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Created August 2, 2012 12:39
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Flexible Sass Star Rating
// Generate flexible star rating selectors by using an icon font
// Output selector for star ratings
@function star-rating-selector($start: 1, $end: 10) {
$return-val: "";
@for $i from $start through $end {
@if $i == $start {
$return-val: "{$i}";
} @else {
$return-val: $return-val + ", " + "{$i}";
@return $return-val;
// Set this to the number of stars to be displayed
$max-stars: 5;
// Set this to the total rating points (might be the same as $max-stars)
$total-rating-points: 10;
#{star-rating-selector(1, $total-rating-points)} {
&:before {
// Add more properties if needed
// ...
// Make sure, $icon-font-family and $star-rating-color are defined
// (or replace them with something else)
font-family: $icon-font-family;
color: $star-rating-color;
// Generate individual star rating selectors
@for $i from 1 through $total-rating-points {
$quotient: $i / ($total-rating-points / $max-stars);
$content: "";
@for $j from 1 through $max-stars {
@if $j <= floor($quotient) {
// Modify the Unicode escapes as needed.
$content: $content + "\2730"; // Full star
} @else if $j == ceil($quotient) and $quotient % 1 != 0 {
$content: $content + "\272b"; // Half star
} @else if $j > ceil($quotient) {
$content: $content + "\272f"; // Empty star
}{$i}:before {
content: $content;
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