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Created December 11, 2019 23:39
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Convert numbers to words or roman numerals
#Some play code to see if I can improve on a "coding nightmare" that I saw online
#The goal is to enter an integer and return the same integer written out (e.g. '1'="one")
def sub1000(i):
'''Spells out any integer 0-999'''
#Create dictionaries to translate number:word depending on its place
onesdict = dict({1:'one',2:'two',3:'three',4:'four',5:'five',6:'six',7:'seven',8:'eight',9:'nine'})
tensdict = dict({2:'twenty',3:'thirty',4:'forty',5:'fifty',6:'sixty',7:'seventy',8:'eighty',9:'ninety'})
teensdict = dict({0:'ten',1:'eleven',2:'twelve',3:'thirteen',4:'fourteen',5:'fifteen',6:'sixteen',7:'seventeen',8:'eighteen',9:'nineteen'})
#Convert integer to a three digit number, identify hundreds place, tens place, ones place
s = str(i).zfill(3)
hundreds = int(s[0])
tens = int(s[1])
ones = int(s[2])
#Check if the hundreds>0 and if tens+ones>0, spell out 'X hundred and' format
if hundreds>0:
if (tens+ones)>0:
a = 'and '
a = ''
op = str(onesdict[hundreds]) + ' hundred ' + a
op = ''
#if tens are between 20 and 99, spell out 'xty-y' format and stick to output string
if 2<=tens:
if ones>0:
h = '-' + str(onesdict[ones])
h = ''
op+= str(tensdict[tens]) + h
#if tens+ones are 10-19, use the teen dictionary for irregular cases
elif tens==1:
op+= str(teensdict[ones])
#only reach this point if tens=0, determine ones spelling and stick to output string
elif ones>0:
op+= str(onesdict[ones])
return op.strip()
def numwords(i):
"""Spell out any integer up to 999 decillion"""
if i==0:
return 'zero'
#define category list containing magnitudes that might need to be included in the spelling
#list 'hundred' category as empty string because this function will refer to sub1000 function, which already adds 'hundred'
catdict = ['', 'thousand', 'million', 'billion', 'trillion', 'quadrillion', 'quintillion', 'sextillion', 'septillion', 'octillion', 'nonillion', 'decillion']
#reading right to left, use sub1000 to spell out every set of three numbers in the sequence
#attach the appropriate magnitude (cat) to each number depending on where it is in the sequence
#Creates list of strings formatted like [x hundred, y thousand, z million]. List order is reversed in next step.
s = str(abs(i))
cat = 0
wordlist = list()
while s!='':
if int(s[-3:])!=0:
wordlist.append(sub1000(int(s[-3:])) +' ' + catdict[cat])
s = s[:-3]
#print wordlist into a paragraph list in the format 'x, y, z'
#if hundreds space is 1-99, add an 'and' as in 'one billion and five' instead of 'one billion, one hundred and five'
for x in wordlist:
ix = wordlist.index(x)
huns = int(str(abs(i))[-3:])
#start output string with first element
if ix==0:
#for the last element for numbers between 1-99, add 'and x'
elif ix==(len(wordlist)-1) and 0<huns<100:
op+=' and '+x
#for all other elements, add ', x'
op+=', '+x
if i<0:
op = 'negative '+op
return op.strip()
def numser(i):
"""Convert any integer up to 3,999 to roman numerals"""
onesdict = {'i':'I','v':'V','x':'X'}
tensdict = {'i':'X','v':'L','x':'C'}
hundict = {'i':'C','v':'D','x':'M'}
mildict = {'i':'M','v':'','x':''}
alldict = [mildict, hundict,tensdict,onesdict]
translist = ['i','ii','iii','iv','v','vi','vii','viii','ix']
if i>3999:
return "Failure: Please enter a number between 1 and 3,999"
s = str(abs(i)).zfill(4)
n = list()
for x in range(4):
op = ''
for x in range(4):
if n[x]!=0:
d = alldict[x]
st = translist[n[x]-1]
st = st.replace('i',d['i'])
st = st.replace('v',d['v'])
st = st.replace('x',d['x'])
return op
for i in [ 1967, 1993, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2019]:
print(i, numser(i))
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