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Last active January 20, 2019 10:07
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openjdk9 flags.
➜ openjdk9 ./build/macosx-x86_64-normal-server-slowdebug/jdk/bin/java -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version | pbcopy
[Global flags]
ccstrlist AOTLibrary = {product} {default}
ccstr AbortVMOnException = {diagnostic} {default}
ccstr AbortVMOnExceptionMessage = {diagnostic} {default}
uintx AdaptiveSizeDecrementScaleFactor = 4 {product} {default}
uintx AdaptiveSizeMajorGCDecayTimeScale = 10 {product} {default}
uintx AdaptiveSizePolicyCollectionCostMargin = 50 {product} {default}
uintx AdaptiveSizePolicyGCTimeLimitThreshold = 5 {develop} {default}
uintx AdaptiveSizePolicyInitializingSteps = 20 {product} {default}
uintx AdaptiveSizePolicyOutputInterval = 0 {product} {default}
uintx AdaptiveSizePolicyReadyThreshold = 5 {develop} {default}
uintx AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight = 10 {product} {default}
uintx AdaptiveSizeThroughPutPolicy = 0 {product} {default}
uintx AdaptiveTimeWeight = 25 {product} {default}
bool AggressiveOpts = false {product} {default}
intx AliasLevel = 3 {C2 product} {default}
bool AlignVector = false {C2 product} {default}
intx AllocateInstancePrefetchLines = 1 {product} {default}
intx AllocatePrefetchDistance = 192 {product} {default}
intx AllocatePrefetchInstr = 3 {product} {default}
intx AllocatePrefetchLines = 4 {product} {default}
intx AllocatePrefetchStepSize = 64 {product} {default}
intx AllocatePrefetchStyle = 1 {product} {default}
bool AllowJNIEnvProxy = false {product} {default}
bool AllowNonVirtualCalls = false {product} {default}
bool AllowParallelDefineClass = false {product} {default}
bool AllowUserSignalHandlers = false {product} {default}
bool AllowVectorizeOnDemand = true {C2 product} {default}
bool AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine = false {product} {default}
bool AlwaysCompileLoopMethods = false {product} {default}
bool AlwaysIncrementalInline = false {C2 develop} {default}
bool AlwaysLockClassLoader = false {product} {default}
bool AlwaysPreTouch = false {product} {default}
bool AlwaysRestoreFPU = false {product} {default}
bool AlwaysTenure = false {product} {default}
intx ArrayCopyLoadStoreMaxElem = 8 {C2 product} {default}
bool AssertOnSuspendWaitFailure = false {product} {default}
bool AssertRangeCheckElimination = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool AssumeMP = false {product} {default}
intx AutoBoxCacheMax = 128 {C2 product} {default}
uintx AutoGCSelectPauseMillis = 5000 {product} {default}
intx BCEATraceLevel = 0 {product} {default}
bool BackgroundCompilation = true {pd product} {default}
bool BailoutAfterHIR = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool BailoutAfterLIR = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool BailoutOnExceptionHandlers = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool BailoutToInterpreterForThrows = false {C2 develop} {default}
size_t BaseFootPrintEstimate = 268435456 {product} {default}
intx BciProfileWidth = 2 {develop} {default}
intx BiasedLockingBulkRebiasThreshold = 20 {product} {default}
intx BiasedLockingBulkRevokeThreshold = 40 {product} {default}
intx BiasedLockingDecayTime = 25000 {product} {default}
intx BiasedLockingStartupDelay = 4000 {product} {default}
intx BinarySwitchThreshold = 5 {develop} {default}
bool BindCMSThreadToCPU = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs = false {product} {default}
bool BlockLayoutByFrequency = true {C2 product} {default}
intx BlockLayoutMinDiamondPercentage = 20 {C2 product} {default}
bool BlockLayoutRotateLoops = true {C2 product} {default}
bool BlockOffsetArrayUseUnallocatedBlock = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool BranchOnRegister = false {C2 product} {default}
intx BreakAtNode = 0 {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool BreakAtWarning = false {develop} {default}
bool BytecodeVerificationLocal = false {product} {default}
bool BytecodeVerificationRemote = true {product} {default}
bool C1Breakpoint = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool C1OptimizeVirtualCallProfiling = true {C1 product} {default}
bool C1ProfileBranches = true {C1 product} {default}
bool C1ProfileCalls = true {C1 product} {default}
bool C1ProfileCheckcasts = true {C1 product} {default}
bool C1ProfileInlinedCalls = true {C1 product} {default}
bool C1ProfileVirtualCalls = true {C1 product} {default}
bool C1UpdateMethodData = true {C1 product} {default}
intx CIBreakAt = -1 {develop} {default}
intx CIBreakAtOSR = -1 {develop} {default}
bool CICompileNatives = true {develop} {default}
bool CICompileOSR = true {pd develop} {default}
intx CICompilerCount = 3 {product} {ergonomic}
bool CICompilerCountPerCPU = true {product} {default}
bool CICountOSR = false {develop} {default}
intx CICrashAt = -1 {notproduct} {default}
intx CIFireOOMAt = -1 {develop} {default}
bool CIObjectFactoryVerify = false {notproduct} {default}
bool CIPrintCompileQueue = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool CIPrintCompilerName = false {develop} {default}
bool CIPrintMethodCodes = false {develop} {default}
bool CIPrintRequests = false {develop} {default}
bool CIPrintTypeFlow = false {develop} {default}
intx CIStart = 0 {develop} {default}
intx CIStartOSR = 0 {develop} {default}
intx CIStop = 2147483647 {develop} {default}
intx CIStopOSR = 2147483647 {develop} {default}
bool CITime = false {product} {default}
bool CITimeEach = false {develop} {default}
bool CITimeVerbose = false {develop} {default}
bool CITraceTypeFlow = false {develop} {default}
bool CMSAbortSemantics = false {product} {default}
uintx CMSAbortablePrecleanMinWorkPerIteration = 100 {product} {default}
intx CMSAbortablePrecleanWaitMillis = 100 {manageable} {default}
size_t CMSBitMapYieldQuantum = 10485760 {product} {default}
uintx CMSBootstrapOccupancy = 50 {product} {default}
uintx CMSCheckInterval = 1000 {develop} {default}
bool CMSClassUnloadingEnabled = true {product} {default}
uintx CMSClassUnloadingMaxInterval = 0 {product} {default}
bool CMSCleanOnEnter = true {product} {default}
size_t CMSConcMarkMultiple = 32 {product} {default}
bool CMSConcurrentMTEnabled = true {product} {default}
uintx CMSCoordinatorYieldSleepCount = 10 {product} {default}
bool CMSEdenChunksRecordAlways = true {product} {default}
uintx CMSExpAvgFactor = 50 {product} {default}
bool CMSExtrapolateSweep = false {product} {default}
uintx CMSIncrementalSafetyFactor = 10 {product} {default}
uintx CMSIndexedFreeListReplenish = 4 {product} {default}
intx CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction = -1 {product} {default}
uintx CMSIsTooFullPercentage = 98 {product} {default}
double CMSLargeCoalSurplusPercent = 0.950000 {product} {default}
double CMSLargeSplitSurplusPercent = 1.000000 {product} {default}
bool CMSLoopWarn = false {product} {default}
bool CMSMarkStackOverflowALot = false {notproduct} {default}
uintx CMSMarkStackOverflowInterval = 1000 {notproduct} {default}
uintx CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanLoops = 0 {product} {default}
intx CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTime = 5000 {product} {default}
size_t CMSOldPLABMax = 1024 {product} {default}
size_t CMSOldPLABMin = 16 {product} {default}
uintx CMSOldPLABNumRefills = 4 {product} {default}
uintx CMSOldPLABReactivityFactor = 2 {product} {default}
bool CMSOldPLABResizeQuicker = false {product} {default}
uintx CMSOldPLABToleranceFactor = 4 {product} {default}
bool CMSPLABRecordAlways = true {product} {default}
bool CMSParallelInitialMarkEnabled = true {product} {default}
bool CMSParallelRemarkEnabled = true {product} {default}
bool CMSParallelSurvivorRemarkEnabled = true {product} {default}
uintx CMSPrecleanDenominator = 3 {product} {default}
uintx CMSPrecleanIter = 3 {product} {default}
uintx CMSPrecleanNumerator = 2 {product} {default}
bool CMSPrecleanRefLists1 = true {product} {default}
bool CMSPrecleanRefLists2 = false {product} {default}
bool CMSPrecleanSurvivors1 = false {product} {default}
bool CMSPrecleanSurvivors2 = true {product} {default}
uintx CMSPrecleanThreshold = 1000 {product} {default}
bool CMSPrecleaningEnabled = true {product} {default}
bool CMSPrintChunksInDump = false {product} {default}
bool CMSPrintObjectsInDump = false {product} {default}
uintx CMSRemarkVerifyVariant = 1 {product} {default}
bool CMSReplenishIntermediate = true {product} {default}
size_t CMSRescanMultiple = 32 {product} {default}
uintx CMSSamplingGrain = 16384 {product} {default}
bool CMSScavengeBeforeRemark = false {product} {default}
uintx CMSScheduleRemarkEdenPenetration = 50 {product} {default}
size_t CMSScheduleRemarkEdenSizeThreshold = 2097152 {product} {default}
uintx CMSScheduleRemarkSamplingRatio = 5 {product} {default}
double CMSSmallCoalSurplusPercent = 1.050000 {product} {default}
double CMSSmallSplitSurplusPercent = 1.100000 {product} {default}
bool CMSSplitIndexedFreeListBlocks = true {product} {default}
bool CMSTestInFreeList = false {develop} {default}
intx CMSTriggerInterval = -1 {manageable} {default}
uintx CMSTriggerRatio = 80 {product} {default}
bool CMSVerifyReturnedBytes = false {notproduct} {default}
intx CMSWaitDuration = 2000 {manageable} {default}
