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Created August 26, 2013 23:34
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Template for quick and dirty OpenGL hacking with Common Lisp. Pan with the middle mouse button and zoom with the right mouse button.
(defclass viz-window (glut:window)
((zoom :initform 0.0025)
(offset :initform #(0.0 0.0))
(last-mouse :initform ())
(pan-throttle :initform 5)
(zoom-throttle :initform 0.00025)
(update-mode :initform nil))
(:default-initargs :pos-x 100 :pos-y 100
:width 800 :height 800
:mode '(:double :rgba)
:title "dtri-viz"))
(defmethod glut:display-window :before ((w viz-window))
(gl:clear-color 0.15 0.15 0.15 0)
(gl:enable :blend)
(gl:blend-func :one :one-minus-src-alpha)
(gl:polygon-mode :front-and-back :line))
(defmethod glut:mouse ((w viz-window) button state x y)
(with-slots (update-mode last-mouse) w
(setf update-mode
(when (eq state :down)
(setf last-mouse (list x y))
(case button
(:right-button :zoom)
(:middle-button :pan))))))
(defmethod glut:motion ((w viz-window) x y)
(with-slots (offset zoom last-mouse update-mode zoom-throttle pan-throttle) w
(let* ((dx (- (car last-mouse) x))
(dy (- (cadr last-mouse) y))
(modx (* (/ dx (glut:width w)) 100))
(mody (* (/ dy (glut:height w)) 100))
(effective-pan-speed (* pan-throttle zoom)))
(case update-mode
(setf zoom (max 0.0001 (+ zoom (* zoom-throttle modx)))))
(setf (aref offset 0) (+ (aref offset 0) (* effective-pan-speed modx))
(aref offset 1) (- (aref offset 1) (* effective-pan-speed mody))))))
(setf last-mouse (list x y)))
(defmethod glut:keyboard ((w viz-window) key x y)
(declare (ignore x y))
(case key
(#\Esc (glut:destroy-current-window))))
(defmethod glut:reshape ((w viz-window) width height)
(setf (glut:width w) width
(glut:height w) height)
(gl:viewport 0 0 width height)
(defmethod glut:display ((w viz-window))
(gl:clear :color-buffer)
(with-slots (offset zoom) w
;; Calculate the view
(gl:matrix-mode :projection)
(let* ((width (glut:width w))
(height (glut:height w))
(hx (* (* width zoom) 0.5))
(hy (* (* height zoom) 0.5))
(xoffset (aref offset 0))
(yoffset (aref offset 1)))
(gl:ortho (- xoffset hx) (+ xoffset hx)
(- yoffset hy) (+ yoffset hy)
-5 5))
(gl:matrix-mode :modelview)
;; ;; Draw the unit grid/ground/blah/foo/bar
(gl:color 1 0.25 0.25 0.25)
(gl:line-width 2)
(gl:rect -1 -1 1 1)
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