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mongodb php类
* @doc
* has changed by remove profiling setting
* sample config
* 'mongodb' => array(
* 'hostname' => 'localhost',
* 'database' => 'database',
* 'username' => 'admin',
* 'password' => 'admin',
* 'port' => 27017,
* 'persistent' => '',
* 'replicaSet' => '',
* ),
class plugin_database_mongodb
* Holds the current Mongo connection object
* @var Mongo
protected $connection = false;
* Holds the current DB reference on the connection object
* @var Object
protected $db;
* Whether to use a persistent connection
* @var bool
protected $persist = false;
* Holds all the select options
* @var array
protected $selects = array();
* Holds all the where options.
* @var array
public $wheres = array();
* Holds the sorting options
* @var array
protected $sorts = array();
* Holds the limit of the number of results to return
* @var int
protected $limit = 999999;
* The offset to start from.
* @var int
protected $offset = 0;
* All the Mongo_Db instances
* @var array
protected static $instances = '';
* Acts as a Multiton. Will return the requested instance, or will create
* a new one if it does not exist.
* @param string $name The instance name
* @return Mongo_Db
public static function instance()
if (!static::$instances)
static::$instances = new static(core_stack::env('mongodb'));
return static::$instances;
* The class constructor
* Automatically check if the Mongo PECL extension has been installed/enabled.
* Generate the connection string and establish a connection to the MongoDB.
* @param array $config an array of config values
public function __construct(array $config = array())
if ( ! class_exists('Mongo'))
throw new core_exception_database("The MongoDB PECL extension has not been installed or enabled");
// Build up a connect options array for mongo
$options = array("connect" => true);
if ( ! empty($config['persistent']))
$options['persist'] = 'fuel_mongo_persist';
if ( ! empty($config['replicaset']))
$options['replicaSet'] = $config['replicaset'];
$connection_string = "mongodb://";
if (empty($config['hostname']))
throw new core_exception_database("The host must be set to connect to MongoDB");
if (empty($config['database']))
throw new core_exception_database("The database must be set to connect to MongoDB");
if ( ! empty($config['username']) and ! empty($config['password']))
$connection_string .= "{$config['username']}:{$config['password']}@";
if (isset($config['port']) and ! empty($config['port']))
$connection_string .= "{$config['hostname']}:{$config['port']}";
$connection_string .= "{$config['hostname']}";
$connection_string .= "/{$config['database']}";
// Let's give this a go
$this->connection = new Mongo(trim($connection_string), $options);
$this->db = $this->connection->{$config['database']};
return $this;
catch (MongoConnectionException $e)
throw new core_exception_database("Unable to connect to MongoDB: {$e->getMessage()}");
* Drop a Mongo database
* @param string $database the database name
* @usage $mongodb->drop_db("foobar");
public static function drop_db($database = null)
if (empty($database))
throw new core_exception_database('Failed to drop MongoDB database because name is empty');
return true;
catch (Exception $e)
throw new core_exception_database("Unable to drop Mongo database `{$database}`: {$e->getMessage()}");
* Drop a Mongo collection
* @param string $db the database name
* @param string $col the collection name
* @usage $mongodb->drop_collection('foo', 'bar');
public static function drop_collection($db = '', $col = '')
if (empty($db))
throw new core_exception_database('Failed to drop MongoDB collection because database name is empty');
if (empty($col))
throw new core_exception_database('Failed to drop MongoDB collection because collection name is empty');
return true;
catch (Exception $e)
throw new core_exception_database("Unable to drop Mongo collection `{$col}`: {$e->getMessage()}");
* Determine which fields to include OR which to exclude during the query process.
* Currently, including and excluding at the same time is not available, so the
* $includes array will take precedence over the $excludes array. If you want to
* only choose fields to exclude, leave $includes an empty array().
