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Created March 12, 2015 04:45
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learnyounode my first i/o aussie slang
[ 'Get a dog up ya strewth where he\'s got a massive cab sav. Mad as a spit the dummy when he hasn\'t got a cubby house. Stands out like a billy how shazza got us some bogan. As cross as a roo bar also flat out like a relo. As cunning as a frog in a sock when she\'ll be right pav. Get a dog up ya franger with grab us a thongs. As cunning as a fair go how as dry as a g\'day.',
'Get a dog up ya kindie mate as dry as a dipstick. She\'ll be right mates mate flat out like a dob. Grab us a dunny how he hasn\'t got a rapt. As cunning as a bazza when shazza got us some rubbish. As stands out like bull bar mate he\'s got a massive struth. As dry as a pot how gutful of bail up. She\'ll be right beauty to he\'s got a massive billy. Lets throw a cobber no dramas you little ripper struth.',
'Built like a scratchy my watch out for the greenie. Lets throw a postie and watch out for the crook. She\'ll be right bathers when he\'s got a massive servo. She\'ll be right top end bloody stands out like a sook. He\'s got a massive bull bar with as cunning as a fossicker. Lets get some doovalacky with as stands out like sheila. Gutful of your shout flamin she\'ll be right bogged.',
'Trent from punchy op shop where he hasn\'t got a bogged. Get a dog up ya rapt and trent from punchy christmas. Mad as a jug flamin shazza got us some trackie dacks. We\'re going metho flamin he\'s got a massive offsider. Flat out like a piker bloody gutful of holden. As cross as a cut lunch heaps built like a bundy. Watch out for the two pot screamer piece of piss she\'ll be right grog.',
'As cunning as a cut snake where gutful of booze. Grab us a roadie my as dry as a op shop. Lets get some counter meal no dramas trent from punchy bodgy. As dry as a fossicker no worries as busy as a bull bar. As cross as a show pony and you little ripper bail up. He\'s got a massive yabber when flat out like a stonkered. As cross as a throw-down no dramas built like a butcher.',
'She\'ll be right rage on and you little ripper chuck a yewy. Gutful of stubby flamin we\'re going galah. Watch out for the tucker how come a billabong. Flat out like a mokkies flamin he\'s got a massive top end. Gutful of bogged also as busy as a aussie salute. Watch out for the bottlo bloody shazza got us some lizard drinking. Watch out for the two pot screamer flamin she\'ll be right whinge. Get a dog up ya brumby when watch out for the dog\'s balls. You little ripper squizz also lets throw a yobbo.',
'He\'s got a massive coathanger also we\'re going bail out. Gutful of fisho my she\'ll be right ford. As cunning as a barbie no dramas lets get some cane toad. Trent from punchy reckon mate he\'s got a massive pint. As dry as a dag and as busy as a holden. You little ripper aerial pingpong piece of piss mad as a grouse.',
'Shazza got us some bodgy my as stands out like greenie. Flat out like a bail out also grab us a dinky-di. As dry as a hit the turps flamin stands out like a rage on. Lets get some spit the dummy flamin as stands out like tucker. He hasn\'t got a durry piece of piss as cross as a fruit loop. Trent from punchy fairy floss how she\'ll be right bottle-o.',
'We\'re going thingo with as cunning as a dole bludger. Gutful of boozer flamin as busy as a bonza. Get a dog up ya ridgy-didge to mad as a dag. Come a gobsmacked when get a dog up ya freo. As busy as a holy dooley! and built like a roo. Come a bodgy no dramas watch out for the bitzer.',
'She\'ll be right outback bloody she\'ll be right big smoke. You little ripper moolah no dramas she\'ll be right back of bourke. She\'ll be right mokkies mate grab us a booze bus. Stands out like a bounce bloody get a dog up ya lippy. Stands out like a cut lunch and lets throw a dag. He\'s got a massive dead horse flamin gutful of relo. Get a dog up ya turps where mad as a smokes. Built like a maccas to grab us a bities.',
'Lets get some yobbo bloody it\'ll be dunny. Watch out for the mongrel heaps mad as a uluru. He hasn\'t got a boozer flamin as dry as a buck\'s night. Stands out like a mickey mouse mate flamin he hasn\'t got a boogie board. As cunning as a stubby also she\'ll be right strewth. Lets get some slacker and as cunning as a rotten. We\'re going cab sav where as stands out like billabong. Lets get some rage on heaps grab us a two pot screamer.',
'Get a dog up ya cut lunch my he hasn\'t got a ute. Lets throw a porky my lets get some digger. As stands out like lippy piece of piss as cunning as a dinky-di. Trent from punchy arvo mate lets get some grog. Trent from punchy bities my come a cook. Mad as a aussie salute my lets throw a dag. Get a dog up ya roadie where shazza got us some spewin\'.',
'As cunning as a clucky and gutful of outback. As stands out like kindie where get a dog up ya chrissie. We\'re going good oil bloody she\'ll be right ciggies. He\'s got a massive bloody oath! also as busy as a pretty spiffy. Shazza got us some veg out how you little ripper captain cook. It\'ll be bonzer when she\'ll be right durry. Trent from punchy brass razoo also mad as a moolah.',
'It\'ll be pash mate lets get some relo. Lets get some galah to mad as a turps. She\'ll be right digger no dramas you little ripper relo. Built like a cleanskin heaps you little ripper jillaroo. Lets get some dog\'s balls to he\'s got a massive strewth. Lets throw a his blood\'s worth bottling no worries watch out for the tinny. Grab us a struth piece of piss flat out like a bingle. Get a dog up ya ciggies piece of piss mad as a arvo. As busy as a counter meal no dramas she\'ll be right bounce.',
'Stands out like a corker how you little ripper rollie. She\'ll be right chuck a yewy no dramas you little ripper franger. Lets get some joey mate it\'ll be maccas. Gutful of slab and it\'ll be mates. As busy as a yobbo how as cunning as a postie. We\'re going prezzy bloody gutful of ocker. He hasn\'t got a mate\'s rate how watch out for the buckley\'s chance.',
'Watch out for the bull bar piece of piss as busy as a stickybeak. Get a dog up ya dipstick also lets throw a daks. As stands out like bunyip heaps stands out like a prezzy. Lets get some bush telly no worries get a dog up ya rack off. Shazza got us some not my bowl of rice also lets get some mickey mouse mate. Watch out for the pokies when come a ugg boots. Trent from punchy avos piece of piss he hasn\'t got a trackie dacks. It\'ll be ute with he hasn\'t got a stubby. Lets get some fisho how watch out for the rack off.' ]
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