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Created March 21, 2016 11:42
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A Python implementation of Salvador and Chan's L-Method for determining the number of clusters in hierarchical clustering algorithm
from fastcluster import linkage
from collections import deque
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
import numpy
def f_creator(coef, intercept):
def f(x):
return intercept + coef * x
return f
def best_fit_line(x, y):
coef, intercept = numpy.polyfit(x, y, 1)
return coef, intercept
def plot(X, fn):
return [fn(x) for x in X]
def _l_method(num_groups, merge_dist):
element_cnt = len(num_groups)
# short circuit, since the l-method doesn't work with the number of elements below 4
if element_cnt < 4:
return 1
# now we have some level of confidence that O(n) is not attainable
# this l_method is gonna be slow... n * 2 * O(MSE)
x_left = num_groups[:2]
y_left = merge_dist[:2]
# we use 'deque' data structure here to attain the efficient 'popleft'
x_right = deque(num_groups[2:])
y_right = deque(merge_dist[2:])
min_score = float('inf')
min_c = None
for left_cnt in range(2, element_cnt - 2 + 1):
# get best fit lines
coef_left, intercept_left = best_fit_line(x_left, y_left)
coef_right, intercept_right = best_fit_line(x_right, y_right)
fn_left = f_creator(coef_left, intercept_left)
fn_right = f_creator(coef_right, intercept_right)
y_pred_left = plot(x_left, fn_left)
y_pred_right = plot(x_right, fn_right)
# calculate the error on each line
mseA = mean_squared_error(y_left, y_pred_left)
mseB = mean_squared_error(y_right, y_pred_right)
# calculate the error on both line cumulatively
A = left_cnt / element_cnt * mseA
B = (element_cnt - left_cnt) / element_cnt * mseB
score = A + B
if score < min_score:
# find the best pair of best fit lines (that has the lowest mse)
# left_cnt is not the number of clusters
# since the first num_group begins with 2
min_c, min_score = left_cnt + 1, score
return min_c
def _refined_l_method(num_groups, merge_dist):
element_cnt = cutoff = last_knee = current_knee = len(num_groups)
# short circuit, since the l-method doesn't work with the number of elements below 4
if element_cnt < 4:
return 1
while True:
last_knee = current_knee
current_knee = _l_method(num_groups[:cutoff], merge_dist[:cutoff])
# you can keep this number high (* 3), and no problem with that
# just make sure that the cutoff tends to go down every time
# but, according to paper this number is 3
cutoff = current_knee * 3
if current_knee >= last_knee:
return current_knee
def get_clusters_cnt(X):
# library: fastcluster
merge_hist = linkage(X, method='ward', metric='euclidean', preserve_input=True)
# reorder to be x [2->N]
num_groups = [i for i in range(2, len(X) + 1)]
merge_dist = list(reversed([each[2] for each in merge_hist]))
cluster_count = _refined_l_method(num_groups, merge_dist)
return cluster_count
from l_method import get_clusters_cnt
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits, load_iris
data = load_iris()
clusters_cnt = get_clusters_cnt(data['data'])
print('iris clusters_cnt:', clusters_cnt)
data = load_digits(10)
clusters_cnt = get_clusters_cnt(data['data'])
print('digits clusters_cnt:', clusters_cnt)
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