* @param array $includes which fields to include
* @param array $excludes which fields to exclude
* @usage $mongodb->select(array('foo', 'bar'))->get('foobar');
public function select($includes = array(), $excludes = array())
if ( ! is_array($includes))
$includes = array($includes);
if ( ! is_array($excludes))
$excludes = array($excludes);
if ( ! empty($includes))
foreach ($includes as $col)
$this->selects[$col] = 1;
foreach ($excludes as $col)
$this->selects[$col] = 0;
return $this;
* Get the documents based on these search parameters. The $wheres array should
* be an associative array with the field as the key and the value as the search
* criteria.
* @param array $wheres an associative array with conditions, array(field => value)
* @usage $mongodb->where(array('foo' => 'bar'))->get('foobar');
public function where($wheres = array())
foreach ($wheres as $wh => $val)
$this->wheres[$wh] = $val;
return $this;
* Get the documents where the value of a $field may be something else
* @param array $wheres an associative array with conditions, array(field => value)
* @usage $mongodb->or_where(array( array('foo'=>'bar', 'bar'=>'foo' ))->get('foobar');
public function or_where($wheres = array())
if (count($wheres) > 0)
if ( ! isset($this->wheres['$or']) or ! is_array($this->wheres['$or']))
$this->wheres['$or'] = array();
foreach ($wheres as $wh => $val)
$this->wheres['$or'][] = array($wh => $val);
return $this;
* Get the documents where the value of a $field is in a given $in array().
* @param string $field the field name
* @param array $in an array of values to compare to
* @usage $mongodb->where_in('foo', array('bar', 'zoo', 'blah'))->get('foobar');
public function where_in($field = '', $in = array())
$this->wheres[$field]['$in'] = $in;
return $this;
* Get the documents where the value of a $field is in all of a given $in array().
* @param string $field the field name
* @param array $in an array of values to compare to
* @usage $mongodb->where_in('foo', array('bar', 'zoo', 'blah'))->get('foobar');
public function where_in_all($field = '', $in = array())
$this->wheres[$field]['$all'] = $in;
return $this;
* Get the documents where the value of a $field is not in a given $in array().
* @param string $field the field name
* @param array $in an array of values to compare to
* @usage $mongodb->where_not_in('foo', array('bar', 'zoo', 'blah'))->get('foobar');
public function where_not_in($field = '', $in = array())
$this->wheres[$field]['$nin'] = $in;
return $this;
* Get the documents where the value of a $field is greater than $x
* @param string $field the field name
* @param mixed $x the value to compare to
* @usage $mongodb->where_gt('foo', 20);
public function where_gt($field = '', $x)
$this->wheres[$field]['$gt'] = $x;
return $this;
* Get the documents where the value of a $field is greater than or equal to $x
* @param string $field the field name
* @param mixed $x the value to compare to
* @usage $mongodb->where_gte('foo', 20);
public function where_gte($field = '', $x)
$this->wheres[$field]['$gte'] = $x;
* Get the documents where the value of a $field is less than $x
* @param string $field the field name
* @param mixed $x the value to compare to
* @usage $mongodb->where_lt('foo', 20);
public function where_lt($field = '', $x)
$this->wheres[$field]['$lt'] = $x;
* Get the documents where the value of a $field is less than or equal to $x
* @param string $field the field name
* @param mixed $x the value to compare to
* @usage $mongodb->where_lte('foo', 20);
public function where_lte($field = '', $x)
$this->wheres[$field]['$lte'] = $x;
return $this;
* Get the documents where the value of a $field is between $x and $y
* @param string $field the field name
* @param mixed $x the value to compare to
* @param mixed $y the high value to compare to
* @usage $mongodb->where_between('foo', 20, 30);
public function where_between($field = '', $x, $y)
$this->wheres[$field]['$gte'] = $x;
$this->wheres[$field]['$lte'] = $y;
return $this;
* Get the documents where the value of a $field is between but not equal to $x and $y
* @param string $field the field name
* @param mixed $x the low value to compare to
* @param mixed $y the high value to compare to
* @usage $mongodb->where_between_ne('foo', 20, 30);
public function where_between_ne($field = '', $x, $y)
$this->wheres[$field]['$gt'] = $x;
$this->wheres[$field]['$lt'] = $y;
return $this;
* Get the documents where the value of a $field is not equal to $x
* @param string $field the field name
* @param mixed $x the value to compare to
* @usage $mongodb->where_not_equal('foo', 1)->get('foobar');
public function where_ne($field = '', $x)
$this->wheres[$field]['$ne'] = $x;
return $this;
* Get the documents nearest to an array of coordinates (your collection must have a geospatial index)
* @param string $field the field name
* @param array $co array of 2 coordinates
* @usage $mongodb->where_near('foo', array('50','50'))->get('foobar');
public function where_near($field = '', $co = array())
$this->where[$field]['$near'] = $co;
return $this;
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get the documents where the (string) value of a $field is like a value. The defaults
* allow for a case-insensitive search.
