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Created May 23, 2020 19:47
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<% @requests.each_with_index do |request, index| %>
<li class="border-t border-gray-200">
<a href="#" class="block hover:bg-gray-50 focus:outline-none focus:bg-gray-50 transition duration-150 ease-in-out">
<div class="flex items-center px-4 py-4 sm:px-6">
<div class="min-w-0 flex-1 flex items-center">
<div class="flex-shrink-0">
<img class="h-12 w-12 rounded-full" src="" alt="" />
<div class="min-w-0 flex-1 px-4 md:grid md:grid-cols-2 md:gap-4">
<div class="text-sm leading-5 font-medium text-indigo-600 truncate"><%= request.user.friendly_name %></div>
<div class="mt-2 flex items-center text-sm leading-5 text-gray-500">
<svg class="flex-shrink-0 mr-1.5 h-5 w-5 text-gray-400" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
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<span class="truncate"><%= %></span>
<div class="hidden md:block">
<div class="text-sm leading-5 text-gray-900">
Requested <a href="#"><%= request.thing.title %></a> on
<time datetime="2020-01-07">01/01/2020</time>
<p>Current status: <%= request.thing.status %></p>
<div class="mt-2 flex items-center text-sm leading-5 text-gray-500">
<!-- BEGIN dropdown response -->
<div data-controller="dropdown" class="z-<%= 100-index %>">
<div class="relative inline-block text-left">
<span class="rounded-md shadow-sm">
<button data-action="click->dropdown#toggle click@window->dropdown#hide" type="button" class="inline-flex justify-center w-full rounded-md border border-gray-300 px-4 py-2 bg-white text-sm leading-5 font-medium text-gray-700 hover:text-gray-500 focus:outline-none focus:border-blue-300 focus:shadow-outline-blue active:bg-gray-50 active:text-gray-800 transition ease-in-out duration-150">
<svg class="-mr-1 ml-2 h-5 w-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M5.293 7.293a1 1 0 011.414 0L10 10.586l3.293-3.293a1 1 0 111.414 1.414l-4 4a1 1 0 01-1.414 0l-4-4a1 1 0 010-1.414z" clip-rule="evenodd"/>
Dropdown panel, show/hide based on dropdown state.
Entering: "transition ease-out duration-100"
From: "transform opacity-0 scale-95"
To: "transform opacity-100 scale-100"
Leaving: "transition ease-in duration-75"
From: "transform opacity-100 scale-100"
To: "transform opacity-0 scale-95"
<div data-target="" class="origin-top-right absolute right-0 mt-2 w-56 rounded-md shadow-lg hidden">
<div class="rounded-md bg-white shadow-xs">
<div class="py-1">
<a id='btn-dropdown-accept'
data-status="<%= @status %>"
href="#" class="block px-4 py-2 text-sm leading-5 text-gray-700
hover:bg-gray-100 hover:text-gray-900 focus:outline-none focus:bg-gray-100
<a id='btn-dropdown-decline'
data-status="<%= @status %>"
href="#" class="block px-4 py-2 text-sm leading-5 text-gray-700
hover:bg-gray-100 hover:text-gray-900 focus:outline-none focus:bg-gray-100
<!-- END dropdown response -->
<svg class="h-5 w-5 text-gray-400" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M7.293 14.707a1 1 0 010-1.414L10.586 10 7.293 6.707a1 1 0 011.414-1.414l4 4a1 1 0 010 1.414l-4 4a1 1 0 01-1.414 0z" clip-rule="evenodd"/>
<% end %>
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