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Created August 9, 2017 21:10
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FOX5 decoder, first sketch
;;;; CL-FOX5 2017 © Michał "phoe" Herda
;;;; MIT license
;; (ql:quickload :fast-io)
;; (ql:quickload :cl-lzma)
;; (ql:quickload :alexandria)
(defun make-byte-array (n &rest options)
(apply #'make-array n :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) options))
(defun read-uint-le (stream nbytes)
(loop for i from 0 below nbytes
for byte = (read-byte stream)
sum (* byte (ash 1 (* 8 i)))))
(defun read-uint-be (stream nbytes)
(loop for i from (1- nbytes) downto 0
for byte = (read-byte stream)
sum (* byte (ash 1 (* 8 i)))))
(defun read-string (stream &optional (external-format :utf-8))
(let* ((n (read-uint-be stream 2))
(vector (make-byte-array n)))
(read-sequence vector stream)
(octets-to-string vector :external-format external-format)))
(defvar *magic-string*
#.(make-byte-array 8 :initial-contents '(70 79 88 53 46 49 46 49)))
(defvar *magic-string-mismatch*
#.(format nil "FOX5 magic string mismatch.~%Expected: ~~S~%Got: ~~S"))
(defun load-fox5-header (pathname)
(with-open-file (stream pathname :direction :input
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
:if-does-not-exist :error)
(file-position stream (- (file-length stream) 20))
(let ((vector (make-byte-array 20)))
(read-sequence vector stream)
(defun analyze-fox5-header (header)
(let ((buffer (make-input-buffer :vector header))
(data '()))
(flet ((add (key value)
(setf data (append (list (cons key value)) data))))
;; U8 Compression Type
(add :compression-type (case (read8-be buffer) (1 :zlib) (2 :lzma)))
;; U8 Encryption Type
(add :encryption (case (read8-be buffer) (0 :no) (t :yes)))
;; U16 Reserved
(read16-be buffer)
;; U32 Compressed Size
(add :compressed-size (read32-be buffer))
;; U32 Decompressed Size
(add :decompressed-size (read32-be buffer))
;; U64 Magic String
(validate-magic-string buffer)
;; analysis done - return the values
(nreverse data))))
(defun validate-magic-string (buffer)
(let* ((magic-string (make-byte-array 8))
(magic-buffer (make-output-buffer :vector magic-string)))
(dotimes (i 8)
(fast-write-byte (fast-read-byte buffer) magic-buffer))
(finish-output-buffer magic-buffer)
(when (not (equal (coerce magic-string 'list)
(coerce *magic-string* 'list)))
(error *magic-string-mismatch* *magic-string* magic-string))))
(defun load-command-block (pathname compressed-length)
(with-open-file (stream pathname :direction :input
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
:if-does-not-exist :error)
(let* ((props (make-byte-array 5))
(data (make-byte-array compressed-length))
(read-sequence props stream)
(setf length (read-uint-le stream 8))
(read-sequence data stream)
(values data props length))))
(defun decompress-command-block (pathname compressed-length)
(multiple-value-bind (data props length)
(load-command-block pathname compressed-length)
(cl-lzma:lzma-decompress data props length)))
(defgeneric parse-command (command stream))
(defmethod parse-command ((command (eql #x00)) stream)
"Any > NOP.")
(defmethod parse-command ((command (eql #x4C)) stream)
"Any > Start List.
U8 List level. 0=File; 1=Object; 2=Shape; 3=Frame; 4=Channel;
(reserved, unused now: 5=KS-line; 6=Sprite; 7=Overlay)
U32 Number of items in list"
(let* ((level (read-uint-be stream 1))
(n (read-uint-be stream 4)))
(declare (ignore level))
(loop repeat n
collect (parse-command (read-uint-be stream 1) stream)
do (assert (= (read-uint-be stream 1) #x3C)))))
(defmethod parse-command ((command (eql #x67)) stream)
"File > Generator.
U8 Generator ID. 0-127 Furcadia reserved, 128-255 third-party reserved."
(list :generator (read-uint-be stream 1)))
(defmethod parse-command ((command (eql #x53)) stream)
"File > ImageList.
