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Last active October 4, 2023 07:06
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@prefix ex: <> .
@prefix as: <> .
@prefix ldp: <> .
@prefix pol: <> .
@prefix fno: <> .
# We need an Announce
?id a as:Announce .
# We need an object
?id as:object ?object .
# Send a notification to an indexing service
ex:MySendNotificationDemo pol:policy [
a fno:Execution ;
fno:executes ex:sendNotification ;
ex:to <> ;
ex:notification [
a as:Offer ;
as:actor <> ;
as:origin <> ;
as:object ?object ;
as:target <>
] .
# Some metadata about the actors involved in this communication
a as:Service ;
as:name "Institutional Repository Data Node" ;
ldp:inbox <> .
a as:Service ;
as:name "Institutional Orchestrator" .
a as:Service ;
as:name "Indexation Service node" ;
ldp:inbox <> .
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