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Created June 11, 2014 12:22
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SignShop Configuration
# If you need help with this config, view the SignShop Quick Reference PDF located in the SignShop folder
# You can also visit our Bukkit page at
# There are a few basic options to modify how SignShop acts globally
# You can edit anything in this config and use "/signshop reload" to reload the config while the server is running
#----------- Admin Options ------------------
# Allow OP to have all permissions, regardless of permission settings (Default = true)
OPOverride: true
# Whether or not to make a log of all SignShop transactions (Default = false)
TransactionLog: false
# If commands are detected for a sign in the "commands:" section, SignShop will automatically add the "runCommand" block to the sign name in the "signs:" section (Default = true)
# Disable to prevent SignShop from modifying the "signs:" section [Not Recommended]
fixIncompleteOperations: true
# Minimum time (in seconds) between SignShop sending messages to players (Default = 0)
MessageCooldownSeconds: 0
# Distance around a device type sign that keeps chunks loaded so redstone levers can be toggled properly (Default = 2)
# Setting this to a high number will keep more chunks loaded, at the cost of server performance, use at your own risk
ChunkLoadRadius: 2
#----------- Tools ------------------
# All items can be listed by item number (
# Or by item name (
# Used to create and tell shops what they are connected with
LinkMaterial: redstone
# Used to change the owner of a sign or update an active sign's words by punching another sign first
UpdateMaterial: ink_sack
# Used to destroy shops in creative mode if "ProtectShopsInCreative" is set to "true"
DestroyMaterial: gold_axe
#----------- Language ------------------
# Changes the default language for SignShop
# Available languages are dutch, english, french, portuguese, russian
# Send us your translated configs and we will add it to our supported languages
# NOTE: If you only want to use the sign aliases from Dutch but keep the messages in English for example, you can do "english, dutch"
Languages: english
# Fetch more readable item names from the internet (Default = false)
EnableNamesFromTheWeb: false
# SignShop will fetch item names from Google translate if set to a different language (Default = false)
EnableGoogleTranslation: false
#----------- Mechanics ------------------
# SignShops will not break if punched in creative mode, must use DestroyMaterial to break them (Default = true)
ProtectShopsInCreative: true
# Protects signs when they are made into shops. Can be bypased by OP (Default = true)
EnableShopOwnerProtection: true
# Gives players a message the first time they create a sign (Default = true)
EnableTutorialMessages: true
# Allow players to sell partial amounts to signs and get partial money (Default = false)
AllowVariableAmounts: true
# Allow enchanted items to be repaired with [Repair] signs (Default = true)
AllowEnchantedRepair: true
# Allow inventories to stack signs in groups of 64 (Default = false)
# This option doesn't do anything for newer versions of Minecraft, as signs now stack automatically
EnableSignStacking: false
# Disables shops for owners without the SignShop.Permit permission node (Default = false)
EnablePermits: true
# Used to allow groups of users to use shops for different amounts of money
# A multiplier of "1.0" means the amount is the same as it is on the sign
# For more help with this, please read the Quick Reference
iBuy: 0.7
iSell: 1.2
Repair: 0.5
# Below is a list of all the materials that SignShop will allow to be linked to a shop.
# The key (stuff before the colon) can either be the material name (
# or it can the ID. To only allow blocks with a specific data value, just attach a ~ with the damage value (ex. WOOL~4 or 35~4 for Yellow Wool)
# The value (stuff after the colon) is the "alias" which is used when checking for the DenyLink permission node.
# So before a player can link a CHEST, the player will be checked for OP (OP's can link everything from the list below) and the SignShop.DenyLink.chest permission node.
