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Created June 19, 2023 18:16
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Custom metabuild system
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Story time:
# I tend to use cmake for projects these days, but I'm not excatly happy with it's support
# for cross-compiling. Sure, it's flexible enough that you do almost anything, but anything
# advanced (like compiling host tools or building multiple platforms simultaneously)
# requires janky usage of external projects.
# So I set aside some time to explore other build systems to find one that better supported
# my needs.
# I spent some time exploring meson, it had first-party understanding of compiling host tools
# but it limited you to just three machines (build, host and target).
# autotools and pure make were probally the smartest options, but they don't support
# outputting compile_commands.json
# So in a moment of frustration, I wrote this meta-build system, which is simply a thin
# wrapper around ninja, with cmake-like semantics.
# It's somewhat optimized for compactness at the expense of future proofing, with the
# expectation that it will live in this project and be extended whenever this project's
# needs change.
# Probally not the smartest idea to do a custom buildsystem, but shit happened.
import sys
import os
# begin editable config
# The build files aren't allowed to import environment variables, so we import them here.
# Anything in the global scope gets exposed to the build files (except modules and anything
# beginning with an underscore)
devkitpro = os.environ['DEVKITPRO']
devkitarm = os.environ['DEVKITARM']
ds_ip = ""
############# end of config ##############
_SCRIPTNAME = os.path.basename(__file__)
class Machine(object):
def __init__(self, name, toolchain): = name
self.toolchain = toolchain
self.flags = []
self.ldflags = []
self.include_dirs = []
# TODO: how to handle clang and other compilers? = f'{toolchain}gcc'
self.cxx = f'{toolchain}g++'
self.ld = f'{toolchain}ld' = f'{toolchain}ar'
self.strip = f'{toolchain}strip'
self.objcopy = f'{toolchain}objcopy'
self.objdump = f'{toolchain}objdump'
self._used = False
_machines = { # some default machines
'host' : Machine('host', ''),
'target' : Machine('target', ''),
_generate_deps = [_SCRIPTNAME]
_targets = {}
_outputs = []
def _make_dag():
class Node():
def __init__(self, name, machine): = name
self.machine = machine
self.children = []
self.parent = None
self.sources = None
self.visited = False
self.dep_target = ''
self.generic = False
self.dir = ''
self.obj_postfix = '.o'
def add_child(self, child, inheritance):
self.children.append((inheritance, child))
child.parent = self
root = Node('root', None)
root.type = 'root'
all_node = Node('all', None)
all_node.type = 'phony'
root.add_child(all_node, 'public')
depends = {}
def add_target(name, parent, machine, inheritance):
node = Node(name, machine) = target = _targets[name]
parent.add_child(node, inheritance)
target['_visited'] = True
if 'machine' in target:
assert machine == None
machine = target['machine']
_machines[machine]._used = True
def add_depends(dep, inheritance):
for (m, n), d in depends.items():
if (m == 'generic' or machine == None or m == machine) and n == dep:
node.add_child(d, inheritance)
# allow depending directly on files
if dep not in _targets and os.path.exists(dep):
_targets[dep] = {'type': 'file'}
add_target(dep, node, machine, inheritance)
node.type = target['type']
node.machine = machine
node.sources = target.get('sources', [])
node.source_dir = target.get('source_dir', '')
node.dir = target.get('build_dir', '')
node.flags = target.get('flags', [])
node.ldflags = target.get('ldflags', [])
node.include_dirs = target.get('include_dirs', [])
if node.type == 'custom':
node.args = target['args']
if target['output']: = target['output']
node.command = target['command']
if 'depends' in target:
for dep in target['depends']:
add_depends(dep, 'public')
if 'private_depends' in target:
for dep in target['private_depends']:
add_depends(dep, 'private')
if 'interface_depends' in target:
for dep in target['interface_depends']:
add_depends(dep, 'interface')
# Nodes can be generic if they aren't specific to a machine, and all their children are generic
if node.type not in ['executable', 'library'] and all([c.generic for _, c in node.children]):
node.generic = True
machine = 'generic'
# We want to be able to re-use the same library on multiple machines, so dependencies are
# tagged with the machine and instanced multiple times if necessary
depends[(machine, name)] = node
for output_name in _outputs:
add_target(output_name, all_node, None, 'none')
for name, target in _targets.items():
if '_visited' not in target and target['type'] == 'custom':
add_target(name, root, None, 'none')
return root
# preserves order (on python 3.6+)
def uniq(lst):
return list(dict.fromkeys(lst))
def _process_dag(node):
if node.visited == True:
return []
node.visited = True
targets = [node]
node.dep_target =
if node.machine and _machines[node.machine].name != 'target':
node.obj_postfix = '.' + node.machine + node.obj_postfix
if node.type in ['library']:
node.dep_target += f".{node.machine}"
if node.type == 'library':
node.dep_target = os.path.join(node.dir, node.dep_target) + '.a'
if node.type not in ['executable', 'library', 'interface']:
for (inheritance, child) in node.children:
targets += _process_dag(child)
node.export_flags = ([], [], [])
return targets
# uesd list() to force copies
export_flags, export_ldflags, export_include_dirs = list(node.flags), list(node.ldflags), list(node.include_dirs)
for (inheritance, child) in node.children:
targets += _process_dag(child)
flags, ldflags, include_dirs = child.export_flags
if inheritance in ['public', 'private']:
node.flags += flags
node.ldflags += ldflags
node.include_dirs += include_dirs
if inheritance in ['public', 'interface']:
export_flags += flags
export_ldflags += ldflags
export_include_dirs += include_dirs
node.flags = uniq(node.flags)
node.ldflags = uniq(node.ldflags)
node.include_dirs = uniq(node.include_dirs)
node.export_flags = (uniq(export_flags), uniq(export_ldflags), uniq(export_include_dirs))
return targets
def _generate():
# our uniq function depends on python 3.7 semantics
version = sys.version_info
assert version.major > 3 or (version.major == 3 and version.minor > 6), "Python 3.7 or newer required"
# collect all info by adding entry source dir
# build the dag
dag = _make_dag()
# propagate flags
targets = _process_dag(dag)
os.makedirs(_BUILDDIR, exist_ok=True)
with open(f"{_BUILDDIR}/", "w") as f:
import deps.ninja_syntax as ninja_syntax
ninja = ninja_syntax.Writer(f)
ninja.comment(f"This file is autogenerated by {_SCRIPTNAME}, DO NOT EDIT")
ninja.variable("ninja_required_version", "1.9.0")
ninja.comment("Rules to regenerate when needed")
ninja.rule(name='REGENERATE_BUILD', command=f'{sys.executable} {os.path.join("..", _SCRIPTNAME)} --regenerate',
description="Regenerating build files.", generator=1)'', 'REGENERATE_BUILD',
[os.path.join('../', x) for x in _generate_deps], pool='console')
ninja.comment("compiler/linker rules")
for machine in _machines.values():
if not machine._used:
continue # don't emit unused machines
command=f'{machine.cxx} {" ".join(machine.flags)} $ARGS -MD -MF $out.d -c $in -o $out',
deps='gcc', depfile='$out.d', description=f'[{}] Compiling $in')
command=f'{} csrDT {" ".join(machine.ldflags)} $LD_ARGS $out $in',
description=f'[{}] Statically linking $out')
command=f'{machine.cxx} -o $out $in {" ".join(machine.ldflags)} $LD_ARGS',
description=f"[{}] Linking $out")
for target in targets:
if target.type in ['file', 'interface', 'root']:
ninja.comment(f"Target {}")
dir = target.dir
depends = [node.dep_target for _, node in target.children if node.type != 'phony']
if target.type in ['executable', 'library']:
machine = _machines[target.machine].name
args = ' '.join(list(target.flags) + [f'-I{x}' for x in target.include_dirs])
objs = []
for source in target.sources:
out = os.path.join(dir, source) + target.obj_postfix
full_source = os.path.join(target.source_dir, source)
if source.endswith('.c'):
compiler = f'{machine}_CC'
command = f'{_machines[machine].cc}'
elif source.endswith('.cpp'):
compiler = f'{machine}_CXX'
command = f'{_machines[machine].cxx}'
