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Created September 27, 2014 22:57
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TECH 601-00 - Examples and Solutions
colors = ["purple", "yellow", "blue", "white", "red", "green", "orange"]
puts colors[4]
puts colors[40]
puts colors.index("green")
puts colors.index("foo")
colors2 = [
["tuesday", "purple"],
["saturday", "yellow"],
["wednesday", "blue"],
["sunday", "white"],
["monday", "red"],
["thursday", "green"],
["friday", "orange"]
# puts colors2[0].inspect
# puts colors2[0][1].inspect
colors2.each_with_index do |pair, index|
puts "#{pair} at index #{index}"
pair.each_with_index do |day, color|
puts "#{day} is #{color}"
colors3 = {
"tuesday" => "purple",
"saturday" => "yellow",
"wednesday" => "blue",
"sunday" => "white",
"monday" => "red",
"thursday" => "green",
"friday" => "orange"
puts colors3["thursday"]
# original data
data ="data.txt")
lines = data.split("\n")
# puts line.inspect
course = {}
lines.each do |line|
heading, content = line.split(":")
puts "heading: #{heading}"
puts "content: #{content}"
course[heading] = content.to_s.strip
puts course.inspect
Course: BASE 105-00
Term: 2145
Section Number: 2
Schedule Number: 2145BASE1052
Instructor(s): Jay Johnson, Mark Kertenian
Location: William Peccole Park - UNR
Dates: July 7 - 11, 2014 (Schedule TBA)
Units: Non-Credit
Notes: Additional Information
Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation via email, so please provide your email address during registration.
NEW THIS YEAR: All camp health forms, behavior guidelines, maps and other paperwork will be posted online for download at Please complete the health form and behavior form and return them as soon as possible.
Full payment is due upon registration. A $50 cancellation fee will be charged for participant-initiated cancellations made prior to camp. No refunds will be given after the start of camp.
Fee includes instruction, and camp t-shirt and hat.
# 1. create a variable named 'a' with the value of 1 and display 'a'
a = 1
puts a
# 2. create a variable named 'b' with the value of 2 and display 'b'
b = 2
puts b
# 3. create a variable named 'c' with the value of 3 and display 'c'
# 4. create a variable named 'd' with the value of 10 and display 'd'
# 5. add 'a' and 'b' and display the result
# 6. add 'a' and 'd' and display the result
# 7. add 'a' and 'b' and 'c' and 'd' and display the result
# 8. multiply 'd' and 'b' and display the result
# 9. multiple 'd' by itself and display the result
# 10. divide 'd' by 'b' and display the result
# 11. divide 'd' by itself and display the result
# 12. create a list named 'lots_of_a' that contains 4 'a's
# 13. display contents of the list 'lots_of_a'
# 14. create a list named numbers that contains 'a', 'b', 'c', and 'd' and display the list
# 15. create a variable named 'name' that contains your full name
# 16. create a variable named 'greeting' that contains the words "Hello, my name is: "
# 17. create a varialbe named 'full_greeting' that is made up of 'greeting' and 'name' and display the result
# 18. iterate through 'numbers' and display "The value is: " with each value
# 19. get the sum of 'numbers' and display the result
# 20. get the average of 'numbers' and display the result
# BONUS - What happens if you try to run the following (and why)?:
# "1" + 1
# What could we do to make that run?
# 1. create a variable named 'a' with the value of 1 and display 'a'
a = 1
puts a
# 2. create a variable named 'b' with the value of 2 and display 'b'
b = 2
puts b
# 3. create a variable named 'c' with the value of 3 and display 'c'
c = 3
puts c
# 4. create a variable named 'd' with the value of 10 and display 'd'
d = 10
puts d
# 5. add 'a' and 'b' and display the result
result = a + b
puts result
# 6. add 'a' and 'd' and display the result
puts a + d
# 7. add 'a' and 'b' and 'c' and 'd' and display the result
puts a + b + c + d
# 8. multiply 'd' and 'b' and display the result
puts d * b
# 9. multiple 'd' by itself and display the result
puts d * d
# 10. divide 'd' by 'b' and display the result
puts d / b
# 11. divide 'd' by itself and display the result
puts d / d
# 12. create a list named 'lots_of_a' that contains 4 'a's
lots_of_a = [a, a, a, a]
# 13. display contents of the list 'lots_of_a'
puts lots_of_a
# 14. create a list named numbers that contains 'a', 'b', 'c', and 'd' and display the list
numbers = [a, b, c, d]
puts numbers
# 15. create a variable named 'name' that contains your full name
name = "Phil"
# 16. create a variable named 'greeting' that contains the words "Hello, my name is: "
greeting = "Hello, my name is: "
# 17. create a varialbe named 'full_greeting' that is made up of 'greeting' and 'name' and display the result
full_greeting = greeting + name
puts full_greeting
# 18. iterate through 'numbers' and display "The value is: " with each value
for number in numbers
"The value is: #{number}"
numbers.each do |number|
"The value is: #{number}"
numbers.each { |number| "The value is: #{number}" }
# 19. get the sum of 'numbers' and display the result
sum = 0
numbers.each do |number|
sum = sum + number
puts "Sum: #{sum}"
sum = 0
numbers.each do |number|
sum += number
puts "Sum: #{sum}"
sum = numbers.reduce(0) { |counter, number| counter += number }
puts "Sum: #{sum}"
# 20. get the average of 'numbers' and display the result
sum = numbers.reduce(0) { |sum, num| sum += num }
count = numbers.size
puts "Average: #{sum / count}"