* @param $flags
* Allows for the typical regular expression flags:
* i = case insensitive
* m = multiline
* x = can contain comments
* l = locale
* s = dotall, "." matches everything, including newlines
* u = match unicode
* @param $enable_start_wildcard
* If set to anything other than TRUE, a starting line character "^" will be prepended
* to the search value, representing only searching for a value at the start of
* a new line.
* @param $enable_end_wildcard
* If set to anything other than TRUE, an ending line character "$" will be appended
* to the search value, representing only searching for a value at the end of
* a line.
* @usage $mongodb->like('foo', 'bar', 'im', false, TRUE);
public function like($field = '', $value = '', $flags = 'i', $enable_start_wildcard = TRUE, $enable_end_wildcard = TRUE)
$field = (string) trim($field);
$value = (string) trim($value);
$value = quotemeta($value);
if ($enable_start_wildcard !== TRUE)
$value = '^' . $value;
if ($enable_end_wildcard !== TRUE)
$value .= '$';
$regex = "/$value/$flags";
$this->wheres[$field] = new MongoRegex($regex);
return $this;
* Sort the documents based on the parameters passed. To set values to descending order,
* you must pass values of either -1, false, 'desc', or 'DESC', else they will be
* set to 1 (ASC).
* @param array $fields an associative array, array(field => direction)
* @usage $mongodb->where_between('foo', 20, 30);
public function order_by($fields = array())
foreach ($fields as $col => $val)
if ($val == -1 or $val === false or strtolower($val) == 'desc')
$this->sorts[$col] = -1;
$this->sorts[$col] = 1;
return $this;
* Limit the result set to $x number of documents
* @param number $x the max amount of documents to fetch
* @usage $mongodb->limit($x);
public function limit($x = 99999)
if ($x !== null and is_numeric($x) and $x >= 1)
$this->limit = (int) $x;
return $this;
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Offset the result set to skip $x number of documents
* @param number $x the number of documents to skip
* @usage $mongodb->offset($x);
public function offset($x = 0)
if ($x !== null and is_numeric($x) and $x >= 1)
$this->offset = (int) $x;
return $this;
* Get the documents based upon the passed parameters
* @param string $collection the collection name
* @param array $where an array of conditions, array(field => value)
* @param number $limit the max amount of documents to fetch
* @usage $mongodb->get_where('foo', array('bar' => 'something'));
public function get_where($collection = '', $where = array(), $limit = 99999)
return ($this->where($where)->limit($limit)->get($collection));
* Get the document cursor from mongodb based upon the passed parameters
* @param string $collection the collection name
* @usage $mongodb->get_cursor('foo', array('bar' => 'something'));
public function get_cursor($collection = "")
if (empty($collection))
throw new core_exception_database("In order to retrieve documents from MongoDB you must provide a collection name.");
$documents = $this->db->{$collection}->find($this->wheres, $this->selects)->limit((int) $this->limit)->skip((int) $this->offset)->sort($this->sorts);
return $documents;
* Get the documents based upon the passed parameters
* @param string $collection the collection name
* @usage $mongodb->get('foo', array('bar' => 'something'));
public function get($collection = "")
$documents = $this->get_cursor($collection);
$returns = array();
if ($documents and ! empty($documents))
foreach ($documents as $doc)
$returns[] = $doc;
return $returns;
* Get one document based upon the passed parameters
* @param string $collection the collection name
* @usage $mongodb->get_one('foo');
public function get_one($collection = "")
if (empty($collection))
throw new core_exception_database("In order to retrieve documents from MongoDB");
$returns = $this->db->{$collection}->findOne($this->wheres, $this->selects);
return $returns;
* Count the documents based upon the passed parameters
* @param string $collection the collection name
* @param boolean $foundonly send cursor limit and skip information to the count function, if applicable.
