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Created July 21, 2022 09:56
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@prefix ui: <>.
@prefix schema: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix : <#>.
a ui:Form;
ui:parts (
a ui:SingleLineTextField;
ui:size 60;
ui:property schema:name;
ui:label "Name"@en.
a ui:BooleanField;
ui:property schema:checkMe;
ui:label "Check me!"@en.
a ui:IntegerField ;
ui:property schema:age;
ui:label "My age ..."@en.
a ui:DateField;
ui:property schema:starts;
ui:label "My date..."@en.
a ui:Multiple;
ui:part :oneAddress ;
ui:property schema:addresses.
a ui:SingleLineTextField;
ui:size 60;
ui:property schema:name;
ui:label "Name"@en.
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