CHEST: chest
DROPPER: dropper
HOPPER: hopper
ANVIL: anvil
DISPENSER: dispenser
FURNACE: furnace
BREWING_STAND: brewingstand
ENCHANTMENT_TABLE: enchantmenttable
LEVER: lever
SIGN: sign
STEP: slab
JUKEBOX: jukebox
ITEM_FRAME: itemframe
#----------- Restrictions ------------------
# Maximum distance between a SignShop and chest/lever/etc., in blocks (Infinite/Default = 0)
MaxSellDistance: 0
# Maximum number of SignShops allowed globally per person (Infinite/Default = 0)
# This number does not include admin "playerIsOp" shops
# Can be bypassed with the Signshop.IgnoreMax permission
# For more help with this, please read the Quick Reference
MaxShopsPerPerson: 0
# The maximum number of shops a group of users can have
# These numbers are ignored if set higher than MaxShopsPerPerson
# Can be bypassed with the Signshop.IgnoreMax permission
# For more help with this, please read the Quick Reference
DefaultEx: 5
MemberEx: 10
# Minimum time (in ms) a player may consecutively use a shop (Default = 0)
ShopCooldownMilliseconds: 0
# Allow players to right-click villagers and trade with them (Default = false)
PreventVillagerTrade: false
# Enable support for non-vanilla enchantments (Default = false)
AllowUnsafeEnchantments: false
# Allow shops with the chest and sign in different worlds (Default = false)
AllowMultiWorldShops: true
# List items not allowed to be used in shops on new lines
# All items can be listed by item number (
# Or by item name (
- 0
# If set to true, only the items listed under Blacklist will be allowed for use in shops (Default = false)
UseBlacklistAsWhitelist: false
#----------- Other Plugins ------------------
# Allows SignShop to warn of sign conflicts with Essentials at startup (Default = true)
# Disable to silence the warnings [Not Recommended]
DisableEssentialsSigns: true
# Must be enabled to use Essentials' worth.yml for prices by writing "[worth]" on the bottom line of a sign (Default = false)
EnablePriceFromWorth: false
# Must be enabled for SignShop to place shop icons over dynmap maps (Default = true)
EnableDynmapSupport: true
# Forces players to only create shops in allowed areas (Default = false)
# Currently supports Worldguard's "allow-shop" flag, and Towny's shop plots
# Can be bypassed with the SignShop.BypassShopPlots.* permission
EnableShopPlotSupport: false
# Automatically add a LWC protection to a chest when it is linked (Default = false)
EnableAutomaticLock: false
#----------- Available Signs ------------------
# This is a list of available signs and their associated building blocks
# You can create your own signs by listing them here
# For a full list of SignShop's blocks and what they do, please read the Quick Reference
Buy: takePlayerMoney,takeShopItems,giveOwnerMoney,givePlayerItems
Sell: takeVariablePlayerItems,takeOwnerMoney,giveShopItems,givePlayerMoney
Donate: takeVariablePlayerItems,giveShopItems
DonateHand: takeItemInHand,giveShopItems{allowemptychest}
Slot: takePlayerMoney,giveOwnerMoney,RandomItem,givePlayerItems{oneslot},takeShopItems
iSell: takeVariablePlayerItems,givePlayerMoney,playerIsOp
iBuy: takePlayerMoney,givePlayerItems,playerIsOp
gBuy: takePlayerMoney,givePlayerItems,takeShopItems,playerIsOp
gSell: takeVariablePlayerItems,givePlayerMoney,giveShopItems,playerIsOp
Day: takePlayerMoney,setDayTime,playerIsOp
Night: takePlayerMoney,setNightTime,playerIsOp
Rain: takePlayerMoney,setRaining,playerIsOp
ClearSkies: takePlayerMoney,setClearSkies,playerIsOp
DeviceOn: takePlayerMoney,giveOwnerMoney,setRedstoneOn
DeviceOff: takePlayerMoney,giveOwnerMoney,setRedstoneOff
Toggle: takePlayerMoney,giveOwnerMoney,toggleRedstone
Device: takePlayerMoney,giveOwnerMoney,setRedStoneOnTemp
Heal: takePlayerMoney,healPlayer,playerIsOp
Repair: takePlayerMoney,repairPlayerHeldItem,playerIsOp
Dispose: takeItemInHand
DeviceItem: takePlayerItems,giveShopItems,setRedStoneOnTemp
iSlot: takePlayerMoney,RandomItem,givePlayerItems{oneslot},playerIsOp
Enchant: enchantItemInHand,takePlayerMoney,playerIsOp
iBuyXP: givePlayerXP,takePlayerMoney,playerIsOp
iSellXP: takePlayerXP,givePlayerMoney,playerIsOp
iTrade: Chest{1},takePlayerItems,Chest{2},givePlayerItems,playerIsOp