uintx CMSWorkQueueDrainThreshold = 10 {product} {default}
bool CMSYield = true {product} {default}
uintx CMSYieldSleepCount = 0 {product} {default}
size_t CMSYoungGenPerWorker = 67108864 {pd product} {default}
uintx CMS_FLSPadding = 1 {product} {default}
uintx CMS_FLSWeight = 75 {product} {default}
uintx CMS_SweepPadding = 1 {product} {default}
uintx CMS_SweepTimerThresholdMillis = 10 {product} {default}
uintx CMS_SweepWeight = 75 {product} {default}
uintx CPUForCMSThread = 0 {diagnostic} {default}
bool CSEArrayLength = false {C1 pd develop} {default}
bool CanonicalizeNodes = true {C1 develop} {default}
bool CheckAssertionStatusDirectives = false {notproduct} {default}
bool CheckCompressedOops = true {notproduct} {default}
bool CheckEndorsedAndExtDirs = false {product} {default}
bool CheckIntrinsics = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool CheckJNICalls = false {product} {default}
bool CheckMemoryInitialization = false {notproduct} {default}
bool CheckUnhandledOops = false {develop} {default}
bool CheckZapUnusedHeapArea = false {develop} {default}
bool ClassUnloading = true {product} {default}
bool ClassUnloadingWithConcurrentMark = true {product} {default}
bool CleanChunkPoolAsync = true {develop} {default}
bool ClipInlining = true {product} {default}
uintx CodeCacheExpansionSize = 65536 {pd product} {default}
uintx CodeCacheMinBlockLength = 4 {pd diagnostic} {default}
uintx CodeCacheMinimumUseSpace = 409600 {pd develop} {default}
uintx CodeCacheSegmentSize = 128 {pd develop} {default}
intx CodeEntryAlignment = 32 {pd develop} {default}
bool CollectIndexSetStatistics = false {notproduct} {default}
bool CommentedAssembly = true {C1 develop} {default}
bool CompactFields = true {product} {default}
bool CompactStrings = true {pd product} {default}
intx CompilationPolicyChoice = 3 {product} {default}
ccstrlist CompileCommand = {product} {default}
ccstr CompileCommandFile = {product} {default}
ccstrlist CompileOnly = {product} {default}
bool CompileTheWorld = false {develop} {default}
bool CompileTheWorldPreloadClasses = true {develop} {default}
intx CompileTheWorldSafepointInterval = 100 {notproduct} {default}
intx CompileTheWorldStartAt = 1 {notproduct} {default}
intx CompileTheWorldStopAt = 2147483647 {notproduct} {default}
intx CompileThreshold = 10000 {pd product} {default}
double CompileThresholdScaling = 1.000000 {product} {default}
ccstr CompilerDirectivesFile = {diagnostic} {default}
bool CompilerDirectivesIgnoreCompileCommands = false {diagnostic} {default}
int CompilerDirectivesLimit = 50 {diagnostic} {default}
bool CompilerDirectivesPrint = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool CompilerThreadHintNoPreempt = true {product} {default}
intx CompilerThreadPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx CompilerThreadStackSize = 1024 {pd product} {default}
size_t CompressedClassSpaceSize = 1073741824 {product} {default}
bool ComputeExactFPURegisterUsage = true {C1 develop} {default}
uint ConcGCThreads = 1 {product} {ergonomic}
intx ConcGCYieldTimeout = 0 {develop} {default}
intx ConditionalMoveLimit = 3 {C2 pd product} {default}
intx ContendedPaddingWidth = 128 {product} {default}
bool ConvertCmpD2CmpF = true {C2 develop} {default}
bool ConvertFloat2IntClipping = true {C2 develop} {default}
bool ConvertSleepToYield = true {product} {default}
bool ConvertYieldToSleep = false {product} {default}
bool CountBytecodes = false {develop} {default}
bool CountCompiledCalls = false {develop} {default}
bool CountJNICalls = false {develop} {default}
bool CountJVMCalls = false {notproduct} {default}
bool CountLinearScan = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool CountRemovableExceptions = false {notproduct} {default}
bool CountRuntimeCalls = false {notproduct} {default}
intx CounterDecayMinIntervalLength = 500 {develop} {default}
intx CounterHalfLifeTime = 30 {develop} {default}
bool CrashGCForDumpingJavaThread = false {notproduct} {default}
bool CrashOnOutOfMemoryError = false {product} {default}
bool CreateCoredumpOnCrash = true {product} {default}
bool CriticalJNINatives = true {product} {default}
bool DTraceAllocProbes = false {product} {default}
bool DTraceMethodProbes = false {product} {default}
bool DTraceMonitorProbes = false {product} {default}
bool DebugDeoptimization = false {develop} {default}
bool DebugInlinedCalls = true {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool DebugNonSafepoints = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool DebugVtables = false {develop} {default}
bool Debugging = false {product} {default}
bool DeferInitialCardMark = false {diagnostic} {default}
intx DeferPollingPageLoopCount = -1 {product} {default}
intx DeferThrSuspendLoopCount = 4000 {product} {default}
bool DelayCompilationDuringStartup = true {develop} {default}
bool DeoptC1 = true {C1 develop} {default}
bool DeoptimizeALot = false {develop} {default}
intx DeoptimizeALotInterval = 5 {notproduct} {default}
ccstrlist DeoptimizeOnlyAt = {notproduct} {default}
bool DeoptimizeRandom = false {product} {default}
intx DesiredMethodLimit = 8000 {develop} {default}
bool DieOnSafepointTimeout = false {develop} {default}
bool DisableAttachMechanism = false {product} {default}
bool DisableExplicitGC = false {product} {default}
ccstrlist DisableIntrinsic = {diagnostic} {default}
bool DisableStartThread = false {develop} {default}
bool DisplayVMOutput = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool DisplayVMOutputToStderr = false {product} {default}
bool DisplayVMOutputToStdout = false {product} {default}
bool DoCEE = true {C1 develop} {default}
bool DoEscapeAnalysis = true {C2 product} {default}
bool DoReserveCopyInSuperWord = true {C2 product} {default}
intx DominatorSearchLimit = 1000 {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool DontCompileHugeMethods = true {product} {default}
bool DontYieldALot = false {pd product} {default}
intx DontYieldALotInterval = 10 {develop} {default}
ccstr DumpLoadedClassList = {product} {default}
bool DumpReplayDataOnError = true {product} {default}
bool DumpSharedSpaces = false {product} {default}
bool EagerInitialization = false {develop} {default}
bool EagerXrunInit = false {product} {default}
intx EliminateAllocationArraySizeLimit = 64 {C2 product} {default}
bool EliminateAllocations = true {C2 product} {default}
bool EliminateAutoBox = true {C2 product} {default}
bool EliminateBlocks = true {C1 develop} {default}
bool EliminateFieldAccess = true {C1 develop} {default}
bool EliminateLocks = true {C2 product} {default}
bool EliminateNestedLocks = true {C2 product} {default}
bool EliminateNullChecks = true {C1 develop} {default}
bool EnableContended = true {product} {default}
bool EnableDynamicAgentLoading = true {product} {default}
bool EnableTracing = false {product} {default}
size_t ErgoHeapSizeLimit = 0 {product} {default}
ccstr ErrorFile = {product} {default}
uintx ErrorHandlerTest = 0 {notproduct} {default}
uint64_t ErrorLogTimeout = 120 {product} {default}
ccstr ErrorReportServer = {product} {default}
double EscapeAnalysisTimeout = 60.000000 {C2 product} {default}
bool EstimateArgEscape = true {product} {default}
bool ExecuteInternalVMTests = false {notproduct} {default}
bool ExecutingUnitTests = false {product} {default}
bool ExitEscapeAnalysisOnTimeout = true {C2 develop} {default}
bool ExitOnFullCodeCache = false {notproduct} {default}
bool ExitOnOutOfMemoryError = false {product} {default}
bool ExitVMOnVerifyError = false {notproduct} {default}
bool ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent = false {product} {default}
bool ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentAndUnloadsClasses = false {product} {default}
bool ExtendedDTraceProbes = false {product} {default}
ccstr ExtraSharedClassListFile = {product} {default}
intx FLOATPRESSURE = 14 {C2 pd develop} {default}
bool FLSAlwaysCoalesceLarge = false {product} {default}
uintx FLSCoalescePolicy = 2 {product} {default}
double FLSLargestBlockCoalesceProximity = 0.990000 {product} {default}
bool FLSVerifyAllHeapReferences = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool FLSVerifyDictionary = false {develop} {default}
bool FLSVerifyIndexTable = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool FLSVerifyLists = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool FailOverToOldVerifier = true {product} {default}
intx FastAllocateSizeLimit = 131072 {develop} {default}
intx FastSuperclassLimit = 8 {develop} {default}
bool FastTLABRefill = false {product} {default}
intx FieldsAllocationStyle = 1 {product} {default}
bool FillDelaySlots = true {develop} {default}
bool FilterSpuriousWakeups = true {product} {default}
bool FoldStableValues = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool ForceDynamicNumberOfGCThreads = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool ForceFloatExceptions = true {develop} {default}
bool ForceNUMA = false {product} {default}
bool ForceTimeHighResolution = false {product} {default}
bool ForceUnreachable = false {diagnostic} {default}
intx FreqCountInvocations = 1 {C2 develop} {default}
intx FreqInlineSize = 325 {pd product} {default}
bool FullGCALot = false {develop} {default}
intx FullGCALotDummies = 32768 {notproduct} {default}
intx FullGCALotInterval = 1 {notproduct} {default}
intx FullGCALotStart = 0 {notproduct} {default}
