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Rewired Glyph Mappings
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "new-controller-icon-mapping", menuName = "Controller Icon Mapping")]
public class ControllerIconMapDefinition : ScriptableObject
private InputIconMapDefinition gamepadMap = null;
private InputIconMapDefinition keyboardMap = null;
private InputIconMapDefinition mouseMap = null;
private ControllerMapPair[] controllerMaps = null;
private class ControllerMapPair
public string Name = string.Empty;
public string ControllerGuid = string.Empty;
public InputIconMapDefinition IconMap = null;
private Dictionary<string, InputIconMapDefinition> _controllerIdMap;
public static void GetElementMapsForAction(int actionId, Rewired.Player player, List<Rewired.ActionElementMap> elementMaps)
Rewired.Controller lastController = player.controllers.GetLastActiveController();
foreach (var elementMap in player.controllers.maps.ElementMapsWithAction(lastController, actionId, skipDisabledMaps: false))
public InputIconMapDefinition GetMapForHardware(Rewired.Controller controller)
string hardwareTypeGuid = controller.hardwareTypeGuid.ToString();
if (_controllerIdMap.TryGetValue(hardwareTypeGuid, out InputIconMapDefinition hardwareMap))
return hardwareMap;
if (controller.type == Rewired.ControllerType.Joystick)
return gamepadMap;
else if (controller == Rewired.ReInput.controllers.Keyboard)
return keyboardMap;
else if (controller == Rewired.ReInput.controllers.Mouse)
return mouseMap;
return null;
// Find icons for an input action, based on whatever the current detected controller type is
public bool GetIconsForAction(int actionId, Rewired.Player player, List<InputIcon> inputIcons)
// Find out the last controller used
Rewired.Controller lastController = player.controllers.GetLastActiveController();
if (lastController == null)
lastController = GetPlatformDefaultController();
// Store previous icon count so we can determine whether we successfully found more
int prevCount = inputIcons.Count;
var iconMap = GetMapForHardware(lastController);
if (iconMap == mouseMap || iconMap == keyboardMap)
FillInputIcons(inputIcons, mouseMap, player, Rewired.ReInput.controllers.Mouse, actionId);
FillInputIcons(inputIcons, keyboardMap, player, Rewired.ReInput.controllers.Keyboard, actionId);
FillInputIcons(inputIcons, iconMap, player, lastController, actionId);
return inputIcons.Count > prevCount;
// Find an icon for a specific input mapping, which is already associated with a controller
public InputIcon GetIconForInput(Rewired.ActionElementMap elementMap)
// This is an unassigned action, and therefore can't have any icon
if (elementMap.controllerMap == null)
return null;
// Get info about the input action
Rewired.Controller controller = elementMap.controllerMap.controller;
// Get the icon map for this hardware
InputIconMapDefinition iconMap = GetMapForHardware(controller);
if (iconMap != null)
return iconMap.GetInputIcon(elementMap, controller);
return null;
private Rewired.Controller GetPlatformDefaultController()
// If there's any connected gamepad, use that
if (Rewired.ReInput.controllers.Joysticks.Count > 0)
return Rewired.ReInput.controllers.Joysticks[0];
// Default to the keyboard (this does not affect console)
return Rewired.ReInput.controllers.Keyboard;
private void EnsureControllerMaps()
if (_controllerIdMap == null)
_controllerIdMap = new Dictionary<string, InputIconMapDefinition>();
for (int i = 0; i < controllerMaps.Length; ++i)
ControllerMapPair pair = controllerMaps[i];
_controllerIdMap[pair.ControllerGuid.ToString()] = pair.IconMap;
// Fill input icons using the player and a controller
private void FillInputIcons(List<InputIcon> inputIcons, InputIconMapDefinition iconMap, Rewired.Player player, Rewired.Controller controller, int actionId)
Rewired.InputAction action = Rewired.ReInput.mapping.GetAction(actionId);
foreach (var elementMap in player.controllers.maps.ElementMapsWithAction(controller, actionId, skipDisabledMaps: false))
var inputIcon = iconMap.GetInputIcon(elementMap, controller);
if (inputIcon != null)
Debug.LogWarning($"Failed to get input icon for action {} with input id {elementMap.elementIdentifierId}");
// Fill input icons using just a controller map and an action, with no controller object
// This uses the default rewired gamepad template which most gamepads implement
// NOTE: Using this will bypass any player-specific mappings!
