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Created September 25, 2011 12:51
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#shoes / 2011-09-24
Day changed to 24 Sep 2011
00:36 = Remear|mbp [] quit (Remote host closed the connection)
01:20 = ckolderup [] quit (Quit: ZNC -
01:20 + ckolderup_ [] joined #shoes
02:23 = coreypurcell [] quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
02:37 + coreypurcell [] joined #shoes
04:38 = Remear [~remear@unaffiliated/remear] quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
09:41 + spiralofhope [] joined #shoes
10:00 = spiralofhope [] quit (Remote host closed the connection)
10:34 + phinze [] joined #shoes
10:34 Topic for #shoes: it's the shoes day you always wanted // // // newbs are in #sneakers
10:34 Topic set by philcrissman [] [Sun Jan 17 19:31:30 2010]
10:34 # Users #shoes
10:34 alech cremes Foxmaster lmarburger Remear|work wasnotrice
10:34 ckolderup_ denysonique_ hone locks steveklabnik wilkie
10:34 coreypurcell eregon jrgifford phinze VGoff
10:34 Irssi: #shoes: Total of 17 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 17 normal]
10:34 Channel #shoes created Sun Jul 29 01:07:36 2007
10:34 Irssi: Join to #shoes was synced in 12 secs
11:31 = denysonique_ [] quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
11:38 + denysonique [~foobar@unaffiliated/dennisonicc] joined #shoes
13:32 steveklabnik> hey!
13:32 steveklabnik> i want to help with windows stuff today
13:32 steveklabnik> but i wont be on for a little bit
13:32 steveklabnik> Foxmaster: hey!
13:33 steveklabnik> Foxmaster: mplayer woulc dowkr. it was vlc for historical reasons
13:33 steveklabnik> ... wow,
13:33 steveklabnik> 'could work'
13:34 steveklabnik> okay, bye for now
13:34 steveklabnik> ill be on in an hour or two
14:43 cremes> i'm around... ping me when you get online
15:10 wasnotrice> cremes: you mentioned some questions about changes to Rakefile/build process. Can I help?
15:56 steveklabnik> hey cremes
15:57 steveklabnik> and wasnotrice
15:57 steveklabnik> i have some pretty awesome news.
15:57 steveklabnik> i just got off the phone with this woman. she's trying to revamp a local school district's CS stuff...
15:58 steveklabnik> so we might get hackety/shoes is n for high schoolers
15:58 steveklabnik> .... in
15:58 wasnotrice> nice!
15:59 steveklabnik> ho's things wasnotrice
15:59 wasnotrice> okey dokey.
16:00 wasnotrice> have overcome my issues with twilio :)
16:00 wasnotrice> enjoyed you on ruby rogues
16:00 steveklabnik> oh yeah?
16:00 steveklabnik> thanks!
16:06 cremes> i'm back, gents
16:06 steveklabnik> welcome!
16:06 steveklabnik> how are you?
16:07 cremes> steveklabnik: had a chance to look at my commits yet?
16:07 * cremes feels peachy
16:07 steveklabnik> i havent looked at the commits
16:07 steveklabnik> but i read all the ML emails
16:07 steveklabnik> reading the commits is next ;)
16:07 steveklabnik> going through my email atm
16:07 cremes> i have most of the dependencies building... right now sqlite3 blows up so i need to look at it
16:08 steveklabnik> that's awesome.
16:08 steveklabnik> did you see my above thing about hackety and schools?
16:08 steveklabnik> we're all doing awesome work.
16:08 steveklabnik> i'm so excited.
16:08 cremes> i did! that is *very* cool
16:08 steveklabnik> you guys are the best. :D :D :D
16:08 cremes> i can't imagine where i would be now in my programming abilities if i started with something
16:08 cremes> like ruby & shoes in school
16:09 cremes> we're going to be putting awesome power into their hands
16:11 steveklabnik> yep :D
16:11 steveklabnik> we're going to build a comprehensive cirriculum
16:11 steveklabnik> start them in 3rd or 4th grade with scratch
16:11 steveklabnik> and then play with something like rpg maker in 5th through 8th
16:11 steveklabnik> and then hackety/ruby/shoes 9th through 12th
16:11 steveklabnik> is the current idea.
