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Created February 28, 2016 14:51
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import http.cookiejar
from lxml.html import fragment_fromstring
from collections import OrderedDict
def get_data(*args, **kwargs):
url = ''
cj = http.cookiejar.CookieJar()
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; rv:2.2) Gecko/20110201'),
('Accept', 'text/html, text/plain, text/css, text/sgml, */*;q=0.01')]
# Aqui estão os parâmetros de busca das ações
# Estão em branco para que retorne todas as disponíveis
data = {'pl_min':'',
'pvp_max' :'',
with, urllib.parse.urlencode(data).encode('UTF-8')) as link:
content ='ISO-8859-1')
pattern = re.compile('<table id="resultado".*</table>', re.DOTALL)
reg = re.findall(pattern, content)[0]
page = fragment_fromstring(reg)
lista = OrderedDict()
for rows in page.xpath('tbody')[0].findall("tr"):
lista.update({rows.getchildren()[0][0].getchildren()[0].text: {'cotacao': rows.getchildren()[1].text,
'P/L': rows.getchildren()[2].text,
'P/VP': rows.getchildren()[3].text,
'PSR': rows.getchildren()[4].text,
'DY': rows.getchildren()[5].text,
'P/Ativo': rows.getchildren()[6].text,
'P/Cap.Giro': rows.getchildren()[7].text,
'P/EBIT': rows.getchildren()[8].text,
'P/Ativ.Circ.Liq.': rows.getchildren()[9].text,
'EV/EBIT': rows.getchildren()[10].text,
'EBITDA': rows.getchildren()[11].text,
'Mrg.Liq.': rows.getchildren()[12].text,
'Liq.Corr.': rows.getchildren()[13].text,
'ROIC': rows.getchildren()[14].text,
'ROE': rows.getchildren()[15].text,
'Liq.2m.': rows.getchildren()[16].text,
'Pat.Liq': rows.getchildren()[17].text,
'Div.Brut/Pat.': rows.getchildren()[18].text,
'Cresc.5a': rows.getchildren()[19].text}})
return lista
if __name__ == '__main__':
fundamentus = get_data()
lista_pl = list()
# Remover PL negativo e ROE negativo
for k, v in fundamentus.items():
if float(v['P/L'].replace('.', '').replace(',','.')) <= 0:
if float(v['ROE'].replace('.', '').replace(',','.').rstrip('%')) <= 0:
lista_pl.append([k, v['P/L'], v['ROE']])
# Criar lista ROE
lista_roe = sorted(lista_pl, key=lambda x:float(x[2].replace('.', '').replace(',','.').rstrip('%')))
# Lista resultado: Ativo, PL, ROE, Ranking PL, Ranking ROE, Ranking GreenBlat
lista_final = list()
for i in lista_pl:
n_pl = lista_pl.index(i) + 1
n_roe = lista_roe.index(i) + 1
lista_final.append([i[0], i[1], i[2], n_pl, n_roe, n_pl + n_roe])
lista_final.sort(key=lambda x: x[5])
print('{0:<8} {1:<8} {2:<10} {3:<11} {4:<13} {5:<18}'.format('Ativo',
'Ranking PL',
'Ranking ROE',
'Ranking GreenBlat'))
for i in lista_final:
print('{0:<8} {1:<8} {2:<10} {3:<11} {4:<13} {5:<18}'.format(i[0],
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phoemur commented Feb 28, 2016

Ordena as empresas do IBOVESPA segundo a fórmula de GreenBlat (The little book that beats the market) utilizando dados do site fundamentus (

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