# BONUS - What happens if you try to run the following (and why)?:
# "1" + 1
# What could we do to make that run?
s1 = "1"
n1 = 1
puts ".to_s - #{s1 + n1.to_s}"
puts ".to_i - #{s1.to_i + n1}"
# 1. assign the string "5" to a variable and display the value
# 2. assign the integer 5 to a variable and display the value
# 3. add the two variables by coercing the first value to an integer, assign
# that value to a variable, and display the value
# 4. add the two variables by coercing the second value to a string, assign
# that value to a variable, and display the value
# 5. create an array which holds the previous values
# 6. use a `for` loop to display each value in the array
# 7. add your name to the end of the array
# 8. use `each` to iterate through each value in the array, display the value
# 9. display the value with your name
# 10. add the string "example" to the beginning of the array
# 11. display the value with "example"
# 12. use `each` to iterate through each value in the array, display each value
# along with the data type. Example: "Value: example - Type: String"
# following: "Value: "
# 13. assign your name to a variable
# 14. assign your favorite color to a variable
# 15. create a hash with the keys "name" and "color" with the values from the
# variables above
# 16. using values from the hash above, display the following:
# "My name is Phil and my favorite color is Green."
# 17. create another hash with values for a friend of yours
# 18. create a new array using the people hashes above as values
# 19. iterate through the array of people, display the following for each:
# "My name is X and my favorite color is Y."
# 1. assign the string "5" to a variable and display the value
a = "5"
puts a
# 2. assign the integer 5 to a variable and display the value
b = 5
puts b
# 3. add the two variables by coercing the first value to an integer, assign
# that value to a variable, and display the value
c = a.to_i + b
puts c
# 4. add the two variables by coercing the second value to a string, assign
# that value to a variable, and display the value
d = a + b.to_s
puts d
# 5. create an array which holds the previous values
array = [a, b, c, d]
puts array
# 6. use a `for` loop to display each value in the array
for item in array
puts item
# 7. add your name to the end of the array
array[4] = "Phil"
# or
# array.push("Phil")
# or
# array << "Phil"
# 8. use `each` to iterate through each value in the array, display the value
array.each do |item|
puts item
# 9. display the value with your name
puts array[4]
# 10. add the string "example" to the beginning of the array
# 11. display the value with "example"
puts array[0]
# 12. use `each` to iterate through each value in the array, display each value
# along with the data type. Example: "Value: example - Type: String"
# following: "Value: "
array.each do |item|
puts puts "Value: #{item} - Type: #{item.class}"
# 13. assign your name to a variable
name = "Phil"
# 14. assign your favorite color to a variable
color = "Green"
# 15. create a hash with the keys "name" and "color" with the values from the
# variables above
phil = {
"name" => name,
"color" => color
# 16. using values from the hash above, display the following:
# "My name is Phil and my favorite color is Green."
phrase = "My name is #{phil["name"]} and my favorite color is #{phil["color"]}."
puts phrase
# 17. create another hash with values for a friend of yours
don = {
"name" => "Don",
"color" => "Pink"
# 18. create a new array using the people hashes above as values
people = [phil, don]
# 19. iterate through the array of people, display the following for each:
# "My name is X and my favorite color is Y."
people.each do |person|
puts "My name is #{person["name"]} and my favorite color is #{person["color"]}."
# Remember: use `ruby exercise3.rb` to run this file
# 1. display the contents of the `my_variable` variable
my_variable = "100"
# 2. assign the integer 5 to a variable named 'number'
# 3. display the contents of the 'number' variable
# 4. change (coerce) the string in 'my_variable' into an integer
# 5. put the coerced string, now an integer, into a variable named 'new_number'
# 6. display the contents of the 'new_number' variable
# 7. add 'number' to 'new_number' and assign it to a variable named 'sum'
# 8. create an array with the values 1, 2, 4, and 5, assign it to a variable named `numbers`
# 9. display the contents of the array at index 1
# 10. display array element (contents) at index 10
# 11. use `each_with_index` to display the number and index for the `numbers` array
# 12. put a comment here that says what kind of operation `each_with_index` is
# Hint: comments start with a `#`
# 13. create a hash with the keys of one, two, three, four, five and the values of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
