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Last active December 24, 2019 23:32
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z3 verify sorting network
#direct from
def oddeven_merge(lo: int, hi: int, r: int):
step = r * 2
if step < hi - lo:
yield from oddeven_merge(lo, hi, step)
yield from oddeven_merge(lo + r, hi, step)
yield from [(i, i + r) for i in range(lo + r, hi - r, step)]
yield (lo, lo + r)
def oddeven_merge_sort_range(lo: int, hi: int):
""" sort the part of x with indices between lo and hi.
Note: endpoints (lo and hi) are included.
if (hi - lo) >= 1:
# if there is more than one element, split the input
# down the middle and first sort the first and second
# half, followed by merging them.
mid = lo + ((hi - lo) // 2)
yield from oddeven_merge_sort_range(lo, mid)
yield from oddeven_merge_sort_range(mid + 1, hi)
yield from oddeven_merge(lo, hi, 1)
def oddeven_merge_sort(length: int):
""" "length" is the length of the list to be sorted.
Returns a list of pairs of indices starting with 0 """
yield from oddeven_merge_sort_range(0, length - 1)
def compare_and_swap(x, a, b) -> None:
if x[a] > x[b]:
x[a], x[b] = x[b], x[a]
def even_comp(l):
for x in [(i, i + 1) for i in range(0,l-1,2)]:
yield x
def odd_comp(l):
for x in [(i, i + 1) for i in range(1,l-1,2)]:
yield x
def even_odd(l, n):
for j in range(n):
for x in even_comp(l):
yield x
for x in odd_comp(l):
yield x
def bubble(l):
for x in even_odd(l,l//2):
yield x
def compare_and_swap_z3(x,y):
x1, y2 = FreshInt(), FreshInt()
c = If(x <= y, And(x1 == x, y1 == y) , And(x1 == y, y1 == x) )
return x1, y1, c
N = 64 # size of sorting network
s = Solver()
a = [Int(f"x_{i}") for i in range(N)] #build initial array in z3 variables
pairs_to_compare = list(oddeven_merge_sort(N)) #get sequence of compare and swaps to use
a_orig = a.copy()
for i,j in pairs_to_compare:
x = a[i]
y = a[j]
x1,y1,c = compare_and_swap_z3(x,y)
a[i] = x1
a[j] = y1
def sorted_list(x): # list is sorted
return And([x <= y for x,y in zip(x , x[1:])])
def in_list(x,a): # x is in the list of a
return Or([x == y for y in a])
def sub_list(a, b): # all elements of a appear in b
return And([in_list(x,a) for x in b ])
def same_elems(a,b): # a contains the same elements as b
return And(sub_list(a,b), sub_list(b,a))
s.add(Not(And(sorted_pred(a), same_elems(a_orig,a) )))
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