* @usage $mongodb->count('foo');
public function count($collection = '', $foundonly = false)
if (empty($collection))
throw new core_exception_database("In order to retrieve a count of documents from MongoDB");
$count = $this->db->{$collection}->find($this->wheres)->limit((int) $this->limit)->skip((int) $this->offset)->count($foundonly);
return ($count);
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Insert a new document into the passed collection
* @param string $collection the collection name
* @param array $insert an array of values to insert, array(field => value)
* @usage $mongodb->insert('foo', $data = array());
public function insert($collection = '', $insert = array())
if (empty($collection))
throw new core_exception_database("No Mongo collection selected to insert into");
if (empty($insert) or ! is_array($insert))
throw new core_exception_database("Nothing to insert into Mongo collection or insert is not an array");
$this->db->{$collection}->insert($insert, array('fsync' => true));
if (isset($insert['_id']))
return $insert['_id'];
return false;
catch (MongoCursorException $e)
throw new core_exception_database("Insert of data into MongoDB failed: {$e->getMessage()}");
* Updates a single document
* @param string $collection the collection name
* @param array $data an associative array of values, array(field => value)
* @param array $options an associative array of options
* @usage $mongodb->update('foo', $data = array());
public function update($collection = '', $data = array(), $options = array(), $literal = false)
if (empty($collection))
throw new core_exception_database("No Mongo collection selected to update");
if (empty($data) or ! is_array($data))
throw new core_exception_database("Nothing to update in Mongo collection or update is not an array");
$options = array_merge($options, array('fsync' => true, 'multiple' => false));
$this->db->{$collection}->update($this->wheres, (($literal) ? $data : array('$set' => $data)), $options);
return true;
catch (MongoCursorException $e)
throw new core_exception_database("Update of data into MongoDB failed: {$e->getMessage()}");
* Updates a collection of documents
* @param string $collection the collection name
* @param array $data an associative array of values, array(field => value)
* @usage $mongodb->update_all('foo', $data = array());
public function update_all($collection = "", $data = array(), $literal = false)
if (empty($collection))
throw new core_exception_database("No Mongo collection selected to update");
if (empty($data) or ! is_array($data))
throw new core_exception_database("Nothing to update in Mongo collection or update is not an array");
$this->db->{$collection}->update($this->wheres, (($literal) ? $data : array('$set' => $data)), array('fsync' => true, 'multiple' => true));
return true;
catch (MongoCursorException $e)
throw new core_exception_database("Update of data into MongoDB failed: {$e->getMessage()}");
* Delete a document from the passed collection based upon certain criteria
* @param string $collection the collection name
* @usage $mongodb->delete('foo');
public function delete($collection = '')
if (empty($collection))
throw new core_exception_database("No Mongo collection selected to delete from");
$this->db->{$collection}->remove($this->wheres, array('fsync' => true, 'justOne' => true));
return true;
catch (MongoCursorException $e)
throw new core_exception_database("Delete of data into MongoDB failed: {$e->getMessage()}");
* Delete all documents from the passed collection based upon certain criteria.
