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Created June 18, 2022 22:42
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class PathFindManager : Singleton<PathFindManager>
public bool IsBuilt => _isBuilt;
private LayerMask _obstacleMask = Physics.DefaultRaycastLayers;
private bool _generateDebugOnStart = false;
private bool _isBuilt;
private Bounds _worldBounds;
private NavMeshData _navMesh;
private NavMeshPath _path;
private static List<NavMeshBuildSource> _navMeshBuildSources = new List<NavMeshBuildSource>();
private static List<NavMeshBuildMarkup> _navMeshMarkups = new List<NavMeshBuildMarkup>();
private static List<PathFindObject> _pathFindObjects = new List<PathFindObject>();
private static void EditorStaticReset()
_navMeshBuildSources = new List<NavMeshBuildSource>();
_navMeshMarkups = new List<NavMeshBuildMarkup>();
_pathFindObjects = new List<PathFindObject>();
public static void AddObject(PathFindObject pathFindObject)
public static void RemoveObject(PathFindObject pathFindObject)
public void GenerateGrid(Vector3 minCorner, Vector3 maxCorner)
_worldBounds.min = minCorner;
_worldBounds.max = maxCorner;
// Find all nav mesh object sources in the scene
NavMeshBuilder.CollectSources(_worldBounds, _obstacleMask, NavMeshCollectGeometry.PhysicsColliders, 1, _navMeshMarkups, _navMeshBuildSources);
for (int i = 0; i < _pathFindObjects.Count; ++i)
// Add a source to represent the 'ground' plane
NavMeshBuildSource groundSource = default(NavMeshBuildSource);
groundSource.area = 0;
groundSource.shape = NavMeshBuildSourceShape.Box;
groundSource.size = _worldBounds.size.WithY(0.1f);
groundSource.transform = Matrix4x4.identity * Matrix4x4.Translate(;
// Build settings for default agent
NavMeshBuildSettings buildSettings = NavMesh.GetSettingsByID(0);
// Create or update the nav mesh
if (_navMesh == null)
_navMesh = NavMeshBuilder.BuildNavMeshData(buildSettings, _navMeshBuildSources, _worldBounds,, Quaternion.identity);
NavMeshBuilder.UpdateNavMeshData(_navMesh, buildSettings, _navMeshBuildSources, _worldBounds);
_isBuilt = true;
public void RebuildGrid(bool skipIfNotBuilt = false)
if (!_isBuilt)
if (skipIfNotBuilt)
Debug.LogError("Attempt to rebuild grid without ever being initialized");
Debug.Log("Rebuilding pathfind grid");
GenerateGrid(_worldBounds.min, _worldBounds.max);
public bool IsPointTraversable(Vector3 worldPoint)
worldPoint = worldPoint.WithY(0);
if (_worldBounds.Contains(worldPoint))
NavMeshHit navMeshHit;
if (NavMesh.SamplePosition(worldPoint, out navMeshHit, 3f, NavMesh.AllAreas))
return true;
return false;
return true;
public bool CalculatePathToPoint(Vector3 fromPoint, Vector3 toPoint, List<Vector3> outPath)
if (!IsPointTraversable(fromPoint))
NavMeshHit navMeshHit;
if (NavMesh.SamplePosition(fromPoint, out navMeshHit, 50f, NavMesh.AllAreas))
fromPoint = navMeshHit.position;
if (!IsPointTraversable(toPoint))
NavMeshHit navMeshHit;
if (NavMesh.SamplePosition(toPoint, out navMeshHit, 50f, NavMesh.AllAreas))
toPoint = navMeshHit.position;
if (NavMesh.CalculatePath(fromPoint, toPoint, NavMesh.AllAreas, _path))
return true;
return false;
private void Awake()
Instance = this;
_path = new NavMeshPath();
private void Start()
if (_generateDebugOnStart)
[ContextMenu("Build Debug")]
private void DebugBuildGrid()
GenerateGrid( * -500, * 500);
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