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Last active April 23, 2023 23:10
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Automation of contact deletion or addition via the Google Contacts page
// Public domain, or MIT if not legal.
// Run using the console on
// Approve notifications
/** @type {(xPath: string) => HTMLElement[]} */
var $x = $x;
/** @type {(cssSelector: string) => HTMLElement} */
var $ = $;
localStorage.contactsToProcess = JSON.stringify([
var c = /** @type {(string | string[])[]} */ JSON.parse(localStorage.contactsToProcess)
var kActions = {
remove: 'Delete',
add: "Add to contacts"
var stopProcessing = false;
runActionOnBatch(c, kActions.remove);
* @param {(string | string[])[]} list
* @param {string} action
async function runActionOnBatch(list, action)
while (list.length)
if (stopProcessing)
throw new Error('Stopped everything');
await wait(5000);
var email = list.pop();
await runAction(/** @type {string | string[]} */(email), action);
} catch (e)
new Notification('Contact process failed', {
requireInteraction: true
throw e;
localStorage.contactsToProcess = JSON.stringify(list);
new Notification('Finished contact processes', { requireInteraction: true });
function resetFocus()
const a = $('.Ax4B8.ZAGvjd');;
* @param {string | string[]} email
function typeSearchQuery(email)
const a = /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ ($('.Ax4B8.ZAGvjd'));
a.value = Array.isArray(email) ? email[0] : email;
var b = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
b.initEvent("input", !0, !0);
function runSearch()
* @param {string | string[]} email
function search(email)
* @param {number} time
function wait(time)
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time));
* @template {string | string[]} P
* @param {number} timeout
* @param {(...parameters: P[]) => Promise<boolean>} act
* @param {...P} parameters
async function retry(timeout, act, ...parameters)
const startTime =;
while (!(await act(...parameters)))
if (timeout < - startTime)
throw new Error('Timeout!');
if (stopProcessing)
throw new Error('Stopped everything');
await wait(200);
* @param {string | string[]} email
async function selectContactRow(email)
const relevantRows = getContactRow(email);
if (!relevantRows.length)
return false;
return true;
* @param {string | string[]} email
function getContactRow(email)
const createEMailQuery = (oneEmail) => `text() = "${oneEmail}"`;
const emails = Array.isArray(email) ? email : [email];
const emailQueries =' or ');
return $x(`//*[contains(@style, "visibility: visible")]//*[@jscontroller = "PMaUNb" and .//*[${emailQueries}]]//*[@role="checkbox"]`);
* @param {string | string[]} email
async function ensureNoContactRow(email)
return !getContactRow(email).length;
async function runAddToContacts()
await wait(200);
$('[style*="visibility: visible;"] [aria-label="Add to contacts"]').click();
async function runMoreActions()
await wait(200);
$('[style*="visibility: visible;"] [aria-label="More actions"]').click();
async function runDelete()
await wait(400);
const deleteButton = $('[style*="visibility: visible;"] [aria-label="Delete"]');
deleteButton.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousedown', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
deleteButton.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mouseup', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
async function confirmDeletion()
await wait(500);
$x('//*[@class = "VfPpkd-vQzf8d" and text() = "Delete"]')[0].click();
* @param {string | string[]} email
* @param {string} action
async function runAction(email, action)
await retry(5000, selectContactRow, email);
if (action === 'Add to contacts')
await runAddToContacts();
else if (action === 'Delete')
await runMoreActions();
await runDelete();
await confirmDeletion();
await retry(5000, ensureNoContactRow, email);
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