16:12 cremes> wow
16:12 steveklabnik> make them all build upon another
16:12 steveklabnik> yeah, this chick is seriuos business. :)
16:12 steveklabnik> i'm going to advise and help with cirriculum, not teach mysel
16:12 steveklabnik> fso i can focus on coding :)
16:13 cremes> most excellent
16:13 * cremes just committed 2 more changes
16:13 steveklabnik> wasnotrice: want to tell me about this 'new way' of installing deps taht you dreamed up at the dentist?
16:13 steveklabnik> cremes: :)
16:13 steveklabnik> for sqlite?
16:14 cremes> i was missing the rake files for sqlite3 and winhttp which explains why the build crashed there :)
16:14 cremes> but looking at the original recipes, i see there was some custom stuff done
16:14 steveklabnik> ha!
16:14 cremes> for portaudio and sqlite3 which i haven't ported over yet
16:14 steveklabnik> ahh. hm. i wonder why they're custom?
16:14 cremes> i need to fix a http 404 error for dloading winhttp first, then i'll look at those
16:15 cremes> no idea... i wish ender<whatever> was still alive & kicking
16:15 steveklabnik> yeah :/
16:15 cremes> oh, i see...
16:15 cremes> for sqlite3 the dll and header were copied to the mingw paths
16:16 cremes> i don't think we want to do that anymore with devkit though...
16:16 * steveklabnik nods
16:16 steveklabnik> that seems about right
16:18 steveklabnik> wow. PragTob has done some _awesome_ work with shoes-mocks and shoes-cucumber
16:18 steveklabnik> there's so much going on with shoes i can hardly keep up!
16:18 wasnotrice> steveklabnik: At the dentist, I realized that I could just check out Homebrew formulas from my repo, then re-check out from master and not touch the git install
16:18 steveklabnik> hm.
16:19 wasnotrice> which is genius, because at the moment
16:19 wasnotrice> everyone who has tried to build shoes
16:19 wasnotrice> is going to get a great big FAIL when they try to run brew update
16:20 wasnotrice> (which I need to send out to the ML)
16:21 * steveklabnik nods
16:23 cremes> right now the windows build relies on a bunch of precompiled libs
16:23 cremes> and these libs are scattered all over the 'net
16:23 steveklabnik> :/
16:23 cremes> do we want to consolidate all of them to a single download directory (can github host that?) so we aren't
16:23 cremes> dependent upon these sites sticking around forever?
16:23 steveklabnik> i wonder why it doesnt just build all of them?
16:24 cremes> it doesn't build *any* of them
16:24 cremes> though we will have to build libjpeg now because the original zip isn't available as
16:24 steveklabnik> well, shit.
16:24 cremes> a built lib anymore
16:24 steveklabnik> yeah, i think i remember seeing that.
16:25 steveklabnik> we could host them on github/heroku, yes
16:26 cremes> i don't know if that's the best idea... just throwing it out there
16:26 steveklabnik> yeah.
16:26 steveklabnik> it might be a decent short term fix?
16:26 steveklabnik> but it's not the best long term
16:26 cremes> and in the interest of getting this done ASAP, we probably don't want to start building all the libs from scratch
16:26 cremes> just yet
16:26 steveklabnik> totally.
16:26 cremes> shit...
16:27 cremes> i can use curl to dload but the recipe exits with a 404
16:27 cremes> :\
16:27 steveklabnik> :/
16:27 steveklabnik> i think ashbb has hosted all of the things?
16:28 wasnotrice> cremes: whenever you get around to it
16:28 cremes> explorer gets a 404 too
16:28 wasnotrice> you'll see that i pulled the homebrew stuff into its own namespace
16:28 cremes> wasnotrice: great!
16:28 wasnotrice> so you can pop macports in there
16:28 steveklabnik>
16:28 steveklabnik> cremes: ^
16:29 cremes> steveklabnik: that's good!
