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Created November 26, 2019 20:34
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a sketch of using linear relations for LQR control
-- state of an oscillator
data SHOState = X | P deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq, Ord)
data Control = F deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq, Ord)
-- Costate newtype wrapper
newtype Co a = Co a deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq, Ord)
type M = Matrix Double
dynamics :: forall x u. (BEnum x, BEnum u) => Matrix Double -> Matrix Double ->
HLinRel (Either x u) x
dynamics a b = HLinRel (a ||| b ||| -i ) (vzero cx) where
cx = card @x
cu = card @u
i = ident cx
initial_cond :: forall x. BEnum x => Vector Double-> HLinRel Void x
initial_cond x0 = HLinRel i x0 where
cx = card @x
i = ident cx
valueUpdate :: forall x l. (BEnum x, BEnum l) => M -> M -> HLinRel (Either x l) l
valueUpdate a q = HLinRel ((tr a) ||| q ||| i) (vzero cl) where
cl = card @l
i = ident cl
optimal_u :: forall u l. (BEnum u, BEnum l) =>
M -> M -> HLinRel u l
optimal_u r b = HLinRel (r ||| tr b) (vzero cu) where
cu = card @u
step :: forall x u l. (BEnum x, BEnum u, BEnum l) => M -> M -> M -> M
-> HLinRel (Either x l) (Either x l)
step a b r q =
f5 <<< f4 <<< hassoc' <<< f3 <<< f2 <<< hassoc <<< f1 where
f1 :: HLinRel (Either x l) (Either (Either x x) l)
f1 = first hdup
f2 :: HLinRel (Either x (Either x l)) (Either x l)
f2 = second (valueUpdate a q)
f3 :: HLinRel (Either x l) (Either x (Either l l))
f3 = second hdup
f4 :: HLinRel (Either (Either x l) l) (Either (Either x u) l)
f4 = first (second (hconverse (optimal_u r b)))
f5 :: HLinRel (Either (Either x u) l) (Either x l)
f5 = first (dynamics a b)
-- iterate (hcompose (step a b r q)) :: [HLinRel (Either x l) (Either x l)]
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