* @param string $collection the collection name
* @usage $mongodb->delete_all('foo');
public function delete_all($collection = '')
if (empty($collection))
throw new core_exception_database("No Mongo collection selected to delete from");
$this->db->{$collection}->remove($this->wheres, array('fsync' => true, 'justOne' => false));
return true;
catch (MongoCursorException $e)
throw new core_exception_database("Delete of data into MongoDB failed: {$e->getMessage()}");
* Runs a MongoDB command (such as GeoNear). See the MongoDB documentation for more usage scenarios:
* @param array $query a query array
* @usage $mongodb->command(array('geoNear'=>'buildings', 'near'=>array(53.228482, -0.547847), 'num' => 10, 'nearSphere'=>TRUE));
public function command($query = array())
$run = $this->db->command($query);
return $run;
catch (MongoCursorException $e)
throw new core_exception_database("MongoDB command failed to execute: {$e->getMessage()}");
* Ensure an index of the keys in a collection with optional parameters. To set values to descending order,
* you must pass values of either -1, false, 'desc', or 'DESC', else they will be
* set to 1 (ASC).
* @param string $collection the collection name
* @param array $keys an associative array of keys, array(field => direction)
* @param array $options an associative array of options
* @usage $mongodb->add_index($collection, array('first_name' => 'ASC', 'last_name' => -1), array('unique' => TRUE));
public function add_index($collection = '', $keys = array(), $options = array())
if (empty($collection))
throw new core_exception_database("No Mongo collection specified to add index to");
if (empty($keys) or ! is_array($keys))
throw new core_exception_database("Index could not be created to MongoDB Collection because no keys were specified");
foreach ($keys as $col => $val)
if($val == -1 or $val === false or strtolower($val) == 'desc')
$keys[$col] = -1;
$keys[$col] = 1;
if ($this->db->{$collection}->ensureIndex($keys, $options) == true)
return $this;
throw new core_exception_database("An error occured when trying to add an index to MongoDB Collection");
* Remove an index of the keys in a collection. To set values to descending order,
* you must pass values of either -1, false, 'desc', or 'DESC', else they will be
* set to 1 (ASC).
* @param string $collection the collection name
* @param array $keys an associative array of keys, array(field => direction)
* @usage $mongodb->remove_index($collection, array('first_name' => 'ASC', 'last_name' => -1));
public function remove_index($collection = '', $keys = array())
if (empty($collection))
throw new core_exception_database("No Mongo collection specified to remove index from");
if (empty($keys) or ! is_array($keys))
throw new core_exception_database("Index could not be removed from MongoDB Collection because no keys were specified");
if ($this->db->{$collection}->deleteIndex($keys) == true)
return $this;
throw new core_exception_database("An error occured when trying to remove an index from MongoDB Collection");
* Remove all indexes from a collection.
* @param string $collection the collection name
* @usage $mongodb->remove_all_index($collection);
public function remove_all_indexes($collection = '')
if (empty($collection))
throw new core_exception_database("No Mongo collection specified to remove all indexes from");
return $this;
* Lists all indexes in a collection.
* @param string $collection the collection name
* @usage $mongodb->list_indexes($collection);
public function list_indexes($collection = '')
if (empty($collection))
throw new core_exception_database("No Mongo collection specified to remove all indexes from");
return ($this->db->{$collection}->getIndexInfo());
* Returns a collection object so you can perform advanced queries, upserts, pushes and addtosets
* @param string $collection the collection name
* @usage $collection_name = $mongodb->get_collection('collection_name');
public function get_collection($collection)
return ($this->db->{$collection});
* Resets the class variables to default settings
protected function _clear()
$this->selects = array();
$this->wheres = array();
$this->limit = 999999;
$this->offset = 0;
$this->sorts = array();
* Prepares parameters for insertion in $wheres array().
* @param string $param the field name
protected function _where_init($param)
if ( ! isset($this->wheres[$param]))
$this->wheres[ $param ] = array();
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