambda f,g : np.hstack(f,g)
def equalizer(f,g):
''' The equalizer is one way of expression an equality problem in the language of Vect.
It converts an implicit representation of the nullspace into an explicit representation of the
assert( f.dom == g.dom and f.cod == g.cod ) # Must be parallel morphisms
return Vect( np.linalg.null_space( np.hstack([f,-g]) ) )
def coequalizer(f,g):
assert( f.dom == g.dom and f.cod == g.cod ) # Must be parallel morphisms
#Vect( scipy.linalg.orth(np.vstack( [f,g] )) )
def pullback(f,g):
assert( f.cod == g.cod ) # Most have common codomain
# horizontally stack the two operations.
null = scipy.linalg.null_space( np.hstack([f,-g]) )
d = null.shape[1] # dimension object of corner of pullback
p1 = FinVect(null[:f.dom, :])
p2 = FinVect(null[f.dom:, :])
def univ(u,v):
# preconditions
assert(u.dom == v.dom )
assert( np.allclose(f @ u , g @ v ) ) # given a new square. This means u,v have to inject into the nullspace
e = null.T @ np.vstack([u,v]) # calculate universal morphism == p1 @ u + p2 @ v
# postcondition
assert( np.allclose(p1 @ e, u )) # verify triangle 1
assert( np.allclose(p2 @ e, v ) ) # verify triangle 2
return e
# postcondition
assert( np.allclose( f @ p1, g @ p2 ) ) # These projections form a commutative square.
return d, p1, p2, univ
def pushout(f,g):
assert( f.dom == g.dom ) # Most have common codomain
def exponential(self):
The expential object is Hom( V , W -> U ) ~ Hom( V \otimes W , U )
def terminal():
''' terminal object has unique morphism to it '''
return 0, lambda x : FinVect(np.ones((0, x)))
def initial():
''' the initial object has a unique morphism from it
The initial and final object are the same in FinVect'''
return 0, lambda x : FinVect(np.ones((x, 0)))
def monic(self):
''' Is mapping injective.
In other words, maps every incoming vector to distinct outgoing vector.
In other words, are the columns independent.
In other words, does `self @ g == self @ f` imply `g == f` forall g,f '''
return np.linalg.matrix_rank(self) == self.dom
def epic(self):
''' is mapping surjective? '''
return np.linalg.matrix_rank(self) == self.cod
def product(a,b):
''' The product takes in two object (dimensions) a,b and outputs a new dimension d , two projection morphsisms
and a universal morphism.
The "product" dimension is the sum of the individual dimensions (funky, huh?)
d = a + b # new object
p1 = FinVect(np.hstack( [np.eye(a) , np.zeros((a,b))] ))
p2 = FinVect(np.hstack( [np.zeros((b,a)), np.eye(b) ] ))
def univ(f,g):
assert(f.dom == g.dom) # look at diagram. The domains of f and g must match
e = np.vstack(f,g)
# postconditions. True by construction.
assert( np.allclose(p1 @ e , f )) # triangle condition 1
assert( np.allclose(p2 @ e , g ) ) # triangle condition 2
return e
return d, p1, p2, univ
def pullback(f,g):
assert( f.cod == g.cod ) # Most have common codomain
# horizontally stack the two operations.
null = scipy.linalg.null_space( np.hstack([f,-g]) )
d = null.shape[1] # dimension object of corner of pullback
p1 = FinVect(null[:f.dom, :])
p2 = FinVect(null[f.dom:, :])
def univ(q1,q2):
# preconditions
assert(q1.dom == q2.dom )
assert( np.allclose(f @ q1 , g @ q2 ) ) # given a new square. This means u,v have to inject into the nullspace
u = null.T @ np.vstack([q1,q2]) # calculate universal morphism == p1 @ u + p2 @ v
# postcondition
assert( np.allclose(p1 @ u, q1 )) # verify triangle 1
assert( np.allclose(p2 @ u, q2 ) ) # verify triangle 2
return u
# postcondition
assert( np.allclose( f @ p1, g @ p2 ) ) # These projections form a commutative square.
return d, p1, p2, univ
def terminal():
''' terminal object has unique morphism to it '''
return 0, lambda x : FinVect(np.ones((0, x)))
def initial():
''' the initial object has a unique morphism from it
The initial and final object are the same in FinVect'''
return 0, lambda x : FinVect(np.ones((x, 0)))
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