double G1ConcMarkStepDurationMillis = 10.000000 {product} {default}
uintx G1ConcRSHotCardLimit = 4 {product} {default}
size_t G1ConcRSLogCacheSize = 10 {product} {default}
size_t G1ConcRefinementGreenZone = 0 {product} {default}
size_t G1ConcRefinementRedZone = 0 {product} {default}
uintx G1ConcRefinementServiceIntervalMillis = 300 {product} {default}
uint G1ConcRefinementThreads = 4 {product} {ergonomic}
size_t G1ConcRefinementThresholdStep = 2 {product} {default}
size_t G1ConcRefinementYellowZone = 0 {product} {default}
uintx G1ConfidencePercent = 50 {product} {default}
uintx G1DummyRegionsPerGC = 0 {develop} {default}
bool G1EvacuationFailureALot = false {notproduct} {default}
uintx G1EvacuationFailureALotCount = 1000 {develop} {default}
bool G1EvacuationFailureALotDuringConcMark = true {develop} {default}
bool G1EvacuationFailureALotDuringInitialMark = true {develop} {default}
bool G1EvacuationFailureALotDuringMixedGC = true {develop} {default}
bool G1EvacuationFailureALotDuringYoungGC = true {develop} {default}
uintx G1EvacuationFailureALotInterval = 5 {develop} {default}
bool G1ExitOnExpansionFailure = false {develop} {default}
bool G1HRRSFlushLogBuffersOnVerify = false {develop} {default}
bool G1HRRSUseSparseTable = true {develop} {default}
size_t G1HeapRegionSize = 1048576 {product} {ergonomic}
uintx G1HeapWastePercent = 5 {product} {default}
intx G1MarkingOverheadPercent = 0 {develop} {default}
intx G1MaxVerifyFailures = -1 {develop} {default}
uintx G1MixedGCCountTarget = 8 {product} {default}
bool G1RSBarrierRegionFilter = true {develop} {default}
intx G1RSetRegionEntries = 256 {product} {default}
intx G1RSetRegionEntriesBase = 256 {develop} {default}
size_t G1RSetScanBlockSize = 64 {product} {default}
intx G1RSetSparseRegionEntries = 4 {product} {default}
intx G1RSetSparseRegionEntriesBase = 4 {develop} {default}
intx G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent = 10 {product} {default}
intx G1RefProcDrainInterval = 10 {product} {default}
uintx G1ReservePercent = 10 {product} {default}
uintx G1SATBBufferEnqueueingThresholdPercent = 60 {product} {default}
size_t G1SATBBufferSize = 1024 {product} {default}
intx G1SATBProcessCompletedThreshold = 20 {develop} {default}
bool G1ScrubRemSets = true {develop} {default}
uintx G1SecondaryFreeListAppendLength = 5 {develop} {default}
bool G1StressConcRegionFreeing = false {develop} {default}
uintx G1StressConcRegionFreeingDelayMillis = 0 {develop} {default}
intx G1SummarizeRSetStatsPeriod = 0 {diagnostic} {default}
size_t G1UpdateBufferSize = 256 {product} {default}
bool G1UseAdaptiveConcRefinement = true {product} {default}
bool G1UseAdaptiveIHOP = true {product} {default}
bool G1VerifyBitmaps = false {develop} {default}
bool G1VerifyCTCleanup = false {develop} {default}
bool G1VerifyHeapRegionCodeRoots = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool G1VerifyRSetsDuringFullGC = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool GCALotAtAllSafepoints = false {notproduct} {default}
uintx GCDrainStackTargetSize = 64 {product} {default}
uintx GCExpandToAllocateDelayMillis = 0 {develop} {default}
uintx GCHeapFreeLimit = 2 {product} {default}
uintx GCLockerEdenExpansionPercent = 5 {product} {default}
bool GCLockerInvokesConcurrent = false {product} {default}
uintx GCLockerRetryAllocationCount = 2 {diagnostic} {default}
bool GCParallelVerificationEnabled = true {diagnostic} {default}
uintx GCPauseIntervalMillis = 201 {product} {default}
uint GCTaskTimeStampEntries = 200 {product} {default}
uintx GCTimeLimit = 98 {product} {default}
uintx GCTimeRatio = 12 {product} {default}
uintx GCWorkerDelayMillis = 0 {develop} {default}
bool GenerateArrayStoreCheck = true {C1 develop} {default}
bool GenerateRangeChecks = true {develop} {default}
bool GenerateSynchronizationCode = true {develop} {default}
intx GuaranteedSafepointInterval = 1000 {diagnostic} {default}
size_t HeapBaseMinAddress = 2147483648 {pd product} {default}
bool HeapDumpAfterFullGC = false {manageable} {default}
bool HeapDumpBeforeFullGC = false {manageable} {default}
bool HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError = false {manageable} {default}
ccstr HeapDumpPath = {manageable} {default}
uintx HeapFirstMaximumCompactionCount = 3 {product} {default}
uintx HeapMaximumCompactionInterval = 20 {product} {default}
uintx HeapSearchSteps = 3 {product} {default}
size_t HeapSizePerGCThread = 87241520 {product} {default}
intx HotCallCountThreshold = 999999 {C2 develop} {default}
intx HotCallProfitThreshold = 999999 {C2 develop} {default}
intx HotCallTrivialSize = -1 {C2 develop} {default}
intx HotCallTrivialWork = -1 {C2 develop} {default}
intx HotMethodDetectionLimit = 100000 {diagnostic} {default}
intx HugeMethodLimit = 8000 {develop} {default}
bool ICMissHistogram = false {notproduct} {default}
bool IEEEPrecision = true {ARCH develop} {default}
intx INTPRESSURE = 13 {C2 pd develop} {default}
bool IdealizeClearArrayNode = true {C2 pd diagnostic} {default}
bool IdealizedNumerics = false {C2 develop} {default}
bool IgnoreEmptyClassPaths = false {product} {default}
bool IgnoreLibthreadGPFault = false {develop} {default}
bool IgnoreLockingAssertions = false {notproduct} {default}
bool IgnoreRewrites = false {develop} {default}
bool IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions = false {product} {default}
bool IgnoreUnverifiableClassesDuringDump = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool ImplicitDiv0Checks = true {C1 develop} {default}
intx ImplicitNullCheckThreshold = 3 {C2 develop} {default}
bool ImplicitNullChecks = true {pd diagnostic} {default}
uintx IncreaseFirstTierCompileThresholdAt = 50 {product} {default}
bool IncrementalInline = true {C2 product} {default}
intx IndexSetWatch = 0 {C2 notproduct} {default}
intx InitArrayShortSize = 64 {pd diagnostic} {default}
size_t InitialBootClassLoaderMetaspaceSize = 4194304 {product} {default}
uintx InitialCodeCacheSize = 2555904 {pd product} {default}
size_t InitialHeapSize = 134217728 {product} {ergonomic}
uintx InitialRAMFraction = 64 {product} {default}
uintx InitialSurvivorRatio = 8 {product} {default}
uintx InitialTenuringThreshold = 7 {product} {default}
uintx InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent = 45 {product} {default}
bool InjectGCWorkerCreationFailure = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool Inline = true {product} {default}
bool InlineAccessors = true {C2 develop} {default}
bool InlineArrayCopy = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool InlineClassNatives = true {diagnostic} {default}
ccstr InlineDataFile = {product} {default}
intx InlineFrequencyCount = 100 {pd diagnostic} {default}
intx InlineFrequencyRatio = 20 {develop} {default}
bool InlineIntrinsics = true {pd develop} {default}
bool InlineMathNatives = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool InlineMethodsWithExceptionHandlers = true {C1 develop} {default}
bool InlineNIOCheckIndex = true {C1 diagnostic} {default}
bool InlineNatives = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool InlineNotify = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool InlineObjectCopy = true {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool InlineObjectHash = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool InlineReflectionGetCallerClass = true {C2 diagnostic} {default}
intx InlineSmallCode = 2000 {pd product} {default}
bool InlineSynchronizedMethods = true {C1 product} {default}
bool InlineThreadNatives = true {diagnostic} {default}
intx InlineThrowCount = 50 {develop} {default}
intx InlineThrowMaxSize = 200 {develop} {default}
bool InlineUnsafeOps = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool InlineWarmCalls = false {C2 develop} {default}
bool InsertMemBarAfterArraycopy = true {C2 product} {default}
bool InstallMethods = true {C1 develop} {default}
intx InstructionCountCutoff = 37000 {C1 develop} {default}
bool InterceptOSException = false {develop} {default}
intx InteriorEntryAlignment = 16 {C2 pd product} {default}
intx InterpreterProfilePercentage = 33 {product} {default}
bool JVMCIUseFastLocking = true {JVMCI develop} {default}
size_t JVMInvokeMethodSlack = 8192 {pd develop} {default}
bool JavaMonitorsInStackTrace = true {product} {default}
intx JavaPriority10_To_OSPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx JavaPriority1_To_OSPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx JavaPriority2_To_OSPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx JavaPriority3_To_OSPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx JavaPriority4_To_OSPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx JavaPriority5_To_OSPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx JavaPriority6_To_OSPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx JavaPriority7_To_OSPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx JavaPriority8_To_OSPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx JavaPriority9_To_OSPriority = -1 {product} {default}
bool LIRFillDelaySlots = false {C1 pd product} {default}
bool LIRTraceExecution = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool LIRTracePeephole = false {C1 develop} {default}
size_t LargePageHeapSizeThreshold = 134217728 {product} {default}
size_t LargePageSizeInBytes = 0 {product} {default}
