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Created November 14, 2016 00:46
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Script for TeamCity to update assembly-version on each build.
Script for TeamCity to update assembly-version on each build.
PowerShell helper script to be consumed by TeamCity. It is capable of updating AssemblyInfo.cs
and AssemblyCommonInfo.cs in searching of 'AssemblyVersion' attribute. It can do a full or partial
replace, later print new version into a specified text file and in way recognized by TeamCity itself
so it's picked up and displayed there too.
T:\> Update-BuildNumber -BuildRevision %build.counter%
Updates program's assembly and assembly-file version's last chunk with current unique build counter
given by TeamCity on build start.
T:\> Update-BuildNumber -BuildRevision 11 -SkipAssemblyFileUpdate $True
Update program's assembly version's last chunk with '11' and leaves the assembly-file version as it was before.
Author: Paweł Hofman (CodeTitans 2016)
[string]$ProjectName = ('App'),
[string]$ProjectPath = $null,
[int32]$BuildMajor = -1,
[int32]$BuildMinor = -1,
[int32]$BuildNumber = -1,
[int32]$BuildRevision = 0,
[bool]$ForceZeros = $False,
[bool]$SkipAssemblyVersionUpdate = $False,
[bool]$SkipAssemblyFileVersionUpdate = $False,
[bool]$SkipTeamCity = $False,
# Setup global parameters
# Stop on each error inside the script
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Set the path to projects, assumption is this script
# is located inside the 'scripts' folder while application sources
# are under 'src'
$SolutionDir = $path=$pwd.Path + '\..'
if ($ProjectPath -eq $null)
$ProjectDir = $SolutionDir + '\src\' + $ProjectName
$ProjectDir = $SolutionDir + '\' + $ProjectPath
# Check wether there is expected content
Function Private:Check-AssemblyInfoContent([string]$fileName)
# Assume the file is under 'Properties' subfolder of the project
$fullFileName = $ProjectDir + '\Properties\' + $fileName;
#Write-Host "Looking for file: $fullFileName"
if (![System.IO.File]::Exists($fullFileName))
$fullFileName = $SolutionDir + '\' + $fileName
if (![System.IO.File]::Exists($fullFileName))
return $null
# Check if expected content is inside
$content = Get-Content $fullFileName
$count = ($content | Select-String -pattern "AssemblyVersion").Count
if ($count -eq 0)
return $null
return $fullFileName
Function Get-DefaultBuildNumber()
# by default Visual Studio gets the number of days since the beginning of the century:
return [string][int]((Get-Date -Date (Get-Date -Format d)) - (Get-Date -Date '2000-01-01')).TotalDays
$AssemblyInfoFile = Check-AssemblyInfoContent 'GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs'
if ($AssemblyInfoFile -eq $null)
$AssemblyInfoFile = Check-AssemblyInfoContent 'AssemblyInfo.cs'
if ($AssemblyInfoFile -eq $null)
$AssemblyInfoFile = Check-AssemblyInfoContent 'AssemblyCommonInfo.cs'
if ($AssemblyInfoFile -eq $null)
$AssemblyInfoFile = Check-AssemblyInfoContent 'AssemblyInfo.Common.cs'
# Test for input file:
if (![System.IO.File]::Exists($AssemblyInfoFile))
Write-Error "Unable to find assembly version file for project '$ProjectName'!"
Exit 1
# Scan an assembly-info file to look for existing version value:
$content = Get-Content $AssemblyInfoFile
$version = $content | Select-String -pattern "AssemblyVersion" | Out-String
#$version | Foreach-Object { Write-Host $_ }
$version -imatch '\s*\[assembly:\s*AssemblyVersion\s*\(\s*"(?<major>[0-9]+)\.(?<minor>[0-9]+)\.(?<number>[0-9]+)\.(?<revision>[0-9]+)"\s*\)\s*\]' | Out-Null
if ($matches -eq $null)
$version -imatch '\s*\[assembly:\s*AssemblyVersion\s*\(\s*"(?<major>[0-9]+)\.(?<minor>[0-9]+)\.\*"\s*\)\s*\]' | Out-Null
if ($matches -eq $null)
Write-Error 'Unable to find correct assembly version!'
Exit 2
$FoundMajor = $matches["major"]
$FoundMinor = $matches["minor"]
$FoundNumber = Get-DefaultBuildNumber
$FoundRevision = 0
$FoundMajor = $matches["major"]
$FoundMinor = $matches["minor"]
$FoundNumber = $matches["number"]
$FoundRevision = $matches["revision"]
# Reuse or replace existing value:
if ($BuildMajor -gt 0)
$FoundMajor = $BuildMajor
if ($BuildMinor -gt 0)
$FoundMinor = $BuildMinor
if ($BuildNumber -ge 0)
if ($BuildNumber -eq 0)
$FoundNumber = Get-DefaultBuildNumber
$FoundNumber = $BuildNumber
if ($BuildRevision -le 0)
$BuildRevision = $FoundRevision
# Calculate new build number:
if ($ForceZeros)
$VersionText = "{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}" -f "0","0","0",$BuildRevision
$VersionText = "{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}" -f $FoundMajor,$FoundMinor,$FoundNumber,$BuildRevision
# Update the AssemblyInfo.cs file, if required:
if (!$SkipAssemblyVersionUpdate)
$replacementVersion = 'AssemblyVersion("{0}")' -f $VersionText
$content = $content -Replace 'AssemblyVersion\s*\(\s*"\S+"\s*\)', $replacementVersion
if (!$SkipAssemblyFileVersionUpdate)
$replacementFileVersion = 'AssemblyFileVersion("{0}")' -f $VersionText
$content = $content -Replace 'AssemblyFileVersion\s*\(\s*"\S+"\s*\)', $replacementFileVersion
if (!$SkipAssemblyVersionUpdate -Or !$SkipAssemblyFileVersionUpdate)
$content | Out-File $AssemblyInfoFile
# Inform TeamCity about new build numer:
if (!$SkipTeamCity)
"##teamcity[buildNumber '{0}']" -f $VersionText
# Test for output file:
if (![System.IO.File]::Exists($VersionOutputFile))
$VersionOutputFile = $SolutionDir + '\' + $VersionOutputFile
# Save the same version number to specified content-output file (especially useful, when need to check version via HTTP):
if ([System.IO.File]::Exists($VersionOutputFile))
$versionOutputContent = Get-Content $VersionOutputFile
$replacementVersion = 'version=' + $VersionText
$versionOutputContent = $versionOutputContent -Replace 'version\s*=\s*\S+\s*', $replacementVersion
$versionOutputContent | Out-File $VersionOutputFile
# Write-Host $VersionOutputContent
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