16:29 wasnotrice> steveklabnik: One more thing, I believe all of our deps except libgif will build universal with homebrew
16:29 cremes> saves us the effort of customizing libjpeg now
16:29 steveklabnik> wasnotrice: that's sweeeet.
16:29 steveklabnik> cremes: you can have it dl straight from there, the official shoes instructions already say to
16:30 cremes> making the changes now!
16:30 steveklabnik> :D
16:30 steveklabnik> the reason he did that
16:30 steveklabnik> was because old rubyinstaller couldnt follow 302s
16:31 steveklabnik> and sourceforge changed their download pages
16:31 steveklabnik> so it'd break when trying to do things
16:31 steveklabnik> so he hosted them all, and wrote a mechanize script to grab them and up the in the download directory, iirc
16:31 steveklabnik> ... this means today we have a copy. ha!
16:31 steveklabnik> so terrible decisions are our savior now.
16:32 cremes> yes! rubyinstaller *still* doesn't handle 302 redirects as you likely saw in my post to the list yesterday
16:32 cremes> so i'm glad for this
16:32 steveklabnik> hm.
16:32 steveklabnik> luis said it did...
16:32 steveklabnik> i thought
16:32 steveklabnik> anyway, yeah, i guess this would be enough to get us going.
16:33 steveklabnik> and we can worry about building full deps later. :)
16:33 steveklabnik> pretty can wait
16:33 cremes> git pull
16:33 cremes> to get the latest
16:33 cremes> i'd like to know if your machine matches my results so far
16:33 steveklabnik> okay. i'll give it a shot in like 15? still finishing up some things, and then i have to reboot
16:34 cremes> surely
16:34 * cremes likes to call people shirley
16:35 cremes> i think instead of copying the sqlite3 dll and header to the mingw path, we should update the
16:36 cremes> shoes build/rakefile to know where to look
16:36 cremes> wasnotrice: is the windows build path separated out or is it part of the unix logic?
16:37 wasnotrice> not certain, but I don't recall seeing in in unix logic, so I'd guess separated
16:37 cremes> ok
16:37 cremes> i hope that doesn't mean it doesn't exist :)
16:37 steveklabnik> it also just might use the File stuff
16:37 steveklabnik> so ruby might just Do The Right THing
16:38 cremes> not sure i follow...?
16:38 steveklabnik> like, the File class is supposed to be semi-cross-platform
16:38 cremes> oh, like File.join uses the right separator?
16:39 steveklabnik> so File.expand_path("~/blah/foo") #=> "C:\Users\whatever\blah\foo"
16:39 steveklabnik> yeah
16:39 wasnotrice> cremes: Looks like it's set in make/mingw/env.rb
16:39 cremes> my question was more along the lines of how do we augment the build args (-I, -L and friends)
16:39 wasnotrice> and it uses the same constants as unix
16:39 wasnotrice> LINUX_CFLAGS and friends
16:39 cremes> so that on mingw it will know to look into <rubyinstaller.root>\sandbox\sqlite3\include
16:39 steveklabnik> okay, brb, rebooting
16:40 wasnotrice> so you should be ok to change that stuff and not affect unix
16:40 cremes> coolio
16:45 steveklabnik> zomg back
16:45 steveklabnik> i remembered to actually save my windows ssh key this time
16:45 steveklabnik> heh
16:49 steveklabnik> running rake
16:50 steveklabnik> aaadn getting throttled. this may take a bit ;)
16:52 steveklabnik> yeah, cremes i'm not really gonna be able to try this for a minute, i think
16:53 cremes> ok
16:53 cremes> when you run, do: rake --trace
16:53 steveklabnik> kk
16:54 cremes> got the sqlite3 customization ported over... and pushed
16:57 steveklabnik> you are KILLING IT
16:58 cremes> oh, portaudio, why must you be different from all the other girls?