Trade: Chest{1},takePlayerItems,giveShopItems,Chest{2},givePlayerItems,takeShopItems
TpToOwner: takePlayerMoney,playerIsOp,runCommand
Class: takePlayerInventory{clearArmor},takePlayerMoney,givePlayerItems{ignorefull},playerIsOp
Disenchant: disenchantItemInHand,takePlayerMoney,playerIsOp
Command: takePlayerMoney,playerIsOp,runCommand
UserCommand: takePlayerMoney,playerIsOp,runCommand{asOriginalUser}
Share: ShareSign
Restricted: RestrictedSign
Bank: BankSign
Jukebox: playJukebox,takePlayerMoney
Kit: givePlayerItems,takePlayerMoney,oneTime,playerIsOp
ResetKit: takePlayerMoney,resetOneTime{Kit}, playerIsOp
iXPBuy: takePlayerXP{raw},givePlayerItems,playerIsOp
iXPSell: givePlayerXP{raw},takePlayerItems,playerIsOp
Promote: promotePlayer,takePlayerMoney,playerIsOp
TCommand: takePlayerMoney,runTimedCommand{10},playerIsOp
#----------- Sign Commands ------------------
# Used to make signs run commands
# You can list multiple commands on new lines
# A sign must have the runCommand block in order for these to work (added automatically if "fixIncompleteOperations" is set to "true")
# For help with this, please read the Quick Reference
- tp !player !owner
- \!line2 !line3
- \!line2 !line3
- \!line2 !line3
- tell !player The commands on the sign have been run.
#----------- Messages and Errors ------------------
# These are given when players interact with shops
# Words beginning with "!" are replaced when the message is given
# For a full list of available !variables and what they do, please read the Quick Reference
# These are given when you create a sign by punching it with the link material (Redstone by default)
Buy: You have put !items for sale at a price of !price!
Sell: You have put a bounty of !price for !items!
Donate: You have setup a donation box for !items!
DonateHand: You have setup a donation box for all item types
Slot: You have setup a !price slot machine offering !items!
iBuy: You have put !items infinitely for sale at a price of !price!
iSell: You have put an infinite bounty of !price for !items!
gBuy: You have setup a ghost shop selling !items for !price! (Note, you will not receive or lose money from this shop)
gSell: You have setup a ghost shop buying !items for !price! (Note, you will not receive or lose money from this shop)
Day: You have setup a time controller that costs !price!
Night: You have setup a time controller that costs !price!
Rain: You have setup a weather controller that costs !price!
ClearSkies: You have setup a weather controller that costs !price!
DeviceOn: You have setup a device activator that costs !price!
DeviceOff: You have setup a device deactivator that costs !price!
Toggle: You have setup a device toggler that costs !price!
Device: You have setup a device temporary activator that costs !price!
Heal: You have setup a healing station that costs !price!
Repair: You have setup a repair station that costs !price!
Dispose: You have setup a dispose sign
DeviceItem: You have setup a device temporary activator that costs !items!
iSlot: You have setup a !price slot machine offering infinite !items!
Enchant: You have setup an Enchanter that costs !price and enchants with !enchantments!
iSellXP: You have put a bounty of !price for !xp XP
iBuyXP: You have put !xp XP for sale at a price of !price!
iTrade: You have setup a trade shop that costs !chest1 for !chest2!
Trade: You have setup a trade shop that costs !chest1 for !chest2!
TpToOwner: You have setup a command example shop, selling teleports to !owner for !price!
Class: You have setup a shop to sell a class of items for !price!
Disenchant: You have setup a sign that removes enchantments for !price!
Command: You have created a sign that runs commands for !price!
UserCommand: You have created a sign that runs commands as if a player typed it in chat for !price!
Jukebox: You have set up a Jukebox that plays records from the chest for !price!
Kit: You have setup a one time use kit (!items) for !price!
ResetKit: You have setup a sign that resets !param signs!
iXPBuy: You have put !items for sale at the cost of !xp XP points!
iXPSell: You have put !items infinitely for sale at a price of !xp XP points!