bool LargePagesIndividualAllocationInjectError = false {develop} {default}
intx LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff = 40000 {C2 product} {default}
bool LoadLineNumberTables = true {develop} {default}
bool LoadLocalVariableTables = true {develop} {default}
bool LoadLocalVariableTypeTables = true {develop} {default}
bool LogCompilation = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool LogEvents = true {diagnostic} {default}
uintx LogEventsBufferEntries = 10 {diagnostic} {default}
ccstr LogFile = {diagnostic} {default}
bool LogSweeper = false {notproduct} {default}
bool LogTouchedMethods = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool LogVMOutput = false {diagnostic} {default}
intx LongCompileThreshold = 50 {develop} {default}
intx LoopMaxUnroll = 16 {C2 product} {default}
intx LoopOptsCount = 43 {C2 product} {default}
intx LoopPercentProfileLimit = 30 {C2 pd product} {default}
intx LoopUnrollLimit = 60 {C2 pd product} {default}
intx LoopUnrollMin = 4 {C2 product} {default}
bool LoopUnswitching = true {C2 product} {default}
intx MallocCatchPtr = -1 {develop} {default}
uintx MallocMaxTestWords = 0 {diagnostic} {default}
bool ManagementServer = false {product} {default}
size_t MarkStackSize = 4194304 {product} {ergonomic}
size_t MarkStackSizeMax = 16777216 {product} {default}
uint MarkSweepAlwaysCompactCount = 4 {product} {default}
uintx MarkSweepDeadRatio = 5 {product} {default}
intx MaxBCEAEstimateLevel = 5 {product} {default}
intx MaxBCEAEstimateSize = 150 {product} {default}
uint64_t MaxDirectMemorySize = 0 {product} {default}
intx MaxElementPrintSize = 256 {notproduct} {default}
bool MaxFDLimit = true {product} {default}
intx MaxForceInlineLevel = 100 {develop} {default}
uintx MaxGCMinorPauseMillis = 18446744073709551615 {product} {default}
uintx MaxGCPauseMillis = 200 {product} {default}
uintx MaxHeapFreeRatio = 70 {manageable} {default}
size_t MaxHeapSize = 2147483648 {product} {ergonomic}
intx MaxInlineLevel = 9 {product} {default}
intx MaxInlineSize = 35 {product} {default}
intx MaxInterpretedSearchLength = 3 {develop} {default}
intx MaxJNILocalCapacity = 65536 {product} {default}
intx MaxJavaStackTraceDepth = 1024 {product} {default}
intx MaxJumpTableSize = 65000 {C2 product} {default}
intx MaxJumpTableSparseness = 5 {C2 product} {default}
intx MaxLabelRootDepth = 1100 {C2 product} {default}
intx MaxLoopPad = 11 {C2 product} {default}
size_t MaxMetaspaceExpansion = 5451776 {product} {default}
uintx MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio = 70 {product} {default}
size_t MaxMetaspaceSize = 18446744073709547520 {product} {default}
size_t MaxNewSize = 1287651328 {product} {ergonomic}
intx MaxNodeLimit = 80000 {C2 product} {default}
uint64_t MaxRAM = 137438953472 {pd product} {default}
uintx MaxRAMFraction = 4 {product} {default}
intx MaxRecompilationSearchLength = 10 {develop} {default}
intx MaxRecursiveInlineLevel = 1 {product} {default}
intx MaxSubklassPrintSize = 4 {notproduct} {default}
uintx MaxTenuringThreshold = 15 {product} {default}
intx MaxTrivialSize = 6 {product} {default}
intx MaxVectorSize = 64 {C2 product} {default}
uintx MaxVirtMemFraction = 2 {develop} {default}
bool MemProfiling = false {develop} {default}
intx MemProfilingInterval = 500 {notproduct} {default}
bool MetadataAllocationFailALot = false {develop} {default}
uintx MetadataAllocationFailALotInterval = 1000 {develop} {default}
size_t MetaspaceSize = 21807104 {pd product} {default}
bool MethodFlushing = true {product} {default}
intx MethodHistogramCutoff = 100 {develop} {default}
size_t MinHeapDeltaBytes = 1048576 {product} {ergonomic}
uintx MinHeapFreeRatio = 40 {manageable} {default}
intx MinInliningThreshold = 250 {product} {default}
intx MinJumpTableSize = 10 {C2 pd product} {default}
size_t MinMetaspaceExpansion = 339968 {product} {default}
uintx MinMetaspaceFreeRatio = 40 {product} {default}
intx MinOopMapAllocation = 8 {develop} {default}
intx MinPassesBeforeFlush = 10 {diagnostic} {default}
uintx MinRAMFraction = 2 {product} {default}
intx MinSleepInterval = 1 {develop} {default}
uintx MinSurvivorRatio = 3 {product} {default}
size_t MinTLABSize = 2048 {product} {default}
intx MonitorBound = 0 {product} {default}
bool MonitorInUseLists = true {product} {default}
bool MonomorphicArrayCheck = true {C2 develop} {default}
intx MultiArrayExpandLimit = 6 {C2 product} {default}
bool MustCallLoadClassInternal = false {product} {default}
intx NMethodSizeLimit = 524288 {C1 develop} {default}
uintx NUMAChunkResizeWeight = 20 {product} {default}
size_t NUMAInterleaveGranularity = 2097152 {product} {default}
uintx NUMAPageScanRate = 256 {product} {default}
size_t NUMASpaceResizeRate = 1073741824 {product} {default}
bool NUMAStats = false {product} {default}
ccstr NativeMemoryTracking = off {product} {default}
bool NeedsDeoptSuspend = false {pd product} {default}
intx NestedInliningSizeRatio = 90 {C1 develop} {default}
bool NeverActAsServerClassMachine = false {pd product} {default}
bool NeverTenure = false {product} {default}
intx NewCodeParameter = 0 {develop} {default}
uintx NewRatio = 2 {product} {default}
size_t NewSize = 1363144 {product} {default}
size_t NewSizeThreadIncrease = 5320 {pd product} {default}
intx NmethodSweepActivity = 10 {product} {default}
intx NodeCountInliningCutoff = 18000 {C2 develop} {default}
intx NodeCountInliningStep = 1000 {C2 develop} {default}
intx NodeLimitFudgeFactor = 2000 {C2 product} {default}
uintx NonNMethodCodeHeapSize = 5830092 {pd product} {ergonomic}
uintx NonProfiledCodeHeapSize = 122914074 {pd product} {ergonomic}
intx NumberOfLoopInstrToAlign = 4 {C2 product} {default}
intx OSROnlyBCI = -1 {develop} {default}
uintx ObjArrayMarkingStride = 2048 {develop} {default}
intx ObjectAlignmentInBytes = 8 {lp64_product} {default}
size_t OldPLABSize = 1024 {product} {default}
uintx OldPLABWeight = 50 {product} {default}
size_t OldSize = 5452592 {product} {default}
bool OmitStackTraceInFastThrow = true {product} {default}
ccstrlist OnError = {product} {default}
ccstrlist OnOutOfMemoryError = {product} {default}
intx OnStackReplacePercentage = 140 {pd product} {default}
bool OptimizeExpensiveOps = true {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool OptimizeFill = true {C2 product} {default}
bool OptimizeIfOps = true {C1 develop} {default}
bool OptimizePtrCompare = true {C2 product} {default}
bool OptimizeStringConcat = true {C2 product} {default}
bool OptimizeUnsafes = true {C1 develop} {default}
intx OptoBlockListSize = 8 {C2 develop} {default}
bool OptoBreakpoint = false {C2 develop} {default}
bool OptoBreakpointC2R = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool OptoBreakpointOSR = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool OptoBundling = false {C2 pd product} {default}
bool OptoCoalesce = true {C2 develop} {default}
intx OptoLoopAlignment = 16 {pd product} {default}
bool OptoNoExecute = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
intx OptoNodeListSize = 4 {C2 develop} {default}
bool OptoPeephole = true {C2 pd develop} {default}
intx OptoPeepholeAt = -1 {C2 develop} {default}
intx OptoPrologueNops = 0 {C2 develop} {default}
bool OptoRegScheduling = true {C2 pd product} {default}
bool OptoRemoveUseless = true {C2 develop} {default}
bool OptoScheduling = false {C2 pd product} {default}
uintx PLABWeight = 75 {product} {default}
intx PSAdaptiveSizePolicyResizeVirtualSpaceAlot = -1 {develop} {default}
bool PSChunkLargeArrays = true {product} {default}
int ParGCArrayScanChunk = 50 {product} {default}
intx ParGCCardsPerStrideChunk = 256 {diagnostic} {default}
uintx ParGCDesiredObjsFromOverflowList = 20 {product} {default}
uintx ParGCStridesPerThread = 2 {diagnostic} {default}
bool ParGCTrimOverflow = true {product} {default}
bool ParGCUseLocalOverflow = false {product} {default}
bool ParGCWorkQueueOverflowALot = false {notproduct} {default}
uintx ParGCWorkQueueOverflowInterval = 1000 {notproduct} {default}
uintx ParallelGCBufferWastePct = 10 {product} {default}
uint ParallelGCThreads = 4 {product} {default}
uintx ParallelOldDeadWoodLimiterMean = 50 {product} {default}
uintx ParallelOldDeadWoodLimiterStdDev = 80 {product} {default}
bool ParallelRefProcBalancingEnabled = true {product} {default}
bool ParallelRefProcEnabled = false {product} {default}
bool PartialPeelAtUnsignedTests = true {C2 product} {default}
bool PartialPeelLoop = true {C2 product} {default}
intx PartialPeelNewPhiDelta = 0 {C2 product} {default}
bool PatchALot = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool PauseAtExit = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool PauseAtStartup = false {diagnostic} {default}
ccstr PauseAtStartupFile = {diagnostic} {default}
uintx PausePadding = 1 {product} {default}
intx PerBytecodeRecompilationCutoff = 200 {product} {default}
intx PerBytecodeTrapLimit = 4 {product} {default}
intx PerMethodRecompilationCutoff = 400 {product} {default}
intx PerMethodTrapLimit = 100 {product} {default}
bool PerfAllowAtExitRegistration = false {product} {default}
bool PerfBypassFileSystemCheck = false {product} {default}
intx PerfDataMemorySize = 32768 {product} {default}
intx PerfDataSamplingInterval = 50 {product} {default}
ccstr PerfDataSaveFile = {product} {default}
bool PerfDataSaveToFile = false {product} {default}