# Hint: "one" => 1
# 14. use `each` to display the key and value for each member of the hash
# Question: did you remember to put the hash in a variable?
# 15. change the display of the hash to say:
# "The value of 'one' is 1" for each member of the hash, so 'two' is 2, and 'three' is 3, etc.
# Remember: use `ruby exercise3.rb` to run this file
# 1. display the contents of the `my_variable` variable
puts "# 1. display the contents of the `my_variable` variable"
my_variable = "100"
puts my_variable
# 2. assign the integer 5 to a variable named 'number'
puts "# 2. assign the integer 5 to a variable named 'number'"
number = 5
# 3. display the contents of the 'number' variable
puts "# 3. display the contents of the 'number' variable"
puts number
# or
print number
# or
puts number.inspect
# 4. change (coerce) the string in 'my_variable' into an integer
puts "# 4. change (coerce) the string in 'my_variable' into an integer"
puts my_variable.to_i
# 5. put the coerced string, now an integer, into a variable named 'new_number'
puts "# 5. put the coerced string, now an integer, into a variable named 'new_number'"
new_number = my_variable.to_i
# 6. display the contents of the 'new_number' variable
puts "# 6. display the contents of the 'new_number' variable"
puts new_number
# 7. add 'number' to 'new_number' and assign it to a variable named 'sum'
puts "# 7. add 'number' to 'new_number' and assign it to a variable named 'sum'"
result = number + new_number + (5 - 7) * 9
puts result
# 8. create an array with the values 1, 2, 4, and 5, assign it to a variable named `numbers`
puts "# 8. create an array with the values 1, 2, 4, and 5, assign it to a variable named `numbers`"
numbers = [1,2,3,4,5]
# 9. display the contents of the array at index 1
puts "# 9. display the contents of the array at index 1"
puts numbers[1]
# 10. display array element (contents) at index 10
puts "# 10. display array element (contents) at index 10"
puts numbers[10].inspect
# 11. use `each_with_index` to display the number and index for the `numbers` array
puts "# 11. use `each_with_index` to display the number and index for the `numbers` array"
numbers.each_with_index do |number, index|
puts number, index # Remember you can give `puts` more than one thing
# 12. put a comment here that says what kind of operation `each_with_index` is
# Hint: comments start with a `#`
# iteration or looping
puts "# 12. put a comment here that says what kind of operation `each_with_index` is"
puts "# interation or looping"
# 13. create a hash with the keys of one, two, three, four, five and the values of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
# Hint: "one" => 1
puts "# 13. create a hash with the keys of one, two, three, four, five and the values of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5"
number_hash = {
"one" => 1,
"two" => 2,
"three" => 3,
"four" => 4,
"five" => 5
# 14. use `each` to display the key and value for each member of the hash
# Question: did you remember to put the hash in a variable?
puts "# 14. use `each` to display the key and value for each member of the hash"
number_hash.each do |key, value|
puts key, value
# 15. change the display of the hash to say:
# "The value of 'one' is 1" for each member of the hash, so 'two' is 2, and 'three' is 3, etc.
puts "# 15. change the display of the hash to say:"
number_hash.each do |key, value|
puts "The value of '#{key}' is #{value + 10}"
# After working through the exercises we discussed other topics like:
## Variable Scope
puts "## Variable Scope"
# A variable created outside of the iteration block is available inside the
# block and after the block.
puts save_me = nil
numbers.each_with_index do |number, i|
save_me = number # assign the var here
puts "save_me is #{save_me}"
# save_me is availble here ... what is the value?
puts save_me
## Names of variables inside the pipes are arbitrary ...
puts "## Names of variables inside the pipes are arbitrary ..."
numbers.each_with_index do |a, n| # a & n instead of number & i
puts a, n
# But it's a good idea to use names that are meaningful for the context ...
# Like name and index if the array is an array of names
names = ["Phil", "Don"]
names.each_with_index do |name, index|
puts name, index
## Using different values for the key for a hash and the alignment of code.
# We could have made the keys for our hash the numbers instead of the text.
number_hash = {
1 => "one",
2 => "two",
3 => "three",
4 => "four",
5 => "five",
6 => "six",
7 => "seven",
11 => "eleven",
400 => "fourhundred"
## Single quoted vs. Double quoted strings
puts "## Single quoted vs. Double quoted strings"
foo = "FOO"
# Single quotes don't allow interpolation.
name = '"Don #{foo}"'
puts name
# Double quotes allow interpolation.
name = "Don #{foo}"
puts name
puts name.inspect
# If we need to have interpolation and double quotes *in* the string we can use
# an arbitrary string delimeter like %()
last_name = "Cohen"
other_name = %("Phil \#{last_name}")
puts other_name
puts other_name.inspect
numbers = [1,2,3,4,5]
save_me = nil
puts "save_me is #{save_me.inspect}"
numbers.each_with_index do |number, i|
save_me = number
puts "number is #{number}, index is #{i}"
puts "save_me is #{save_me}"
puts "save_me is #{save_me}"
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