Promote: You have set up a Promote sign that promotes to the !promoteto group.
TCommand: You have created a command sign that runs commands on this sign after 10 seconds for !price!
# These are given when you left click a sign
Buy: Buy !items for !price?
Sell: Sell !items for !price?
Donate: Donate !items?
DonateHand: Donate !items?
Slot: Play this slot machine for !price?
iBuy: Buy !items for !price?
iSell: Sell !items for !price?
gBuy: Buy !items for !price?
gSell: Sell !items for !price?
Day: Set the time to day for !price?
Night: Set the time to night for !price?
Rain: Set the weather to raining for !price?
ClearSkies: Set the weather to clear skies for !price?
DeviceOn: Activate this device for !price?
DeviceOff: Deactivate this device for !price?
Toggle: Toggle this device for !price?
Device: Temporarily activate this device for !price?
Heal: Heal yourself for !price?
Repair: Repair the item held in your hand for !price?
Dispose: Dispose of !items?
DeviceItem: Temporarily activate this device for !items?
iSlot: Play this infinitely stocked slot machine for !price?
Enchant: Enchant your item with !enchantments for !price?
iSellXP: Sell !xp XP for !price?
iBuyXP: Buy !xp XP for !price?
iTrade: Buy !chest2 with !chest1?
Trade: Buy !chest2 with !chest1?
TpToOwner: Teleport to !owner for !price?
Class: Buy the class containing !items for !price?
Disenchant: Remove enchantments on the item in your hand for !price?
Command: Run the commands on this sign for !price?
UserCommand: Run the commands on this sign for !price?
Jukebox: Play a record for !price?
Kit: Get this kit (!items) one time for !price?
ResetKit: Reset your !param signs for !price!
iXPBuy: Buy !items for !xp XP points?
iXPSell: Sell !items for !xp XP points?
Promote: Promote from !promotefrom to !promoteto?
TCommand: Run the commands on this sign in 10 seconds for !price?
# These are given when you complete a transaction
Buy: You have bought !items for !price!
Sell: You have sold !items for !price!
Donate: You have donated !items!
DonateHand: You have donated !items!
Slot: You won !items!
iBuy: You have bought !items for !price!
iSell: You have sold !items for !price!
gBuy: You have bought !items for !price!
gSell: You have sold !items for !price!
Day: You set the time to day for !price!
Night: You set the time to night for !price!
Rain: You set the weather to raining for !price!
ClearSkies: You set the weather to clear skies for !price!
DeviceOn: You activated this device for !price!
DeviceOff: You deactivated this !price!
Toggle: You toggled this device for !price!
Device: You temporarily activated this device for !price!
Heal: You healed yourself for !price!
Repair: You repaired an item for !price!
Dispose: You have disposed of !items!
DeviceItem: You temporarily activated this device for !items!
iSlot: You won !items!
Enchant: Enchanted your item with !enchantments for !price!
iSellXP: Sold !xp XP for !price!
iBuyXP: Added !xp XP for !price!
iTrade: Traded !chest1 for !chest2!
Trade: Traded !chest1 for !chest2!
TpToOwner: You teleported to !owner for !price!
Class: You bought the class containing !items for !price!
Disenchant: You removed the enchantments on the item in your hand for !price!
Command: You ran the commands on the sign for !price!
UserCommand: You ran the commands on the sign for !price!
Jukebox: You've made the Jukebox play a record for !price!
Kit: You acquired !items for !price!
ResetKit: You reset !param signs for !price!
iXPBuy: You have bought !items for !xp XP points!
iXPSell: You have sold !items for !xp XP points!
Promote: You have been promoted from !promotefrom to !promoteto!
TCommand: The commands on this sign will be run in 10 seconds!
# These are given to shop owners when someone uses their shop
# You can use empty single or double quotes to make it so SignShop does not inform the owner
# NOTE: You must use a "\" if you start a line with "!"
Buy: \!customer bought !items for !price from you!
Sell: \!customer sold you !items for !price!
Donate: \!customer donated !items to you!
DonateHand: \!customer donated !items to you!