private void FillInputIcons(List<InputIcon> inputIcons, ControllerMapPair controllerIconMap, int actionId)
// Debug.Log($"Getting input icon for action {actionId} and controllerMap {controllerMap.Name}");
// Apply layout rule sets based on controller type, kind of a hack?
// This allows Switch to properly show the correct mapped buttons while no controller is connected
int layoutId = 0;
var ruleSets = Rewired.ReInput.players.GetPlayer(0).controllers.maps.layoutManager.ruleSets;
foreach (var ruleSet in ruleSets)
foreach (var rule in ruleSet)
// Debug.Log($"Comparing rule with hardware id {rule.controllerSetSelector.hardwareTypeGuid.ToString()} to {controllerMap.ControllerGuid}");
if (rule.controllerSetSelector.hardwareTypeGuid.ToString() == controllerIconMap.ControllerGuid)
layoutId = rule.layoutId;
// Now get the mapping for this controller template and layout
Rewired.InputAction action = Rewired.ReInput.mapping.GetAction(actionId);
Rewired.ControllerIdentifier controllerIdentifier = new Rewired.ControllerIdentifier();
controllerIdentifier.hardwareTypeGuid = new System.Guid(controllerIconMap.ControllerGuid);
controllerIdentifier.controllerType = Rewired.ControllerType.Joystick;
foreach (var mapCategory in Rewired.ReInput.mapping.MapCategories)
if (controllerIconMap.IconMap.UseTemplateIds)
var mapInstance = Rewired.ReInput.mapping.GetControllerTemplateMapInstance(Rewired.GamepadTemplate.typeGuid,, layoutId);
if (mapInstance != null)
foreach (var actionElement in mapInstance.ElementMaps)
if (actionElement.actionId == actionId)
var inputIcon = controllerIconMap.IconMap.GetInputIcon(actionElement.elementIdentifierId, actionElement.actionId);
if (inputIcon != null)
var controllerMap = Rewired.ReInput.mapping.GetControllerMapInstance(controllerIdentifier,, layoutId);
if (controllerMap != null)
foreach (var actionElement in controllerMap.AllMaps)
if (actionElement.actionId == actionId)
var inputIcon = controllerIconMap.IconMap.GetInputIcon(actionElement.elementIdentifierId, actionElement.actionId);
if (inputIcon != null)
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class InputIcon
public string Comment;
public int InputId;
public Sprite IconSprite;
public Color IconColor = Color.white;
public string IconLabel;
public Sprite IconLabelSprite;
public Color IconLabelColor = Color.white;
public Vector3 IconLabelOffset;
public bool FlipX;
public bool DisableMapping;
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "new-input-icon-mapping", menuName = "Input Icon Mapping")]
public class InputIconMapDefinition : ScriptableObject
public bool UseTemplateIds = true;
public InputIcon TiltIcon => _tiltIcon;
[SerializeField, UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAs("inputIcons")]
private InputIcon[] _inputIcons = null;
private ActionIconOverride[] _actionIconOverrides = null;
private InputIcon _tiltIcon = null;
#pragma warning disable CS0414
private Rewired.Data.Mapping.HardwareJoystickMap _hardwareMap = null;
#pragma warning restore CS0414
private static List<Rewired.ControllerTemplateElementTarget> _elementTargets = new List<Rewired.ControllerTemplateElementTarget>();
private struct ActionIconOverride
public int ActionId;
public InputIcon InputIcon;
// Get the id of the corresponding input element from the controller's template definition, if it exists