bool PerfDisableSharedMem = false {product} {default}
intx PerfMaxStringConstLength = 1024 {product} {default}
bool PerfTraceDataCreation = false {develop} {default}
bool PerfTraceMemOps = false {develop} {default}
bool PinAllInstructions = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool PoisonOSREntry = true {C2 develop} {default}
size_t PreTouchParallelChunkSize = 1073741824 {product} {default}
uintx PreallocatedOutOfMemoryErrorCount = 4 {develop} {default}
bool PreferInterpreterNativeStubs = false {pd product} {default}
intx PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes = 576 {product} {default}
intx PrefetchFieldsAhead = 1 {product} {default}
intx PrefetchScanIntervalInBytes = 576 {product} {default}
bool PreserveAllAnnotations = false {product} {default}
bool PreserveFramePointer = false {pd product} {default}
size_t PretenureSizeThreshold = 0 {product} {default}
bool PrintAOT = false {product} {default}
bool PrintAOTStatistics = false {notproduct} {default}
bool PrintAdapterHandlers = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool PrintAssembly = false {diagnostic} {default}
ccstr PrintAssemblyOptions = {diagnostic} {default}
bool PrintBailouts = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool PrintBiasedLockingStatistics = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool PrintBlockElimination = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool PrintBytecodeHistogram = false {develop} {default}
bool PrintBytecodePairHistogram = false {develop} {default}
bool PrintC1Statistics = false {C1 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintCEE = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool PrintCFG = false {C1 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintCFG0 = false {C1 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintCFG1 = false {C1 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintCFG2 = false {C1 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintCFGBlockFreq = false {C2 develop} {default}
bool PrintCFGToFile = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool PrintCanonicalization = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool PrintClassHistogram = false {manageable} {default}
bool PrintCodeCache = false {product} {default}
bool PrintCodeCache2 = false {develop} {default}
bool PrintCodeCacheExtension = false {develop} {default}
bool PrintCodeCacheOnCompilation = false {product} {default}
bool PrintCommandLineFlags = false {product} {default}
bool PrintCompilation = false {product} {default}
bool PrintCompilation2 = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool PrintConcurrentLocks = false {manageable} {default}
bool PrintDebugInfo = false {develop} {default}
bool PrintDeoptimizationDetails = false {develop} {default}
bool PrintDependencies = false {develop} {default}
bool PrintDominators = false {C2 develop} {default}
bool PrintEliminateAllocations = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintEliminateLocks = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintEscapeAnalysis = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintExceptionHandlers = false {develop} {default}
bool PrintFieldLayout = false {notproduct} {default}
bool PrintFlagsFinal = true {product} {command line}
bool PrintFlagsInitial = false {product} {default}
bool PrintFlagsRanges = false {product} {default}
bool PrintFlagsWithComments = false {notproduct} {default}
bool PrintFrameConverterAssembly = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintGC = false {product} {default}
bool PrintGCDetails = false {product} {default}
bool PrintHeapAtSIGBREAK = true {product} {default}
bool PrintIR = false {C1 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintIR0 = false {C1 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintIR1 = false {C1 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintIR2 = false {C1 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintIRDuringConstruction = false {C1 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintIRWithLIR = false {C1 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintIdeal = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintIdealGraph = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
ccstr PrintIdealGraphAddress = {C2 notproduct} {default}
ccstr PrintIdealGraphFile = {C2 notproduct} {default}
intx PrintIdealGraphLevel = 0 {C2 notproduct} {default}
intx PrintIdealGraphPort = 4444 {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintIdealNodeCount = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintInitialBlockList = false {C1 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintInlining = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool PrintInterpreter = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool PrintIntrinsics = false {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool PrintJNIResolving = false {product} {default}
bool PrintLIR = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool PrintLIRWithAssembly = false {C1 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintLockStatistics = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintMalloc = false {develop} {default}
bool PrintMallocFree = false {notproduct} {default}
bool PrintMallocStatistics = false {develop} {default}
bool PrintMethodData = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool PrintMethodFlushing = false {develop} {default}
bool PrintMethodFlushingStatistics = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool PrintMethodHandleStubs = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool PrintMiscellaneous = false {develop} {default}
bool PrintNMTStatistics = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool PrintNMethodStatistics = false {notproduct} {default}
bool PrintNMethods = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool PrintNativeNMethods = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool PrintNotLoaded = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool PrintNullCheckElimination = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool PrintOptimizePtrCompare = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintOptimizeStringConcat = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintOpto = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintOptoAssembly = false {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool PrintOptoInlining = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintOptoPeephole = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintOptoStatistics = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintParseStatistics = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintPhiFunctions = false {C1 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintPreciseBiasedLockingStatistics = false {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool PrintPreciseRTMLockingStatistics = false {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool PrintRelocations = false {develop} {default}
bool PrintRewrites = false {notproduct} {default}
bool PrintSafepointStatistics = false {product} {default}
intx PrintSafepointStatisticsCount = 300 {product} {default}
intx PrintSafepointStatisticsTimeout = -1 {product} {default}
bool PrintSharedArchiveAndExit = false {product} {default}
bool PrintSharedDictionary = false {product} {default}
bool PrintSharedSpaces = false {product} {default}
bool PrintSignatureHandlers = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool PrintSimpleStubs = false {C1 notproduct} {default}
bool PrintStringTableStatistics = false {product} {default}
bool PrintStubCode = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool PrintSymbolTableSizeHistogram = false {notproduct} {default}
bool PrintSystemDictionaryAtExit = false {notproduct} {default}
bool PrintTieredEvents = false {product} {default}
bool PrintTouchedMethodsAtExit = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool PrintUnsafeOptimization = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool PrintVMMessages = true {develop} {default}
bool PrintVMOptions = false {product} {default}
bool PrintVMQWaitTime = false {product} {default}
bool PrintValueNumbering = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool PrintVtableStats = false {notproduct} {default}
bool PrintWarnings = true {product} {default}
uintx ProcessDistributionStride = 4 {product} {default}
bool ProfileDynamicTypes = true {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool ProfileInterpreter = true {pd product} {default}
bool ProfileIntervals = false {product} {default}
intx ProfileIntervalsTicks = 100 {product} {default}
intx ProfileMaturityPercentage = 20 {product} {default}
bool ProfileTraps = true {pd develop} {default}
bool ProfileVM = false {product} {default}
uintx ProfiledCodeHeapSize = 122914074 {pd product} {ergonomic}
bool ProfilerCheckIntervals = false {notproduct} {default}
intx ProfilerNodeSize = 1024 {develop} {default}
intx ProfilerNumberOfCompiledMethods = 25 {diagnostic} {default}
intx ProfilerNumberOfInterpretedMethods = 25 {diagnostic} {default}
intx ProfilerNumberOfRuntimeStubNodes = 25 {diagnostic} {default}
intx ProfilerNumberOfStubMethods = 25 {diagnostic} {default}
intx ProfilerPCTickThreshold = 15 {develop} {default}
bool ProfilerPrintByteCodeStatistics = false {product} {default}