Slot: \!customer played a slot machine for !price and won !items!
iBuy: ''
iSell: ''
gBuy: \!customer bought !items from your ghost store!
gSell: \!customer sold !items to your ghost store!
Day: ''
Night: ''
Rain: ''
ClearSkies: ''
DeviceOn: \!customer activated your device for !price!
DeviceOff: \!customer deactivated your device for !price!
Toggle: \!customer toggled your device for !price!
Device: \!customer temporarily activated your device for !price!
Heal: ''
Repair: ''
Dispose: ''
DeviceItem: \!customer temporarily activated your device for !items!
iSlot: ''
Enchant: ''
iSellXP: ''
iBuyXP: ''
iTrade: ''
Trade: \!customer traded !chest1 for your !chest2!
TpToOwner: ''
Class: ''
Disenchant: ''
Command: ''
UserCommand: ''
Jukebox: \!customer played a record on your jukebox for !price!
Kit: ''
ResetKit: ''
iXPBuy: ''
iXPSell: ''
Promote: ''
TCommand: ''
# These are used for the /signshop sign SIGNNAME command
# New lines are automatically made at the end of sentences when printing
Buy: The Buy sign exchanges the customer's money for the chest's items. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Punch the chest(s) using !linkmaterial containing the type and amount of items you want for a single transaction.
Sell: The Sell sign exchanges the customer's items for the owner's money. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Punch the chest(s) using !linkmaterial containing the type and amount of items you want for a single transaction.
Donate: The Donate sign will give the chest's items. You can put whatever you like on lines 2, 3, and 4 of this sign. Punch the chest(s) with !linkmaterial containing the items you want to accept for donations.
DonateHand: The DonateHand sign will take the items from a customer's hand and give it to the chest. You can put whatever you like on lines 2, 3, and 4 of this sign. Punch the empty chest(s) with !linkmaterial that will hold the donated items.
Slot: The Slot sign exchanges the customer's money for the chest's randomly selected items. Each slot in the chest has an equal probability of being selected. The amount of items in each slot of the chest will be the amount of items the customer gets if that chest slot is selected (empty chest slots are ignored).
iBuy: The Infinite Buy sign exchanges the customer's money for items. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Punch the chest(s) using !linkmaterial containing the type and amount of items you want for a single transaction. This shop will never run out of items, so the chest can be destroyed after linking. Money is not put in the owner's account.
iSell: The Infinite Sell sign exchanges the customer's items for money. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Punch the chest(s) using !linkmaterial containing the type and amount of items you want for a single transaction. This shop will never run out of space in the chest, so the chest can be destroyed after linking. Money is not removed from the owner's account.
gBuy: The Ghost Buy sign exchanges the customer's money for the chest's items. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Punch the chest(s) using !linkmaterial containing the type and amount of items you want for a single transaction. Money is not put in the owner's account.
gSell: The Ghost Sell sign exchanges the customer's items for money. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Punch the chest(s) using !linkmaterial containing the type and amount of items you want for a single transaction. Money is not removed from the owner's account.
Day: The Day sign exchanges the customer's money for setting the time to sunrise. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Money is not put in the owner's account.
Night: The Night sign exchanges the customer's money for setting the time to night. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Money is not put in the owner's account.
Rain: The Rain sign exchanges the customer's money for setting the weather to stormy. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Money is not put in the owner's account.
ClearSkies: The ClearSkies sign exchanges the customer's money for removing stormy weather. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Money is not put in the owner's account.
DeviceOn: The DeviceOn sign exchanges the customer's money for turning on a redstone lever. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Punch the lever(s) you want to turn on using !linkmaterial.
DeviceOff: The DeviceOff sign exchanges the customer's money for turning off a redstone lever. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Punch the lever(s) you want to turn off using !linkmaterial.
Toggle: The Toggle sign exchanges the customer's money for toggling a redstone lever on/off. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Punch the lever(s) you want to toggle on/off using !linkmaterial.
Device: The Device sign exchanges the customer's money for temporarily turning a redstone lever on. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Punch the lever(s) you want to temporarily turn on using !linkmaterial.
