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Created March 14, 2024 20:21
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Sign Cosmos-EVM chains with Keplr
import { SigningStargateClient } from '@cosmjs/stargate'
import { fromBase64, toBase64 } from '@cosmjs/encoding'
import { makeAuthInfoBytes, makeSignDoc } from '@cosmjs/proto-signing'
import { Int53 } from '@cosmjs/math'
import { Any } from 'cosmjs-types/google/protobuf/any'
import { PubKey } from 'cosmjs-types/cosmos/crypto/secp256k1/keys'
import { AuthInfo, Fee, Tx, TxBody, TxRaw } from 'cosmjs-types/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/tx'
import { isDev } from '@/helpers/env'
import { OfflineDirectSigner } from '@cosmjs/proto-signing/build/signer'
import { StdFee } from '@cosmjs/amino'
import { SignMode } from 'cosmjs-types/cosmos/tx/signing/v1beta1/signing'
import { SimulateRequest } from 'cosmjs-types/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/service'
import { EncodeObject } from '@cosmjs/proto-signing/build/registry'
import { Chain } from '@chain-registry/types'
export const evmChainIds = [
interface ISignProps {
client: SigningStargateClient
signer: OfflineDirectSigner
chain: Chain
signerAddress: string
messages: EncodeObject[]
fee: StdFee
memo: string
interface ISimulateProps {
client: SigningStargateClient
signer: OfflineDirectSigner
chain: Chain
signerAddress: string
messages: EncodeObject[]
memo: string
interface IAccount {
account: {
'@type': '/cosmos.auth.v1beta1.BaseAccount'
address: string
pub_key: {
'@type': string
key: string
account_number: string
sequence: string
interface IEthAccount {
account: {
'@type': '/ethermint.types.v1.EthAccount'
base_account: {
address: string
pub_key: {
'@type': string
key: string
account_number: string
sequence: string
code_hash: string
export async function signEvmWithKeplr({
client, // SigningStargateClient
signer, // keplr OfflineSigner
}: ISignProps) {
// Query account info, because cosmjs doesn't support Evmos account
const accountRes = await fetch(
isDev && console.log('signEvmWithKeplr accountRes', accountRes)
if (!accountRes.ok) {
throw new Error(
'Failed to retrieve account from signer: ' + (accountRes.statusText || accountRes.status)
const accountResJson: IAccount | IEthAccount = await accountRes.json()
isDev && console.log('signEvmWithKeplr account', accountResJson.account)
const sequence = BigInt(
'base_account' in accountResJson.account
? accountResJson.account.base_account.sequence
: accountResJson.account.sequence
const accountNumber = Number(
'base_account' in accountResJson.account
? accountResJson.account.base_account.account_number
: accountResJson.account.account_number
const accountFromSigner = (await signer.getAccounts()).find(
(account) => account.address === signerAddress
if (!accountFromSigner) {
throw new Error('Failed to retrieve account from signer')
const pubkeyBytes = accountFromSigner.pubkey
// Custom typeUrl for EVMOS
const pubk = Any.fromPartial({
typeUrl: '/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey',
value: PubKey.encode({
key: pubkeyBytes,
const txBodyEncodeObject = {
typeUrl: '/cosmos.tx.v1beta1.TxBody',
value: {
isDev && console.log('signEvmWithKeplr txBodyEncodeObject', txBodyEncodeObject)
isDev && console.log('signEvmWithKeplr fee', fee)
const txBodyBytes = client.registry.encode(txBodyEncodeObject)
const gasLimit = Int53.fromString(fee.gas).toNumber()
const authInfoBytes = makeAuthInfoBytes(
[{ pubkey: pubk, sequence }],
const signDoc = makeSignDoc(txBodyBytes, authInfoBytes, chain.chain_id, accountNumber)
isDev && console.log('signEvmWithKeplr signDoc', signDoc)
const { signature, signed } = await signer.signDirect(signerAddress, signDoc)
// returns txBytes for broadcast
return TxRaw.encode({
bodyBytes: signed.bodyBytes,
authInfoBytes: signed.authInfoBytes,
signatures: [fromBase64(signature.signature)],
export async function simulateEvmWithKeplr({
client, // SigningStargateClient
signer, // keplr OfflineSigner
}: ISimulateProps): Promise<string> {
// Query account info, because cosmjs doesn't support Evmos account
const accountRes = await fetch(
// {
// "account": {
// "@type": "/cosmos.auth.v1beta1.BaseAccount",
// "address": "dym..",
// "pub_key": {
// "@type": "/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey",
// "key": "asdf"
// },
// "account_number": "345797",
// "sequence": "3"
// }
// }
isDev && console.log('signEvmWithKeplr accountRes', accountRes)
if (!accountRes.ok) {
throw new Error(
'Failed to retrieve account from signer: ' + (accountRes.statusText || accountRes.status)
const accountResJson: IAccount | IEthAccount = await accountRes.json()
isDev && console.log('signEvmWithKeplr account', accountResJson.account)
const sequence = BigInt(
'base_account' in accountResJson.account
? accountResJson.account.base_account.sequence
: accountResJson.account.sequence
const accountFromSigner = (await signer.getAccounts()).find(
(account) => account.address === signerAddress
if (!accountFromSigner) {
throw new Error('Failed to retrieve account from signer')
const pubkeyBytes = accountFromSigner.pubkey
// Custom typeUrl for EVMOS
const pubk = Any.fromPartial({
typeUrl: '/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey',
value: PubKey.encode({
key: pubkeyBytes,
const txBodyEncodeObject = {
typeUrl: '/cosmos.tx.v1beta1.TxBody',
value: {
messages: messages,
memo: memo,
isDev && console.log('signEvmWithKeplr txBodyEncodeObject', txBodyEncodeObject)
const anyMsgs = => client.registry.encodeAsAny(m))
isDev && console.log('signEvmWithKeplr anyMsgs', anyMsgs)
const tx = Tx.fromPartial({
authInfo: AuthInfo.fromPartial({
fee: Fee.fromPartial({}),
signerInfos: [
publicKey: pubk,
modeInfo: { single: { mode: SignMode.SIGN_MODE_UNSPECIFIED } },
body: TxBody.fromPartial({
messages: Array.from(anyMsgs),
memo: memo,
signatures: [new Uint8Array()],
const request = SimulateRequest.fromPartial({
txBytes: Tx.encode(tx).finish(),
isDev && console.log('signEvmWithKeplr toBase64(request.txBytes)', toBase64(request.txBytes))
const res = await fetch(
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({ tx_bytes: toBase64(request.txBytes) }),
if (!res.ok) {
// TODO handle error json?
console.error('Failed to simulate transaction:', res.statusText)
throw new Error('Failed to simulate transaction: ' + (res.statusText || res.status))
const data: {
gas_info: {
gas_used: string
gas_wanted: string
} = await res.json()
isDev && console.log('signEvmWithKeplr data', data)
return data.gas_info.gas_used
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