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Last active December 16, 2015 03:49
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example of a homebrew external command with a start to categorized cask listing built for conversation in
BREW_CASK_PREFIX = `brew --prefix brew-cask`.chomp
$LOAD_PATH << File.join(BREW_CASK_PREFIX, 'rubylib')
require 'cask'
module CaskCategories
'adium' => 'chat',
'rdio' => 'music',
'firefox' => 'browser',
'google-chrome' => 'browser'
def self.category_for(cask)
CATEGORIES[cask.title] || 'no-category'
puts "Here's a categorized list of casks:" do |cask|
puts "cask: #{cask.title}, category: #{CaskCategories.category_for(cask)}"
$ brew casklist
Here's a categorized list of casks:
cask: adium, category: chat
cask: bartender, category: no-category
cask: caffeine, category: no-category
cask: f-lux, category: no-category
cask: firefox, category: browser
cask: gfxcardstatus, category: no-category
cask: google-chrome, category: browser
cask: istat-menus, category: no-category
cask: keepass-x, category: no-category
cask: lime-chat, category: no-category
cask: mou, category: no-category
cask: rdio, category: music
cask: skitch, category: no-category
cask: slate, category: no-category
cask: steam, category: no-category
cask: transmission, category: no-category
cask: vine-server, category: no-category
cask: vlc, category: no-category
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