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Last active December 9, 2016 13:11
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R scripts for linear approximations on data points and data frames, based on a solution from this thread:
plot.full <- function (datafile, ...)
data <- read.table( datafile, quote="\"" );
dataframe <- data.frame(x=1:length(rowMeans(data)), y=rowMeans(data));
plot(dataframe, type='l');
b <- bsr2 (dataframe$y, dataframe$x, 100);
slope <- diff( b$fit$model[,2] ) / diff ( predict(b$fit) );
plot.2pwla(dataframe$x, dataframe$y, cont=FALSE, add=TRUE, type='l', col='red', ...);
legend ( 800, 100, legend=paste( "m0: ", slope[1], "\nm1: ", slope[length(slope)-2], sep="" ));
plot.plain <- function (datafile, ...)
data <- read.table( datafile, quote="\"" );
plot( rowMeans(data), type='l', ...);
} <- function (datafile, ...)
data <- read.table( datafile, quote="\"" );
dataframe <- data.frame(x=1:length(rowMeans(data)), y=rowMeans(data));
plot.2pwla(dataframe$x, dataframe$y, type='l', cont=FALSE, ...);
plot.full.tofile <- function (datafile, outfile=null, ...)
if (is.null(outfile)) {
outfile <- infile;
jpeg(outfile, width=1000, height=1000);
plot.full(datafile, ...);;
# param opsize.popsize.dimension:
# a string containing the concatenation of:
# - the population size
# - the problem function name
# - the number of dimensions of the problem
# param ...
# additonal parameters for the plotting function...
# note: expects data to be in "./finalrdata/"
plot.perproblem <- function (popsize.problem.dimension, ...) {
path <- "finalrdata/";
algorithms <- c("cpso.", "spso.", "gbest.", "lbest.", "gcpso.");
maxDivVal <- 0;
for (a in algorithms ) {
fullFilePath <- paste ( path, a, popsize.problem.dimension, ".div", sep='' );
if ( file.exists( fullFilePath ) ) {
maxDivVal <- max( maxDivVal, max(rowMeans(read.table(fullFilePath))) );
mustAdd <- FALSE;
linecolour <- 0;
rainbowSize <- 6;
legendColors <- c();
legendWidths <- c();
legendTypes <- c();
legendTexts <- c();
for (a in algorithms ) {
linecolour <- linecolour + 1;
fullFilePath <- paste ( path, a, popsize.problem.dimension, ".div", sep='' );
if ( file.exists( fullFilePath ) ) { ( fullFilePath, add=mustAdd, ylim=c(0,maxDivVal), col=rainbow(rainbowSize)[linecolour], ... );
mustAdd <- TRUE;
legendColors <- c(legendColors, rainbow(rainbowSize)[linecolour]);
legendWidths <- c(legendWidths, 2.5);
legendTypes <- c(legendTypes, 1);
legendTexts <- c(legendTexts, a);
if (mustAdd) {
text(120, maxDivVal-40, popsize.problem.dimension)
legend (100, maxDivVal - 50, legendTexts, lty=legendTypes, lwd=legendWidths, col=legendColors);
# param b: the bsr object
# returns: the slope of the left/first linear approximation
bsr.slope1 <- function (b) {
return (predict(b$fit)[2] - predict(b$fit)[1]);
# param b: the bsr object
# returns: the slope of the right/second linear approximation
bsr.slope2 <- function (b) {
return (predict(b$fit)[200] - predict(b$fit)[199]);
# param b: the bsr object
# param i: the x-value to find the slope at (between i and i+1)
# return: the slope between i and i+1.
bsr.slopeAt <- function (b, i) {
return (predict(b$fit)[i+1] - predict(b$fit)[i]);
# param b: the bsr object
# returns: the coordinates of the point where the two linear approximations meet
bsr.breakpt <- function (b) {
for ( i in 1:(length(b$fit$model[,2])-3) ) {
if ( round(bsr.slopeAt(b, i),10) != round(bsr.slopeAt(b, i+1),10) ) {
return (c(i+1, predict(b$fit)[i+1]));
return (c(-1,-1));
# one-size-fits-all plot method to plot pwla, using below functions.
# note:
# does not work on just a bunch of data (took me a month to learn)
# you need a dataframe with an x and y, or else you can generate an x for the function:
# method 1 (recommended):
# mydataframe <- data.frame( x=1:1001, y=mydata)
# where mydata's length is 1001. You'll get an error if the sizes don't match.
# plot.2pwla(mydataframe$x, mydataframe$y)
# method 2:
# plot.2pwla(x=1:1001, y=mydata)
# More compact, error-prone, not tested yet.
plot.2pwla <- function(x, y, res=100, ...) {
plot.bsr(bsr2(x, y, res), ...)
# updated of above method to auto-calculate length
# the number of candidate breakpoints is equal to the length of y.
plot2.2pwla <- function (y, ...) {
plot.bsr(bsr2(1:length(y), y, length(y)), cont=FALSE, ...)
# Broken stick regression.
# note:
# the 'b' argument is a vector of candidate values for the join point
# eg:
# b <- seq(lo, hi, length=100),
# where lo and hi are suitably chosen bounds on the location of the join point
bsr <- function(x,y,b) {
if(length(b)==1) {
x1 <- ifelse(x<=b,0,x-b)
temp <- lm(y~x+x1)
ss <- sum(resid(temp)^2)
rslt <- list(fit=temp,ss=ss,b=b)
class(rslt) <- "bsr"
temp <- list()
for(v in b) {
x1 <- ifelse(x<=v,0,x-v)
fff <- lm(y~x+x1)
temp[[paste(v)]] <- sum(resid(fff)^2)
ss <- unname(unlist(temp))
v <- b[which.min(ss)]
x1 <- ifelse(x<=v,0,x-v)
rslt <- list(fit=lm(y~x+x1),ss=unname(unlist(temp)),
class(rslt) <- "bsr"
# Broken stick regression.
# note:
# same as above (bsr), except range of candidate values is automatically entire range of x
# instead of passing b, then, the passed res (resolution) determines how many candidate values to consider.
bsr2 <- function(x,y,res) {
b <- seq(min(x), max(x), length=res)
if(length(b)==1) {
x1 <- ifelse(x<=b,0,x-b)
temp <- lm(y~x+x1)
ss <- sum(resid(temp)^2)
rslt <- list(fit=temp,ss=ss,b=b)
class(rslt) <- "bsr"
temp <- list()
for(v in b) {
x1 <- ifelse(x<=v,0,x-v)
fff <- lm(y~x+x1)
temp[[paste(v)]] <- sum(resid(fff)^2)
ss <- unname(unlist(temp))
v <- b[which.min(ss)]
x1 <- ifelse(x<=v,0,x-v)
rslt <- list(fit=lm(y~x+x1),ss=unname(unlist(temp)),
class(rslt) <- "bsr"
# Plot method for broken stick regressions.
# note:
# pass function call to bsr as x. (at least it works!)
plot.bsr <- function(x,cont=FALSE,add=FALSE,rr=NULL,npts=101,...) {
fit <- x
if(cont) {
if(is.null(rr)) {
x <- fit$fit$model$x
rr <- range(x)
xx <- seq(rr[1],rr[2],length=npts)
b <- fit$b.min
if(is.null(b)) b <- fit$b
x1 <- ifelse(xx<=b,0,xx-b)
yh <- predict(fit$fit,newdata=data.frame(x=xx,x1=x1))
} else {
xx <- fit$fit$model[,2]
yh <- predict(fit$fit)
if(add) lines(x=xx,y=yh,...) else plot(x=xx,y=yh,...)
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