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Created December 12, 2018 23:31
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Aho-Corasick algorithm in C++
#include <queue>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
// Reference
class Aho {
// A vertex from the trie
struct Vertex {
std::unordered_map<char, int> children {}; // Links to the child vertexes in the trie
int parent = -1; // Link to the parent vertex
int suffix_link = -1; // Suffix link from current vertex (the equivalent of P[i] from the KMP algorithm)
int end_word_link = -1; // Link to the leaf vertex of the maximum-length word we can make from the current prefix
int word_ID = -1; // If the vertex is the leaf, we store the ID of the word
char parent_char; // Char which moves us from the parent vertex to the current vertex
bool leaf = false; // Flag that some word from the dictionary ends in this vertex
std::vector<Vertex> trie;
std::vector<int> words_length;
int size;
int root;
int wordID; // id of the last inserted word
: trie{}, words_length{}, size{0}, root{0}, wordID{0}
// Add root node
void add_string(const std::string& s)
int curVertex = root;
for (char c : s) // Iterating over the string's characters
// Checking if a vertex with this edge exists in the trie:
if (trie[curVertex].children.find(c) == trie[curVertex].children.end())
trie[size].parent = curVertex;
trie[size].parent_char = c;
trie[curVertex].children[c] = size;
curVertex = trie[curVertex].children[c]; // Move to the new vertex in the trie
// Mark the end of the word and store its ID
trie[curVertex].leaf = true;
trie[curVertex].word_ID = wordID;
void prepare()
std::queue<int> vertexQueue {};
while (!vertexQueue.empty())
int curVertex = vertexQueue.front();
for (const auto& p : trie[curVertex].children)
int process(const std::string& text)
// Current state value
int currentState = root;
// Targeted result value
int result = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < text.size(); j++)
// Calculating new state in the trie
while (true)
// If we have the edge, then use it
if (trie[currentState].children.find(text[j]) != trie[currentState].children.end())
currentState = trie[currentState].children[text[j]];
// Otherwise, jump by suffix links and try to find the edge with
// this char
// If there aren't any possible edges we will eventually ascend to
// the root, and at this point we stop checking.
if (currentState == root) break;
currentState = trie[currentState].suffix_link;
int checkState = currentState;
// Trying to find all possible words from this prefix
while (true)
// Checking all words that we can get from the current prefix
checkState = trie[checkState].end_word_link;
// If we are in the root vertex, there are no more matches
if (checkState == root) break;
// If the algorithm arrived at this row, it means we have found a
// pattern match. And we can make additional calculations like find
// the index of the found match in the text. Or check that the found
// pattern is a separate word and not just, e.g., a substring.
int indexOfMatch = j + 1 - words_length[trie[checkState].word_ID];
std::cout << "There was a match at index " << indexOfMatch << ": ";
std::cout << text.substr(indexOfMatch, words_length[trie[checkState].word_ID]) << std::endl;
// Trying to find all matched patterns of smaller length
checkState = trie[checkState].suffix_link;
return result;
void CalcSuffLink(int vertex)
// Processing root (empty string)
if (vertex == root)
trie[vertex].suffix_link = root;
trie[vertex].end_word_link = root;
// Processing children of the root (one character substrings)
if (trie[vertex].parent == root)
trie[vertex].suffix_link = root;
if (trie[vertex].leaf) trie[vertex].end_word_link = vertex;
else trie[vertex].end_word_link = trie[trie[vertex].suffix_link].end_word_link;
// Cases above are degenerate cases as for prefix function calculation; the
// value is always 0 and links to the root vertex.
// To calculate the suffix link for the current vertex, we need the suffix
// link for the parent of the vertex and the character that moved us to the
// current vertex.
int curBetterVertex = trie[trie[vertex].parent].suffix_link;
char chVertex = trie[vertex].parent_char;
// From this vertex and its substring we will start to look for the maximum
// prefix for the current vertex and its substring.
while (true)
// If there is an edge with the needed char, we update our suffix link
// and leave the cycle
if (trie[curBetterVertex].children.find(chVertex) != trie[curBetterVertex].children.end())
trie[vertex].suffix_link = trie[curBetterVertex].children[chVertex];
// Otherwise, we are jumping by suffix links until we reach the root
// (equivalent of k == 0 in prefix function calculation) or we find a
// better prefix for the current substring.
if (curBetterVertex == root)
trie[vertex].suffix_link = root;
curBetterVertex = trie[curBetterVertex].suffix_link; // Go back by sufflink
// When we complete the calculation of the suffix link for the current
// vertex, we should update the link to the end of the maximum length word
// that can be produced from the current substring.
if (trie[vertex].leaf) trie[vertex].end_word_link = vertex;
else trie[vertex].end_word_link = trie[trie[vertex].suffix_link].end_word_link;
}; // end of class Aho
/* Example of using the algorithm */
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "aho.hpp"
int main()
std::vector<std::string> dictionary {"he", "she", "hers", "his"};
Aho ahotrie {};
for (auto& s : dictionary)
std::string text {" he is a puppet of his will. she is the master of hers ."};
int matches = ahotrie.process(text);
std::cout << "Total matches: " << matches << std::endl;
return 0;
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