Heal: The Heal sign exchanges the customer's money for setting their health to full. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Money is not put in the owner's account.
Repair: The Repair sign exchanges the customer's money for fully repairing the item in their hands. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Money is not put in the owner's account.
Dispose: The Dispose sign will take the items from a customer's hand and destroy them. You can put whatever you like on lines 2, 3, and 4 of this sign.
DeviceItem: The Device sign exchanges the customer's items for temporarily turning a redstone lever on. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Punch the lever(s) you want to temporarily turn on using !linkmaterial. Punch the chest(s) using !linkmaterial containing the type and amount of items you want for a single transaction.
iSlot: The iSlot sign exchanges the customer's money for randomly selected items. Each slot in the chest has an equal probability of being selected. The amount of items in each slot of the chest will be the amount of items the customer gets if that chest slot is selected (empty chest slots are ignored). This shop will never run out of items, so the chest can be destroyed after linking. Money is not put in the owner's account.
Enchant: The Enchant sign exchanges the customer's money for enchanting the item in their hands. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. The enchantment is determined by an enchanted item in the chest. Money is not put in the owner's account.
iSellXP: The Infinite Sell XP sign exchanges the customer's XP levels for money. The 2nd line of this sign can say whatever you like, the XP levels goes on the 3rd and the price goes on the 4th. Money is not put in the owner's account.
iBuyXP: The Infinite Buy XP sign exchanges the customer's money for XP levels. The 2nd line of this sign can say whatever you like, the XP levels goes on the 3rd and the price goes on the 4th. Money is not removed from the owner's account.
iTrade: The Infinite Trade sign exchanges the customer's items for the chest's items. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th lines of this sign can say whatever you like. Punch the chest of the items you want to give away using !linkmaterial, then punch the chest items you would like to recieve, then punch the sign. The items will not be added or removed from the chests, so they can be destroyed after linking.
Trade: The Trade sign exchanges the customer's items for the chest's items. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th lines of this sign can say whatever you like. Punch the chest of the items you want to give away using !linkmaterial, then punch the chest items you would like to recieve, then punch the sign.
TpToOwner: The TpToOwner sign exchanges the customer's money for teleporting the themselves to the owner. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Money is not put in the owner's account. This is an example sign for custom commands, read more in the Quick Reference (found in the plugins/SignShop folder).
Class: The Class sign exchanges the customer's money and their inventory for the chest's items. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Punch the chest(s) using !linkmaterial containing the type and amount of items you want for a single transaction. Money is not put in the owner's account.
Disenchant: The Disenchant sign exchanges the customer's money for removing the enchantment on the item in their hands. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Money is not put in the owner's account.
Command: The Command sign exchanges the customer's money to run the command on the sign. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign have the command written on them (without the "/"), the price goes on the 4th. SignShop cannot know if the command was successfully completed, so it will take the customer's money even if the command doesn't work.
UserCommand: The UserCommand sign exchanges the customer's money to run the command on the sign as if they typed it in. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign have the command written on them (without the "/"), the price goes on the 4th. SignShop cannot know if the command was successfully completed, so it will take the customer's money even if the command doesn't work, or they don't have permission.
Jukebox: The Jukebox sign exchanges the customer's money to listen to music discs. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Punch the chest(s) using !linkmaterial containing the music discs you'd like to play. The sign will play the next disc in the chest when used.
Kit: The Kit sign exchanges the customer's money and their inventory for the chest's items. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Punch the chest(s) using !linkmaterial containing the type and amount of items you want for a single transaction. This sign can only be used once per player before needing to be reset. Money is not put in the owner's account.
ResetKit: The ResetKit sign exchanges the customer's money so they are allowed to use the Kit sign again. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the price goes on the 4th. Money is not put in the owner's account.
iXPBuy: The Infinite XP Buy sign exchanges the customer's XP points for items. The 2nd and 4th lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the XP points goes on the 3rd line. Punch the chest(s) using !linkmaterial containing the type and amount of items you want for a single transaction. This shop will never run out of items, so the chest can be destroyed after linking.
iXPSell: The Infinite XP Sell sign exchanges the customer's items for XP points. The 2nd and 4th lines of this sign can say whatever you like, the XP points goes on the 3rd line. Punch the chest(s) using !linkmaterial containing the type and amount of items you want for a single transaction. This shop will never run out of space in the chest, so the chest can be destroyed after linking.
