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Created April 5, 2024 13:43
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lemmy exponential retry simulation
function calc(base) {
function retryDelaySeconds(retry) {
return Math.pow(base, retry);
function timeToStr(sec) {
sec = Math.round(sec);
if (sec < 60) {
return sec + "s";
if (sec < 3600) {
return Math.floor(sec / 60) + "m " + (sec % 60) + "s";
return Math.floor(sec / 3600) + "h " + Math.floor((sec % 3600) / 60) + "m";
downtimeSeconds = [
1 * 60,
10 * 60,
30 * 60,
60 * 60,
2 * 3600,
3 * 3600,
6 * 3600,
12 * 3600,
24 * 3600,
48 * 3600,
7 * 24 * 3600,
let table = [];
for (downtime of downtimeSeconds) {
let retries = 0;
let currentTime = 0;
while (currentTime < downtime) {
currentTime += retryDelaySeconds(retries);
"Instance Downtime": timeToStr(downtime),
"Federation Resumed At": timeToStr(currentTime),
"Total Retry Attempts": retries,
/*retries2: Math.log(downtime)/Math.log(base)*/
return jsonToHtmlTable(table);
function jsonToHtmlTable(json) {
// input is an array of objects, the object keys are the column and the values the rows
let table = "<table><tr>";
for (let key of Object.keys(json[0])) {
table += "<th>" + key + "</th>";
table += "</tr>";
for (let row of json) {
table += "<tr>";
for (let key of Object.keys(row)) {
table += "<td>" + row[key] + "</td>";
table += "</tr>";
table += "</table>";
return table + "\n";
copy(calc(2) + calc(1.5) + calc(1.25));
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