raise Exception(f'Unknown source file type: {source}'), compiler, full_source, variables={'ARGS' : args})
ld_args = ' '.join(target.ldflags)
if target.type == 'library':'{target.dep_target}', f'{machine}_STATIC_LINKER',
objs, variables={'LD_ARGS' : ld_args})
elif target.type == 'executable':
static_libs = [node.dep_target for _, node in target.children if node.type == 'library']
ld_args = f'-Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--start-group {" ".join(static_libs)} -Wl,--end-group {ld_args}''{target.dep_target}', f'{machine}_LD',
objs, static_libs, variables={'LD_ARGS' : ld_args})
elif target.type == 'custom':
if 'description' in
description =['description']
description = f'[Custom Command] {target.command}'
ninja.rule(, f"{target.command} {' '.join(target.args)}", description=description)
vars = {escape( c.dep_target for _, c in target.children if c.type != 'file'},, depends,
elif target.type == 'file':
else:'{}', 'phony', [], depends)
# this does two things: 1) it validates the ninja syntax 2) it generates compile_commands.json
import subprocess
ret ="ninja -C {_BUILDDIR} -f -t compdb > {_BUILDDIR}/compile_commands.json", shell=True)
if ret.returncode != 0:
print(f"\n{_SCRIPTNAME}: failed")
# Now we know we have a valid ninja file, we can replace the old
os.replace(f"{_BUILDDIR}/", f"{_BUILDDIR}/")
_current_dir = ''
def add_directory(subdir):
global _current_dir
script_name = os.path.join(_current_dir, subdir, '')
if not os.path.exists(script_name):
raise Exception(f'{script_name} not found')
with open(script_name) as script:
ast = compile(, script_name, 'exec')
old_dir = _current_dir
_current_dir = os.path.join(_current_dir, subdir)
lcls = {}
exec(ast, dsl_globals, lcls)
_current_dir = old_dir
def add_executable(name, sources, machine='target', **kwargs):
assert name not in _targets # Perhaps not ideal to enforce target name uniqueness, but we do
_targets[name] = {
'type': 'executable',
'sources' : sources,
'machine' : machine,
'source_dir': os.path.join('..', _current_dir),
'build_dir': os.path.join(*_current_dir.split(os.sep)[1:]),
} | kwargs
def add_target_to_all(name):
def add_library(name, sources, **kwargs):
assert name not in _targets
_targets[name] = {
'type': 'library',
'sources' : sources,
'libtype': 'static',
'source_dir': os.path.join('..', _current_dir),
'build_dir': os.path.join(*_current_dir.split(os.sep)[1:]),
} | kwargs
def add_machine(name, machine, default_target=False):
_machines[name] = machine
if default_target:
_machines['target'] = machine
def add_interface(name, **kwargs):
assert name not in _targets
_targets[name] = {
'type': 'interface',
} | kwargs
def add_external_command(name, command):
assert name not in _targets
_targets[name] = {
'type': 'external',
'command': abs_path(command)
def custom_command(name, output, command, args='', depends=[], machine='target', description='',
assert name not in _targets
_targets[name] = {
'type': 'custom',
'command': command,
'args': args,
'private_depends': depends,
'output': output,
'source_dir': os.path.abspath(_current_dir),
'description': description,
'pool': pool,
def abs_path(path):
if os.path.isabs(path):
return path
if path == '.':
return os.path.join('..', _current_dir)
print(_current_dir, path)
print(os.path.join('..', _current_dir, path))
return os.path.join('..', _current_dir, path)
def escape(name):
return ''.join([c if c not in './-' else '_' for c in name])
def export(name, value):
dsl_globals[name] = value
dsl_globals = {k: v for (k, v) in dict(globals()).items() if not (k.startswith('_') or isinstance(v, type(sys))) }
dsl_globals['__builtins__'] = {} # essentially sandbox the build scripts
dsl_globals['print'] = print # but let them print
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '--regenerate':
# a regenerate has been explicitly requested
sys.exit(0) # ninja will automatically pick up the new
# make sure exists
if not os.path.exists(f"{_BUILDDIR}/"):
# and run ninja. If a rebuild is needed, ninja will call this script with --regenerate
os.execlp("ninja", "ninja", "-C", _BUILDDIR, *sys.argv[1:])
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