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Last active December 26, 2015 07:29
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Save phimuemue/7115207 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Finding all paths in an array of numbers satisfying certain properties.
def neighbours(a, x, y):
xs = []
ys = []
if x > 0:
if x < len(a[0]) - 1:
if y > 0:
if y < len(a) - 1:
for x1 in xs:
for y1 in ys:
if x1 != 0 or y1 != 0:
yield (x+x1, y+y1)
def generate_all_paths_from(a, X, Y, stack, f = lambda a, s, x, y : True, final = lambda a, s, x, y : True):
hadneighbour = False
s = stack[:] + [(X,Y)]
for (x, y) in neighbours(a, X, Y):
if (x, y) not in stack:
if f(a, s, x, y):
for p in generate_all_paths_from(a, x, y, s, f, final):
hadneighbour = True
yield [(X, Y)] + p
if final(a, s, X, Y):
yield [(X, Y)]
def generate_all_paths(a, f = lambda a, s, x, y : True, final = lambda a, s, x, y : True):
for x in xrange(len(a[0])):
for y in xrange(len(a)):
for p in generate_all_paths_from(a, x, y, [], f, final):
yield p
def is_growing(a, s, x, y):
if not s:
return True
lastelem = a[s[-1][1]][s[-1][0]]
newelem = a[y][x]
return newelem > lastelem
N = 3
from random import sample
arr = [sample([_ for _ in xrange(N*N)], N) for i in xrange(N)]
print arr
for p in generate_all_paths(arr, is_growing, lambda a, s, x, y : a[y][x]%2==0):
print [arr[y][x] for (x,y) in p]
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