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Last active January 26, 2020 19:34
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Sketch of linear relations in julia
#A*x = 0
using LinearAlgebra
struct HRep{T}
n :: Int64 #input size
A :: AbstractArray{T}
struct VRep{T}
n :: Int64 #input size
A :: AbstractArray{T}
function vrep(x::HRep)
VRep(x.n, nullspace(x.A))
function hrep(x::VRep)
HRep(x.n, nullspace(x.A')')
function meet(x::HRep, y::HRep)
@assert x.n == y.n
HRep(x.n, [x.A ; y.A])
function meet(x::VRep, y::VRep)
@assert x.n == y.n
xh = hrep(x)
yh = hrep(y)
HRep(x.n, [xh.A ; yh.A])
function meet(x::HRep, y::VRep)
@assert x.n == y.n
yh = hrep(y)
HRep(x.n, [x.A ; yh.A])
function meet(x::VRep, y::HRep)
@assert x.n == y.n
xh = hrep(x)
HRep(x.n, [xh.A ; y.A])
function join(x::VRep, y::VRep)
@assert x.n == y.n
VRep(x.n, [x.A y.A])
function join(x::HRep, y::HRep)
yv = vrep(y)
function join(x::VRep, y::HRep)
xv = vrep(x)
function join(x::HRep, y::HRep)
xv = vrep(x)
function rid(n)
VRep(n, [ Matrix(I,n,n) ; Matrix(I,n,n) ] )
function rsub(r :: VRep,p :: HRep)
all(isapprox.(p.A * r.A , 0; atol=eps(Float64), rtol=0))
function rsub(r :: VRep, p :: VRep)
p = hrep(p)
all(isapprox.(p.A * r.A , 0; atol=eps(Float64), rtol=0))
function heq(p,q)
rsub(p,q) && rsub(q,p)
function converse(p :: VRep)
n, g = size(p.A)
VRep( n - p.n , [p.A[p.n + 1 : end, :] ; p.A[1 : p.n, :] ])
function converse(p :: HRep)
c, n = size(p.A)
HRep( n - p.n , [p.A[:, p.n + 1 : end] p.A[:, 1 : p.n]])
function top(n)
VRep(n, Matrix(I, n, n))
function bottom(n)
HRep(n, Matrix(I, n, n))
function compose(x::HRep, y::HRep)
cx, nx = size(x.A)
cy, ny = size(y.A)
na = x.n
nb = nx - x.n # which should equal y.n
nc = ny - y.n
B = [ x.A zeros( cx, ny - y.n) ;
zeros( cy, x.n ) y.A ]
C = nullspace(B)
return VRep([ C[1 : n.x, :] ;
C[ nx+y.n + 1:end, :] ])
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Well, I may not have implemented it correctly.

The h representation is a vertical stack of vectors for which the subspace you're describing dots to 0. There are 3 spaces in discussion, one of size na, one of size nb, and one of size nc.

x is cx tall stack of vectors na + nb) long, y is a stack of cy vectors (nb + nc) long. I extend x and y with zeros so that they are both (na + nb + nc) long and then vertically stack those together to create the matrix B which is size (cx + cy) x (na + nb + nc) .

I convert it to Vrep by taking the nullspace. These are the generators of the subspace of interest. I then project out the interior nb variables, which is the definition of relational composition (merely that values exist).

I tried doing something a little different from my blog post in that I'm using linear relations here rather than affine. I think it will come out cleaner, and then one can embed the affine version in this by a standard trick of extending all vectors by 1 dimension that corresponds to the constant offset part. See homogenous coordinates for more

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Oh yeah. I DEFINITELY didn't implement it correctly

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I tried to fix it up a little. I still stand by the text of my reasoning above, but it may not be correct by not actually being julia syntax and being off on indexing calculation.

I tried formatting that matrix a little better so you can see where the overlap is. That B matrix is not cut like standard block matrix notation. The x.A and y.A blocks overlap for nb horizontal entries

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I think I worked it out on paper just now,

f: R^n -> R^m
g: R^m -> R^k

x,y in f iff Ax = By
y,z in g iff Cy = Dz

[A B] [x]  = 0   & [C D] [y]  = 0 
      [y]                [z] 

[ A B 0 ]  [x]  = [0]
[ 0 C D ]  [y]    [0]

So you want the nullspace([A B 0; 0 C D]) and then project out the dimensions of dim(A)+1:dim(A)+1+dim(B) where dim(A) is the number of columns.

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Yup. We're on the same page. I think what you wrote is much clearer giving the blocks explicit names

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Is your B matrix the same as my

[ A B 0 ]
[ 0 C D ]


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philzook58 commented Jan 26, 2020

Edit: modulo me screwing it up

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Asynchronous Chat! I'm not seeing your posts until I submit mine!

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Truly this is how github was meant to be used

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Cool, thanks for helping me understand it. I wish LinRel was taught in Linear Algebra Class, I had no idea about it until a few months ago.

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Me either basically. Systems of linear equations / subspaces is not novel certainly. That there is a high level algebra for it is pretty interesting. My impression of the category theorist version of this is that they want to make a synthetic version of this (without numbers), which is very strange to my sensibilities.

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I think one of the cool accidental upsides of the ACT approach to linear algebra is that it naturally captures the informal "block matrix notation" that everyone uses but just kinda wills into existence without proving all those boring foundations details.

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Is block notation informal?

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It is often taught informally. Unlike scalar notation where the professor spends multiple lectures building the equivalence between matrices and linear operators. Block notation is introduced as “it’s like regular notation but the entries are matrices instead of numbers”

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Is there a range version of this like:

f: R^n -> R^m
g: R^m -> R^k

x,y in f iff x = Au and y=Bu
y,z in g iff y = Cv and z = Dv

[ A  0 ]  [u]  = [x]
[ B -C ]  [v]    [0]
[ 0  D ]         [z]

And then projecting out the middle rows?

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This does not seem that familiar to me.
My method for composing range versions (which I called VReps) was to first convert them to the hrep

Are you requiring y to be 0? I'm not sure why one would. And if you are, then there is an implicit solve there
Does what you're suggesting have the identity relation as an identity?

Projecting out the middle rows would be just stacking A and D?

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function compose(x::VRep, y::VRep)
   x1 = hrep(x)
   y1 = hrep(y)

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