public static int GetTemplatedInputId(Rewired.ActionElementMap elementMap)
Rewired.Controller controller = elementMap.controllerMap.controller;
int inputId = elementMap.elementIdentifierId;
if (controller.templateCount > 0)
controller.Templates[0].GetElementTargets(elementMap, _elementTargets);
if (_elementTargets.Count > 0)
inputId = _elementTargets[0];
return inputId;
public InputIcon GetInputIcon(Rewired.ActionElementMap elementMap, Rewired.Controller controller)
int inputId = UseTemplateIds ? GetTemplatedInputId(elementMap) : elementMap.elementIdentifierId;
return GetInputIcon(inputId, elementMap.actionId);
public InputIcon GetInputIcon(int inputId, int actionId)
if (_actionIconOverrides != null)
for (int i = 0; i < _actionIconOverrides.Length; ++i)
if (_actionIconOverrides[i].ActionId == actionId)
return _actionIconOverrides[i].InputIcon;
return GetInputIcon(inputId);
public InputIcon GetInputIcon(int inputId)
foreach (InputIcon inputIcon in _inputIcons)
if (inputIcon.InputId == inputId)
return inputIcon;
return null;
[ContextMenu("Load From Hardware Map")]
private void LoadFromHardwareMap()
var oldInputIcons = _inputIcons;
UnityEditor.Undo.RecordObject(this, "Load from hardware map");
int index = 0;
_inputIcons = new InputIcon[_hardwareMap.elementIdentifierCount];
foreach (var elementIdentifier in _hardwareMap.ElementIdentifiers)
var icon = new InputIcon();
icon.InputId =;
icon.Comment =;
icon.IconColor = Color.white;
icon.IconLabelColor = Color.white;
_inputIcons[index] = icon;
for (int i = 0; i < oldInputIcons.Length && i < _inputIcons.Length; ++i)
if (oldInputIcons[i].InputId == _inputIcons[i].InputId)
_inputIcons[i].IconSprite = oldInputIcons[i].IconSprite;
_inputIcons[i].IconLabel = oldInputIcons[i].IconLabel;
_inputIcons[i].IconLabelSprite = oldInputIcons[i].IconLabelSprite;
[ContextMenu("Generate Keyboard Map")]
private void GenerateKeyboardMap()
Rewired.Keyboard keyboard = Rewired.ReInput.controllers.Keyboard;
InputIcon firstIcon = _inputIcons[0];
_inputIcons = new InputIcon[keyboard.ElementIdentifiers.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < keyboard.ElementIdentifiers.Count; ++i)
var keyElement = keyboard.ElementIdentifiers[i];
InputIcon keyIcon = new InputIcon();
keyIcon.IconSprite = firstIcon.IconSprite;
keyIcon.IconColor = firstIcon.IconColor;
keyIcon.IconLabelColor = firstIcon.IconLabelColor;
keyIcon.Comment =;
keyIcon.IconLabel =;
keyIcon.InputId =;
_inputIcons[i] = keyIcon;
[ContextMenu("Apply Item 0 Icon Color")]
private void DebugAdjustColors()
for (int i = 1; i < _inputIcons.Length; ++i)
_inputIcons[i].IconColor = _inputIcons[0].IconColor;
[ContextMenu("Apply Item 0 Icon")]
private void DebugAdjustIcons()
for (int i = 1; i < _inputIcons.Length; ++i)
_inputIcons[i].IconSprite = _inputIcons[0].IconSprite;
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Zilk commented Jun 8, 2023

Bumped into another issue with this on iOS. Seems like on iOS it returns odd sprites but on Android it works as intended. Could it be because of the iOS MFI? Got any ideas?

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Hey thank you for making this. Really made my life a lot easier.

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