Promote: The Promote sign exchanges the customer's money to be added to a permission group. The 2nd line of this sign must have the permission group listed. The 3rd line can say anything. The 4th line lists the amount of money required for the promotion. Money is not put in the owner's account.
TCommand: The TCommand sign exchanges the customer's money to run the command on the sign after 10 seconds. The 2nd and 3rd lines of this sign have the command written on them (without the "/"), the price goes on the 4th. SignShop cannot know if the command was successfully completed, so it will take the customer's money even if the command doesn't work.
# These are notifications to give players feedback on what SignShop is doing
no_permission: You don't have permission to create this sign!
no_permission_use: You don't have permission to use this sign!
no_permission_changeowner: You don't have permission to change to the owner of this shop!
invalid_operation: The sign you clicked doesnt have a valid operation!
chest_empty: The shop is empty!
chest_missing: You need to link at least one chest for this shop type!
lever_missing: You need to link at least one lever for this shop type!
no_player_money: You don't have !price to pay!
no_shop_money: The shop doesn't have !price to pay you!
out_of_business: This shop appears to have gone out of business!
out_of_stock: This shop is out of stock!
overstocked: This shop is overstocked!
player_doesnt_have_items: You don't have the items! (!items)
no_item_in_hand: You need to be holding an item for the shop to be able to take it!
player_overstocked: You are overstocked, either your inventory is too full, or you can't hold any more money!
sign_location_stored: Sign location stored!
made_day: '!player has made it day!'
made_night: '!player has made it night!'
made_rain: '!player has made it rain!'
made_clear_skies: '!player has cleared the skies!'
already_on: Device is already on
already_off: Device is already off
link_notallowed: You are not allowed to link this!
item_already_repair: That item is already fully repaired!
already_raining: It is already storming!
already_clear_skies: The skies are clear already!
already_full_health: Your health is already full!
saving: Saving shops...
saved: Shops saved!
shop_removed: Removed an invalid Shop! It should be in '!world' at (!x, !y, !z).
invalid_item_to_repair: That item cannot be repaired!
no_item_to_repair: You need to be holding the item you want to repair!
backup_fail: Failed to backup Storage!
too_far: The distance between the sign and chest is too big. Maximum is !max.
too_many_shops: You have reached the maximum amount of shops allowed. Maximum is !max.
enchanted_not_allowed: You are not allowed to repair enchanted items.
enchantment_missing: At least one enchanted item is needed, please put one in the chest(s)!
item_not_enchantable: The item in your hand is not enchantable!
no_player_xp: You do not have enough XP to sell (!xp)!
no_item_to_disenchant: You need to be holding the item you want to disenchant!
nothing_to_disenchant: That item can not be disenchanted!
multiworld_not_allowed: MultiWorld shops are not allowed on this server!
no_permit_owner: The owner of this shop no longer has a permit!
need_permit: You need a permit to set up this shop!
villager_trading_disabled: Trading with Villagers is not enabled on this server!
not_allowed_to_link_sharesigns: You are not allowed to link Share signs to this shop!
no_shop_linked_to_sharesign: This Share sign has not been linked to any shops.
share_sign_splits_profit: This Share sign splits profits between !profits for the Shop(s) at !profitshops
registered_share_sign: Registered a Share sign, please click the Shop sign next.
unlinked_share_sign: Unlinked Share sign from Shop.
linked_share_sign: Succesfully linked Share sign to Shop.
not_allowed_to_link_restrictedsigns: You are not allowed to link Restricted signs to this shop!
no_shop_linked_to_restrictedsign: This Restricted sign has not been linked to any shops.
registered_restricted_sign: Registered a Restricted sign, please click the Shop sign next.
unlinked_restricted_sign: Unlinked Restricted sign from Shop.
linked_restricted_sign: Succesfully linked Restricted sign to Shop.
restricted_sign_restricts: This Restricted sign restricts use of the Shop(s) at !restrictedshops
towny_insufficient_funds: Insufficient funds in shop account!