U32 Number of images (N), then N structs:
U32 Compressed size
U16 Width, max 2048
U16 Height, max 2048
U8 Format (0=8bit, 1=32bit ARGB)"
(flet ((parse-image (stream)
`(:compressed-size ,(read-uint-be stream 4)
:width ,(read-uint-be stream 2)
:height ,(read-uint-be stream 2)
:format ,(case (read-uint-le stream 1)
(0 :8-bit) (1 :32-bit)))))
(let* ((n (read-uint-be stream 4))
(images (loop repeat n
collect (parse-image stream))))
`(:image-list ,@images))))
(defmethod parse-command ((command (eql #x72)) stream)
"Object > Revision count.
U16 Revision ID"
(list :revision-count (read-uint-be stream 1)))
(defmethod parse-command ((command (eql #x61)) stream)
"Object > Author history.
U16 Number of strings (N), then N structs:
U16 String length (M), then UTF-8 string of M bytes"
(let* ((n (read-uint-be stream 2))
(strings (loop repeat n collect (read-string stream))))
(list :author-history strings)))
(defmethod parse-command ((command (eql #x6C)) stream)
"Object > License.
0=FC-BY-SA, 1=FC0, 2=FC-BY-NC-SA,
3=FC-ND-NC-SA, 4=FC-Private-SA, 5=FC-BY-X-SA"
(list :license (case (read-uint-be stream 1)
(0 :fc-by-sa) (1 :fc0)
(2 :fc-by-nc-sa) (3 :fc-nd-nc-sa)
(4 :fc-private-sa) (5 :fc-by-x-sa))))
(defmethod parse-command ((command (eql #x6B)) stream)
"Object > Keywords.
U16 Number of strings (N), then N structs:
U16 String length (M), then UTF-8 string of M bytes"
(let* ((n (read-uint-be stream 2))
(strings (loop repeat n collect (read-string stream))))
(list :keywords strings)))
(defmethod parse-command ((command (eql #x6E)) stream)
"Object > Name.
U16 String length (M), then UTF-8 string of M bytes"
(list :name (read-string stream)))
(defmethod parse-command ((command (eql #x64)) stream)
"Object > Description.
U16 String length (M), then UTF-8 string of M bytes"
(list :description (read-string stream)))
(defvar *command-flags*
'(:walkable :gettable :sittable :flyable
:swimmable :clickable :highlightable :kickable))
(defmethod parse-command ((command (eql #x21)) stream)
"Object > Flags.
U8 Bitfield:
0x01 = Walkable (Walls, Floors, Items only)
0x02 = Gettable (Items only)
0x04 = Sittable (Items only)
0x08 = Flyable (Floors only)
0x10 = Swimmable (Floors only)
0x20 = Clickable, blocks clickthru (Buttons, avatars)
0x40 = MouseOver hilite, blocks clickthru (Avatars)
0x80 = Kickable (evades player, eg Red ball item)"
(let ((bitfield (read-uint-be stream 1)))
(list :flags (loop for i from 0
for keyword in *command-flags*
if (logbitp i bitfield)
collect keyword))))
(defmethod parse-command ((command (eql #x50)) stream)
"Object > Teleport URL.
U16 String length (M), then UTF-8 string of M bytes"
(list :teleport (read-string stream :iso-8859-1)))
;; TODO add a step for parsing this together with shape purpose
(defmethod parse-command ((command (eql #x3F)) stream)
"Object > Extended Flags.
U16 Bitfield:
[Dream Pad types]
0x0000 0000 - Everyone can upload to this pad, as restricted by
DS or share commands. (default value)
0x0000 0001 - SS
0x0000 0002 - GS
0x0000 0080 - Lower Group Packages
0x0000 0100 - High Group Packages
0x0000 8000 - Dep Staff/Associates
[Avatar types]
0x0000 0001 - Hopping
0x0000 0002 - Flying
0x0000 0004 - Swimming
0x0000 0008 - Child"
(list :extended-flags (read-uint-be stream 1)))
(defmethod parse-command ((command (eql #x69)) stream)
"Object identifier.
S32 Object number. -1=number from position in file, 0+=this number"
(let ((number (read-uint-be stream 4)))
(list :object-id (if (= number #xFFFFFFFF) :default number))))
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