bool ProfilerRecordPC = false {product} {default}
uintx PromotedPadding = 3 {product} {default}
bool PromotionFailureALot = false {notproduct} {default}
uintx PromotionFailureALotCount = 1000 {develop} {default}
uintx PromotionFailureALotInterval = 5 {develop} {default}
bool ProtectionDomainVerification = true {develop} {default}
uintx QueuedAllocationWarningCount = 0 {product} {default}
uintx RTMRetryCount = 5 {ARCH product} {default}
bool RangeCheckElimination = true {product} {default}
bool ReassociateInvariants = true {C2 product} {default}
bool ReduceBulkZeroing = true {C2 product} {default}
bool ReduceFieldZeroing = true {C2 product} {default}
bool ReduceInitialCardMarks = true {C2 product} {default}
bool ReduceSignalUsage = false {product} {default}
intx RefDiscoveryPolicy = 0 {product} {default}
intx RegisterCostAreaRatio = 16000 {C2 pd develop} {default}
bool RegisterFinalizersAtInit = true {product} {default}
bool RegisterReferences = true {develop} {default}
bool RelaxAccessControlCheck = false {product} {default}
bool RenumberLiveNodes = true {C2 develop} {default}
bool ReplayCompiles = false {develop} {default}
ccstr ReplayDataFile = {product} {default}
bool ReplayIgnoreInitErrors = false {develop} {default}
intx ReplaySuppressInitializers = 2 {develop} {default}
bool RequireSharedSpaces = false {product} {default}
uintx ReservedCodeCacheSize = 251658240 {pd product} {ergonomic}
bool ResizeOldPLAB = true {product} {default}
bool ResizePLAB = true {product} {default}
bool ResizeTLAB = true {pd product} {default}
bool RestoreMXCSROnJNICalls = false {product} {default}
bool RestrictContended = true {product} {default}
bool RestrictReservedStack = true {product} {default}
bool RewriteBytecodes = true {pd product} {default}
bool RewriteFrequentPairs = true {pd product} {default}
bool RoundFPResults = true {C1 pd develop} {default}
bool SafepointALot = false {develop} {default}
intx SafepointSpinBeforeYield = 2000 {product} {default}
bool SafepointTimeout = false {product} {default}
intx SafepointTimeoutDelay = 10000 {product} {default}
bool ScavengeALot = false {notproduct} {default}
intx ScavengeALotInterval = 1 {notproduct} {default}
bool ScavengeBeforeFullGC = false {product} {default}
intx ScavengeRootsInCode = 2 {diagnostic} {default}
bool SegmentedCodeCache = true {product} {ergonomic}
bool SelectivePhiFunctions = true {C1 develop} {default}
intx SelfDestructTimer = 0 {product} {default}
bool SerializeVMOutput = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool ShareVtableStubs = true {pd develop} {default}
ccstr SharedArchiveFile = {diagnostic} {default}
size_t SharedBaseAddress = 34359738368 {product} {default}
ccstr SharedClassListFile = {product} {default}
size_t SharedMiscCodeSize = 122880 {product} {default}
size_t SharedMiscDataSize = 4194304 {product} {default}
size_t SharedReadOnlySize = 10485760 {product} {default}
size_t SharedReadWriteSize = 10485760 {product} {default}
uintx SharedSymbolTableBucketSize = 4 {product} {default}
bool ShowHiddenFrames = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool ShowMessageBoxOnError = false {product} {default}
bool ShowSafepointMsgs = false {develop} {default}
bool ShrinkHeapInSteps = true {product} {default}
bool SoftMatchFailure = false {C2 develop} {default}
intx SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB = 1000 {product} {default}
bool SparcV9RegsHiBitsZero = true {C2 develop} {default}
bool SpecialArraysEquals = true {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool SpecialEncodeISOArray = true {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool SpecialStringCompareTo = true {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool SpecialStringEquals = true {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool SpecialStringIndexOf = true {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool SplitIfBlocks = true {C2 product} {default}
intx StackPrintLimit = 100 {develop} {default}
intx StackRedPages = 1 {pd product} {default}
intx StackReservedPages = 1 {pd product} {default}
intx StackShadowPages = 22 {pd product} {default}
bool StackTraceInThrowable = true {product} {default}
intx StackYellowPages = 2 {pd product} {default}
uintx StartAggressiveSweepingAt = 10 {product} {default}
bool StartAttachListener = false {product} {default}
intx StopInterpreterAt = 0 {develop} {default}
bool StressArrayCopyMacroNode = false {C2 develop} {default}
bool StressCodeAging = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool StressCodeBuffers = false {develop} {default}
bool StressCompiledExceptionHandlers = false {develop} {default}
bool StressCriticalJNINatives = false {notproduct} {default}
bool StressDerivedPointers = false {notproduct} {default}
bool StressGCM = false {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool StressLCM = false {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool StressLdcRewrite = false {product} {default}
bool StressLinearScan = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool StressLoopInvariantCodeMotion = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool StressRangeCheckElimination = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool StressRecompilation = false {C2 develop} {default}
bool StressReflectiveCode = false {C2 develop} {default}
bool StressRewriter = false {develop} {default}
bool StrictSafepointChecks = true {notproduct} {default}
uintx StringDeduplicationAgeThreshold = 3 {product} {default}
bool StringDeduplicationRehashALot = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool StringDeduplicationResizeALot = false {diagnostic} {default}
uintx StringTableSize = 60013 {product} {default}
bool SubsumeLoads = true {C2 develop} {default}
bool SuperWordLoopUnrollAnalysis = true {C2 pd product} {default}
bool SuperWordRTDepCheck = false {C2 develop} {default}
bool SuperWordReductions = true {C2 product} {default}
ccstrlist SuppressErrorAt = {notproduct} {default}
bool SuppressFatalErrorMessage = false {product} {default}
uintx SurvivorPadding = 3 {product} {default}
uintx SurvivorRatio = 8 {product} {default}
intx SuspendRetryCount = 50 {product} {default}
intx SuspendRetryDelay = 5 {product} {default}
intx SweeperLogEntries = 1024 {notproduct} {default}
uintx TLABAllocationWeight = 35 {product} {default}
uintx TLABRefillWasteFraction = 64 {product} {default}
size_t TLABSize = 0 {product} {default}
bool TLABStats = true {product} {default}
uintx TLABWasteIncrement = 4 {product} {default}
uintx TLABWasteTargetPercent = 1 {product} {default}
uintx TargetPLABWastePct = 10 {product} {default}
uintx TargetSurvivorRatio = 50 {product} {default}
uintx TenuredGenerationSizeIncrement = 20 {product} {default}
uintx TenuredGenerationSizeSupplement = 80 {product} {default}
uintx TenuredGenerationSizeSupplementDecay = 2 {product} {default}
uintx TestCrashInErrorHandler = 0 {notproduct} {default}
bool TestSafeFetchInErrorHandler = false {notproduct} {default}
intx ThreadPriorityPolicy = 0 {product} {default}
bool ThreadPriorityVerbose = false {product} {default}
intx ThreadStackSize = 1024 {pd product} {default}
uintx ThresholdTolerance = 10 {product} {default}
intx Tier0BackedgeNotifyFreqLog = 10 {product} {default}
intx Tier0InvokeNotifyFreqLog = 7 {product} {default}
intx Tier0ProfilingStartPercentage = 200 {product} {default}
intx Tier23InlineeNotifyFreqLog = 20 {product} {default}
intx Tier2BackEdgeThreshold = 0 {product} {default}
intx Tier2BackedgeNotifyFreqLog = 14 {product} {default}
intx Tier2CompileThreshold = 0 {product} {default}
intx Tier2InvokeNotifyFreqLog = 11 {product} {default}
intx Tier3AOTBackEdgeThreshold = 120000 {product} {default}
intx Tier3AOTCompileThreshold = 15000 {product} {default}
intx Tier3AOTInvocationThreshold = 10000 {product} {default}
intx Tier3AOTMinInvocationThreshold = 1000 {product} {default}
intx Tier3BackEdgeThreshold = 60000 {product} {default}
intx Tier3BackedgeNotifyFreqLog = 13 {product} {default}
intx Tier3CompileThreshold = 2000 {product} {default}
intx Tier3DelayOff = 2 {product} {default}
intx Tier3DelayOn = 5 {product} {default}
intx Tier3InvocationThreshold = 200 {product} {default}
intx Tier3InvokeNotifyFreqLog = 10 {product} {default}
intx Tier3LoadFeedback = 5 {product} {default}
intx Tier3MinInvocationThreshold = 100 {product} {default}
intx Tier4BackEdgeThreshold = 40000 {product} {default}
intx Tier4CompileThreshold = 15000 {product} {default}
intx Tier4InvocationThreshold = 5000 {product} {default}
intx Tier4LoadFeedback = 3 {product} {default}
intx Tier4MinInvocationThreshold = 600 {product} {default}
bool TieredCompilation = true {pd product} {default}
intx TieredCompileTaskTimeout = 50 {product} {default}
intx TieredRateUpdateMaxTime = 25 {product} {default}
intx TieredRateUpdateMinTime = 1 {product} {default}
intx TieredStopAtLevel = 4 {product} {default}
bool TimeCompilationPolicy = false {develop} {default}
bool TimeEachLinearScan = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool TimeLinearScan = false {C1 product} {default}
bool TimeLivenessAnalysis = false {develop} {default}
bool TimeOopMap = false {develop} {default}
bool TimeOopMap2 = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceBytecodes = false {develop} {default}
intx TraceBytecodesAt = 0 {develop} {default}
