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Created February 9, 2017 12:32
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module Transducers
import Control.Category
import Control.Arrow
data Transducer : Type -> Type -> Type where
T : ({r : Type} -> (b -> r -> r) -> (a -> r -> r)) -> Transducer a b
instance Category Transducer where
id = T (\cons => cons)
(T t1) . (T t2) = T (\cons => t2 . t1 $ cons)
instance Arrow Transducer where
arrow f = T $ \cons => (\a, r => cons (f a) r)
first (T t) = T $ \cons => \(b,d), r => let cons' = t $ \c, r => cons (c, d) r
in cons' b r
mapping : (a -> b) -> Transducer a b
mapping = arrow
filtering : (a -> Bool) -> Transducer a a
filtering p = T (\cons => \a, r => if p a then cons a r else r)
flattening : Foldable t => Transducer (t a) a
flattening = T (\cons => \as, r => foldr cons r as)
flatMapping : Foldable t => (a -> t b) -> Transducer a b
flatMapping f = mapping f >>> flattening
-- equivalent to `filtering (const False)`
dropping : Transducer a a
dropping = T (\cons => \_, r => r)
looping : Transducer (a, l) (b, l) -> Transducer a b
looping (T t) = T (\cons => \a, r => ?loop)
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