17:21 steveklabnik> okay, i'm gonna go for a bit again. ill be on later tonight, and cremes , ill find some wifi that doesnt suck and try again later and let you know how it goes :)
17:21 steveklabnik> thank you again so much for your work.
17:21 cremes> ok!
17:21 steveklabnik> you too wasnotrice , you've also been doing aesome stuff
17:21 cremes> make sure you do another pull... :)
17:21 steveklabnik> cremes: i'm _still_ trying to download stuff. at like 1k/s
17:21 steveklabnik> heh
17:21 wasnotrice> :)
17:21 steveklabnik> peace!
17:38 + travis-ci [] joined #shoes
17:38 travis-ci> [travis-ci] shoes/shoes#43 (develop - 7029e6c : Eric Watson): The build passed.
17:38 travis-ci> [travis-ci] Change view :
17:38 travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
17:38 = travis-ci [] quit (Client Quit)
17:41 cremes> shoes is gaining momentum!
17:50 + coreypurcell_ [] joined #shoes
17:51 % Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: coreypurcell
17:51 coreypurcell_ is now known as coreypurcell
18:46 cremes> steveklabnik: i'm done for the day... got stuck on something stupid in portaudio
18:47 cremes> i posted a question to rubyinstaller ML
18:47 cremes> in the meantime, i commented out that stuff in recipes/dependencies/portaudio.rake
18:47 cremes> feel free to take a whack at it
18:47 cremes> talk to you monday
18:51 cremes> the last commit should not have any errors, btw
22:18 + Remear|mbp [] joined #shoes
22:19 Remear|mbp> wasnotrice: ping
22:19 wasnotrice> Remear|mbp: pong
22:20 wasnotrice> what's up?
22:20 Remear|mbp> any progress on that url issue?
22:21 wasnotrice> No. I've been working on not screwing up people's homebrews ;)
22:22 Remear|mbp> heh
22:23 Remear|mbp> is anyone working on it? do they need help?
22:24 wasnotrice> I don't think anyone is working on it at the moment, unfortunately
22:24 wasnotrice> everyone's focused on builds for various platforms
22:25 Remear|mbp> =( it's kindof a severe problem, right?
22:27 wasnotrice> yeah, it is.
22:27 wasnotrice> is your stack trace like tobi's?
22:27 wasnotrice>
22:28 Remear|mbp> yes. nearly identical i think
22:29 wasnotrice> bear with me a sec. I'm starting to know my way around the code pretty well
22:29 wasnotrice> But I am no C genius.
22:40 ckolderup_ is now known as ckolderup
22:55 Remear|mbp> wasnotrice: anything i can help with?
22:56 wasnotrice> I'm sure there is :)
22:56 wasnotrice> I was just tracing the execution from the start.
22:56 wasnotrice> I think it's definitely an issue in shoes/app.c
22:56 wasnotrice> in shoes_app_visit (line 351)
22:57 wasnotrice> but I'm not sure where.
22:57 wasnotrice> At this point, I don't think the url method has been called
22:57 wasnotrice> and *path = "/"
22:58 wasnotrice> which was set in bin/main.c, line 93
22:59 wasnotrice> not to be confused with the "/" in url "/", :index
22:59 - ckolderup [] left #shoes ()
22:59 wasnotrice> just trying to get my head around what's happening :/
23:01 wasnotrice> maybe you could look for the bare minimum code that gives you the segfault
23:01 wasnotrice> that might help
23:06 Remear|mbp> anything specific you use for debugging?
23:07 wasnotrice> probably I should fire up gdb. Right now, just reading code.
23:09 wasnotrice> or I guess *you* should fire up gdb, since I don't get that segfault on my machine :)
23:10 Remear|mbp> if i can remember how to step through code from command-line GDB
23:12 wasnotrice> step?
23:12 Remear|mbp> normally you set a breakpoint and step through the code
23:12 wasnotrice> I mean, type "step"
23:13 wasnotrice> (I think that's the gdb command :) )
23:33 + spiralofhope [] joined #shoes
23:53 = spiralofhope [] quit (Remote host closed the connection)
Day changed to 25 Sep 2011
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