bool TraceCISCSpill = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool TraceCallFixup = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceCodeBlobStacks = false {notproduct} {default}
bool TraceCompilationPolicy = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceCompiledIC = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceCreateZombies = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceDeoptimization = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceDependencies = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceDerivedPointers = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceFPURegisterUsage = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool TraceFPUStack = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool TraceFinalizerRegistration = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceFrequencyInlining = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceGCTaskManager = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceGCTaskQueue = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceICBuffer = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceICs = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceInlineCacheClearing = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceInvocationCounterOverflow = false {notproduct} {default}
bool TraceInvokeDynamic = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceIterativeGVN = false {C2 develop} {default}
ccstr TraceJVMTI = {product} {default}
bool TraceJVMTIObjectTagging = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool TraceJavaAssertions = false {develop} {default}
intx TraceLinearScanLevel = 0 {C1 develop} {default}
bool TraceLivenessGen = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceLivenessQuery = false {notproduct} {default}
bool TraceLongCompiles = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceLoopLimitCheck = false {C2 develop} {default}
bool TraceLoopOpts = false {C2 develop} {default}
bool TraceLoopPredicate = false {C2 develop} {default}
bool TraceLoopUnswitching = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool TraceMethodHandles = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceMethodReplacement = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceNMethodInstalls = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool TraceNewOopMapGeneration = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceNewOopMapGenerationDetailed = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceNewVectors = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool TraceOldGenTime = false {product} {default}
bool TraceOnStackReplacement = false {notproduct} {default}
bool TraceOopMapGeneration = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceOopMapRewrites = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceOptimizeFill = false {C2 develop} {default}
bool TraceOptoOutput = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool TraceOptoParse = false {C2 develop} {default}
bool TraceOptoPipelining = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool TraceParallelOldGCDensePrefix = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceParallelOldGCMarkingPhase = false {develop} {default}
bool TracePartialPeeling = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool TracePatching = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool TracePcPatching = false {develop} {default}
bool TracePhaseCCP = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool TracePostallocExpand = false {C2 develop} {default}
bool TracePredicateFailedTraps = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool TraceProfileInterpreter = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceProfileTripCount = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool TraceRangeCheckElimination = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool TraceRangeLimitCheck = false {C2 develop} {default}
bool TraceRelocator = false {develop} {default}
bool TraceScavenge = false {notproduct} {default}
bool TraceSpilling = false {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool TraceSuperWord = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool TraceSuperWordLoopUnrollAnalysis = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool TraceSuspendWaitFailures = false {product} {default}
bool TraceTypeProfile = false {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool TraceUncollectedSpeculations = false {JVMCI develop} {default}
bool TraceYoungGenTime = false {product} {default}
intx TrackedInitializationLimit = 50 {C2 product} {default}
bool TransmitErrorReport = false {product} {default}
bool TrapBasedNullChecks = false {pd product} {default}
bool TrapBasedRangeChecks = false {C2 pd product} {default}
bool TwoOperandLIRForm = true {C1 pd develop} {default}
intx TypeProfileArgsLimit = 2 {product} {default}
bool TypeProfileCasts = true {develop} {default}
uintx TypeProfileLevel = 111 {pd product} {default}
intx TypeProfileMajorReceiverPercent = 90 {C2 product} {default}
intx TypeProfileParmsLimit = 2 {product} {default}
intx TypeProfileWidth = 2 {product} {default}
bool UncommonNullCast = true {pd develop} {default}
intx UnguardOnExecutionViolation = 0 {product} {default}
bool UnlinkSymbolsALot = false {product} {default}
bool UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions = true {diagnostic} {command line}
intx UnrollLimitForProfileCheck = 1 {C2 develop} {default}
bool UnsyncloadClass = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool Use24BitFP = true {C2 develop} {default}
bool Use24BitFPMode = true {C2 develop} {default}
bool UseAES = true {product} {default}
bool UseAESCTRIntrinsics = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool UseAESIntrinsics = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool UseAOT = false {product} {ergonomic}
bool UseAOTStrictLoading = false {diagnostic} {default}
intx UseAVX = 2 {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseAdaptiveGCBoundary = false {product} {default}
bool UseAdaptiveGenerationSizePolicyAtMajorCollection = true {product} {default}
bool UseAdaptiveGenerationSizePolicyAtMinorCollection = true {product} {default}
bool UseAdaptiveNUMAChunkSizing = true {product} {default}
bool UseAdaptiveSizeDecayMajorGCCost = true {product} {default}
bool UseAdaptiveSizePolicy = true {product} {default}
bool UseAdaptiveSizePolicyFootprintGoal = true {product} {default}
bool UseAdaptiveSizePolicyWithSystemGC = false {product} {default}
bool UseAddressNop = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseAdler32Intrinsics = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool UseAutoGCSelectPolicy = false {product} {default}
bool UseBMI1Instructions = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseBMI2Instructions = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseBiasedLocking = true {product} {default}
bool UseBimorphicInlining = true {C2 product} {default}
bool UseBsdPosixThreadCPUClocks = true {product} {default}
bool UseC1Optimizations = true {C1 develop} {default}
bool UseCHA = true {develop} {default}
bool UseCISCSpill = true {C2 pd develop} {default}
bool UseCLMUL = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseCMSBestFit = true {product} {default}
bool UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly = false {product} {default}
bool UseCMoveUnconditionally = false {C2 product} {default}
bool UseCRC32CIntrinsics = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool UseCRC32Intrinsics = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool UseCodeAging = true {product} {default}
bool UseCodeCacheFlushing = true {product} {default}
bool UseCompiler = true {product} {default}
bool UseCompressedClassPointers = true {lp64_product} {ergonomic}
bool UseCompressedOops = true {lp64_product} {ergonomic}
bool UseConcMarkSweepGC = false {product} {default}
bool UseCondCardMark = false {product} {default}
bool UseCountLeadingZerosInstruction = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseCountTrailingZerosInstruction = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseCountedLoopSafepoints = false {C2 product} {default}
bool UseCounterDecay = true {product} {default}
bool UseDetachedThreads = true {develop} {default}
bool UseDivMod = true {C2 product} {default}
bool UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads = false {product} {default}
bool UseExactTypes = true {C2 develop} {default}
bool UseFMA = true {product} {default}
bool UseFPUForSpilling = true {C2 product} {default}
bool UseFakeTimers = false {develop} {default}
bool UseFastJNIAccessors = true {product} {default}
bool UseFastLocking = true {C1 develop} {default}
bool UseFastNewInstance = true {C1 develop} {default}
bool UseFastNewObjectArray = true {C1 develop} {default}
bool UseFastNewTypeArray = true {C1 develop} {default}
bool UseFastSignatureHandlers = true {develop} {default}
bool UseFastStosb = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseG1GC = true {product} {ergonomic}
bool UseGCOverheadLimit = true {product} {default}
bool UseGCTaskAffinity = false {product} {default}
bool UseGHASHIntrinsics = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool UseGlobalValueNumbering = true {C1 develop} {default}
bool UseHeavyMonitors = false {product} {default}