towny_owner_not_mayor_or_assistant: The shop owner isn't a mayor or assistant of a town.
towny_owner_not_belong_to_town: The shop owner likely doesn't belong to a town.
towny_bank_withdrawls_not_allowed: The current Towny setup does not allow bank withdrawls!
restricted_from_using: You are restricted from using this shop!
restricted_but_owner: You are not restricted to use this shop as you are the owner.
item_on_blacklist: The item !blacklisted_item is on the blacklist and can not be used with Shops.
item_on_blacklist_but_op: The item !blacklisted_item is on the blacklist but you're OP.
item_not_on_whitelist: The item !blacklisted_item is not on the whitelist and can not be used with Shops.
item_not_on_whitelist_but_op: The item !blacklisted_item is not on the whitelist but you're OP.
block_is_protected: This block is protected, you are not allowed to interact with it.
updated_shop: The shop has been succesfully updated.
failed_to_update_shop: Failed to update the shop due to the error above.
price_drawn_from_essentials: Please note that the price was drawn from Essentials and is thus variable.
only_one_time: You can only use this shop once.
nothing_to_reset_ontime: You are already allowed to use !param signs one time. So there's nothing to reset.
shop_on_cooldown: This shop is on cooldown, try again in !cooldownleft seconds.
damaged_items_shop_homogeneous: A shop accepting damaged items can only deal in one type of item! Damaged items are not accepted until the shop is fixed.
use_item_to_destroy_shop: This shop is protected and can only be destroyed with a(n) !destroymaterial.
no_items_defined_for_shop: There are no items defined for this shop, can not complete the operation.
notifications_shop_built: \!player just created a(n) !signtype sign at (!x, !y, !z)
shop_contains: This shop contains !shopinventory @ !items for !price
not_allowed_to_link_banksigns: You are not allowed to link Bank signs to this shop!
no_shop_linked_to_banksign: This Bank sign has not been linked to any shops.
bank_sign_linked_to_banks: This Bank sign communicates with bank called !bank in the name of the shops at !bankshops
registered_bank_sign: Registered a Bank sign, please click the Shop sign next.
unlinked_bank_sign: Unlinked Bank sign from Shop.
linked_bank_sign: Succesfully linked Bank sign to Shop.
not_allowed_to_use_bank: You are not the owner or a member of !bank Bank so the related Bank sign will be ignored.
no_bank_available: There is no Bank available to process the request, please contact the shop owner.
no_bank_support: The Economy plugin installed on this server does not support Banks.
repeated_x_times: (repeated !times times)
removed_location: Removed stored location
stored_location: Stored location of !block
stored_location_containable: Stored location of !block containing !items
region_does_not_allow_shops: Shops are not allowed within this region. Please move the sign somewhere else.
region_allow_shops_but_op: This shop is not in a region with the "allow-shop" flag set to true but you are OP.
region_allow_shops_but_perm: This shop is not in a region with the "allow-shop" flag set to true but you have the bypass permission node.
towny_shop_plot_not_allowed: This shop is not on a shop plot, please move it.
towny_shop_plot_not_allowed_but_op: This shop is not on a shop plot but you are OP.
towny_shop_plot_not_allowed_but_perm: This shop is not on a shop plot but you have the bypass permission node.
deselected_hanging: You have deselected a Hanging item.
selected_hanging: You have selected a Hanging item.
itemframe_unlinked: ItemFrame has been successfully unlinked.
itemframe_linked: ItemFrame has been successfully linked.
itemframe_already_linked: This ItemFrame is already linked to another shop.
shop_is_now_protected: Your chest(s) have been locked automatically.
not_allowed_to_rotate_frame: You are not allowed to rotate this ItemFrame.
no_permission_plugin: No permission plugin could be found.
missing_promote_group: Please write the Permission group to promote to on the second line.
promote_group_does_not_exist: The Permission group on the second line does not exist.
not_in_permission_group: You aren't in a permission group yet.
already_in_promote_group: You are already in the group.
could_not_remove_primary_group: Could not remove you from your primary group
could_not_promote: Could not promote you.
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