bool UseHugeTLBFS = false {product} {default}
bool UseImplicitStableValues = true {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool UseIncDec = true {ARCH diagnostic} {default}
bool UseInlineCaches = true {product} {default}
bool UseInlineDepthForSpeculativeTypes = true {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool UseInterpreter = true {product} {default}
bool UseJumpTables = true {C2 product} {default}
bool UseLWPSynchronization = true {product} {default}
bool UseLargePages = false {pd product} {default}
bool UseLargePagesInMetaspace = false {product} {default}
bool UseLargePagesIndividualAllocation = false {pd product} {default}
bool UseLibmIntrinsic = true {ARCH diagnostic} {default}
bool UseLocalValueNumbering = true {C1 develop} {default}
bool UseLockedTracing = false {product} {default}
bool UseLoopCounter = true {product} {default}
bool UseLoopInvariantCodeMotion = true {C1 product} {default}
bool UseLoopPredicate = true {C2 product} {default}
bool UseLoopSafepoints = true {develop} {default}
bool UseMallocOnly = false {develop} {default}
bool UseMathExactIntrinsics = true {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool UseMaximumCompactionOnSystemGC = true {product} {default}
bool UseMembar = true {pd product} {default}
bool UseMontgomeryMultiplyIntrinsic = true {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool UseMontgomerySquareIntrinsic = true {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool UseMulAddIntrinsic = true {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool UseMultiplyToLenIntrinsic = true {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool UseNUMA = false {product} {default}
bool UseNUMAInterleaving = false {product} {default}
bool UseNewCode = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool UseNewCode2 = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool UseNewCode3 = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool UseNewLongLShift = false {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseOSErrorReporting = false {pd product} {default}
bool UseOnStackReplacement = true {pd product} {default}
bool UseOnlyInlinedBimorphic = true {C2 product} {default}
bool UseOprofile = false {product} {default}
bool UseOptoBiasInlining = true {C2 product} {default}
bool UsePSAdaptiveSurvivorSizePolicy = true {product} {default}
bool UseParNewGC = false {product} {default}
bool UseParallelGC = false {product} {default}
bool UseParallelOldGC = false {product} {default}
bool UsePerfData = true {product} {default}
bool UsePopCountInstruction = true {product} {default}
bool UsePrivilegedStack = true {develop} {default}
bool UsePthreads = false {develop} {default}
bool UseRDPCForConstantTableBase = false {C2 product} {default}
bool UseRTMDeopt = false {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseRTMLocking = false {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseRelocIndex = false {develop} {default}
bool UseSHA = true {product} {default}
bool UseSHA1Intrinsics = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool UseSHA256Intrinsics = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool UseSHA512Intrinsics = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool UseSHM = false {product} {default}
intx UseSSE = 4 {product} {default}
bool UseSSE42Intrinsics = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseSemaphoreGCThreadsSynchronization = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool UseSerialGC = false {product} {default}
bool UseSharedSpaces = false {product} {default}
bool UseSignalChaining = true {product} {default}
bool UseSlowPath = false {C1 develop} {default}
bool UseSquareToLenIntrinsic = true {C2 diagnostic} {default}
bool UseStackBanging = true {develop} {default}
bool UseStoreImmI16 = false {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseStrictFP = true {develop} {default}
bool UseStringDeduplication = false {product} {default}
bool UseSuperWord = true {C2 product} {default}
bool UseTLAB = true {pd product} {default}
bool UseTableRanges = true {C1 develop} {default}
bool UseThreadPriorities = true {pd product} {default}
bool UseTypeProfile = true {product} {default}
bool UseTypeSpeculation = true {C2 product} {default}
bool UseUnalignedAccesses = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool UseUnalignedLoadStores = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseUniqueSubclasses = true {C2 develop} {default}
bool UseVectorizedMismatchIntrinsic = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool UseXMMForArrayCopy = true {product} {default}
bool UseXmmI2D = false {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseXmmI2F = false {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseXmmLoadAndClearUpper = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool UseXmmRegToRegMoveAll = true {ARCH product} {default}
bool VMThreadHintNoPreempt = false {product} {default}
intx VMThreadPriority = -1 {product} {default}
intx VMThreadStackSize = 1024 {pd product} {default}
intx ValueMapInitialSize = 11 {C1 product} {default}
intx ValueMapMaxLoopSize = 8 {C1 product} {default}
intx ValueSearchLimit = 1000 {C2 product} {default}
bool Verbose = false {develop} {default}
bool VerboseInternalVMTests = false {notproduct} {default}
bool VerifyActivationFrameSize = false {develop} {default}
bool VerifyAdapterCalls = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool VerifyAdapterSharing = false {develop} {default}
bool VerifyAfterGC = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool VerifyAliases = false {C2 develop} {default}
bool VerifyBeforeExit = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool VerifyBeforeGC = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool VerifyBeforeIteration = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool VerifyBlockOffsetArray = false {develop} {default}
bool VerifyCodeCache = false {notproduct} {default}
bool VerifyCompiledCode = false {develop} {default}
bool VerifyConnectionGraph = true {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool VerifyDUIterators = true {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool VerifyDataPointer = true {develop} {default}
bool VerifyDependencies = true {develop} {default}
bool VerifyDuringGC = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool VerifyDuringStartup = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool VerifyFPU = false {develop} {default}
intx VerifyGCLevel = 0 {diagnostic} {default}
uintx VerifyGCStartAt = 0 {diagnostic} {default}
bool VerifyGraphEdges = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool VerifyHashTableKeys = true {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool VerifyIdealNodeCount = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool VerifyIterativeGVN = false {C2 develop} {default}
bool VerifyJNIEnvThread = false {notproduct} {default}
bool VerifyJNIFields = true {develop} {default}
bool VerifyLastFrame = false {notproduct} {default}
bool VerifyLoopOptimizations = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool VerifyMergedCPBytecodes = true {product} {default}
bool VerifyMethodHandles = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool VerifyObjectStartArray = true {diagnostic} {default}
bool VerifyOops = false {develop} {default}
bool VerifyOpto = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool VerifyOptoOopOffsets = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool VerifyRegisterAllocator = false {C2 notproduct} {default}
bool VerifyRememberedSets = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool VerifySharedSpaces = false {product} {default}
bool VerifyStack = false {develop} {default}
bool VerifyStackAtCalls = false {develop} {default}
bool VerifyStringTableAtExit = false {diagnostic} {default}
ccstrlist VerifySubSet = {diagnostic} {default}
bool VerifyThread = false {develop} {default}
bool WalkStackALot = false {notproduct} {default}
intx WarmCallMaxSize = 999999 {C2 develop} {default}
intx WarmCallMaxWork = 999999 {C2 develop} {default}
intx WarmCallMinCount = -1 {C2 develop} {default}
intx WarmCallMinProfit = -1 {C2 develop} {default}
uintx WarnOnStalledSpinLock = 0 {notproduct} {default}
bool WhiteBoxAPI = false {diagnostic} {default}
bool WizardMode = false {develop} {default}
uintx YoungGenerationSizeIncrement = 20 {product} {default}
uintx YoungGenerationSizeSupplement = 80 {product} {default}
uintx YoungGenerationSizeSupplementDecay = 8 {product} {default}
size_t YoungPLABSize = 4096 {product} {default}
bool ZapFillerObjects = true {develop} {default}
bool ZapJNIHandleArea = true {develop} {default}
bool ZapResourceArea = true {develop} {default}
bool ZapStackSegments = true {notproduct} {default}
bool ZapUnusedHeapArea = true {develop} {default}
bool ZapVMHandleArea = true {notproduct} {default}
bool ZeroTLAB = false {product} {default}
bool ZombieALot = false {notproduct} {default}
intx ZombieALotInterval = 5 {notproduct} {default}
openjdk version "9-internal"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (slowdebug build 9-internal+0-adhoc.chaitanya.openjdk9)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (slowdebug build 9-internal+0-adhoc.chaitanya.openjdk9, mixed mode)
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