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Last active February 7, 2017 04:33
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Patch for RokNavMenu module 2.0.8 applying the changes we did for G4.1.31
* @version $Id: RokBrowserCheck.php 4585 2012-10-27 01:44:54Z btowles $
* @author RocketTheme
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2007 - 2015 RocketTheme, LLC
* @license GNU/GPLv2 only
if (!class_exists('RokBrowserCheck'))
class RokBrowserCheck
* @var string The User Agent String for the Browser
var $_ua;
* @var string the general name of the Browser
var $name;
* @var string the browser version
var $version;
* @var string the short browser version
var $shortversion;
* @var string the OS platform the browser is running on
var $platform;
* @var string the base engine the browser uses
var $engine;
* @var array the additional file checks based on the browser
var $_checks = array();
* @param $name
* @return mixed|null
public function __get($name)
switch ($name)
case 'checks':
return null;
case 'shortver':
return $this->shortversion;
case 'longver':
return $this->version;
case 'browser':
return $this->name;
if (property_exists($this, $name) && isset($this->{$name}))
return $this->{$name};
elseif (method_exists($this, 'get' . ucfirst($name)))
return call_user_func(array($this, 'get' . ucfirst($name)));
return null;
function __construct()
$this->_ua = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : "unknown";
// add short version
if ($this->version != 'unknown')
$this->shortversion = substr($this->version, 0, strpos($this->version, '.'));
$this->shortversion = 'unknown';
* @return mixed
function _checkPlatform()
preg_match('/(CrOS|Tizen|iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android|Mobile|Windows(\ Phone)?|win|Silk|mac|linux|BlackBerry|X11|(New\ )?Nintendo\ (WiiU?|3?DS)|Xbox(\ One))/i',
$this->_ua, $matches);
if (isset($matches[0]))
return $this->platform = strtolower($matches[0]);
return $this->platform = 'unknown';
function _checkEngine()
preg_match('/(trident|dillo|blink|edgehtml|gecko|goanna|khtml|martha|netsurf|presto|prince|robin|servo|tkhtml|webkit)/i', $this->_ua,
if (isset($matches[0]))
$this->engine = strtolower($matches[0]);
$this->engine = 'unknown';
function _checkBrowser()
// IE
if (preg_match('/msie/i', $this->_ua) && !preg_match('/opera/i', $this->_ua))
$result = explode(' ', stristr(str_replace(';', ' ', $this->_ua), 'msie'));
$this->name = 'ie';
//wrap version check in an if statement and check platform token is greater than windows NT 6.1
if (isset ($result[1]) && preg_match('/windows nt 6[\.1-9]{0,}/i', $this->_ua))
$version = explode(' ', $result[1]);
//double check if the user agent claims to be IE 7 on Win 7 or above, then force min IE8
if ($version[0] = 7)
$this->version = '8';
$this->version = $version[0];
elseif (isset ($result[1]) && preg_match('/windows nt [0-5]{0,}[\.0-9]{0,}/i', $this->_ua))
$version = explode(' ', $result[1]);
$this->version = $version[0];
$this->version = 'unknown';
//IE 11+
elseif (preg_match("/Trident\/.*rv:([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})/i", $this->_ua, $matches))
$this->name = 'ie';
//wrap version check in an if statement and check platform token is greater than windows NT 6.1
if (isset ($matches[1]) && preg_match('/windows nt 6[\.1-9]{0,}/i', $this->_ua))
$version = explode(' ', $matches[1]);
$this->version = $version[0];
elseif (isset ($result[1]) && preg_match('/windows nt [0-5]{0,}[\.0-9]{0,}/i', $this->_ua))
$version = explode(' ', $result[1]);
$this->version = $version[0];
$this->version = 'unknown';
elseif (preg_match("/Edge\/([\d\.]+)/i", $this->_ua, $matches))
$this->name = 'edge';
//wrap version check in an if statement and check platform token is greater than windows NT 10.0
if (isset ($matches[1]) && preg_match('/windows nt 10[\.0-9]{0,}/i', $this->_ua))
$version = explode(' ', $matches[1]);
$this->version = $version[0];
elseif (isset ($result[1]) && preg_match('/windows nt [0-9]{0,}[\.0-9]{0,}/i', $this->_ua))
$version = explode(' ', $result[1]);
$this->version = $version[0];
$this->version = 'unknown';
// if user agent could be identified as MS Word.
elseif (preg_match('/(\bWord\b|ms-office|MSOffice|Microsoft Office|sms-office|office)/i', $this->_ua))
$result = explode('/', stristr($this->_ua, 'Microsoft Office'));
$version = explode(' ', $result[1]);
$this->name = 'office';
$this->version = $version[0];
// Firefox
elseif (preg_match('/Firefox/', $this->_ua))
$result = explode('/', stristr($this->_ua, 'Firefox'));
$version = explode(' ', $result[1]);
$this->name = 'firefox';
$this->version = $version[0];
// Minefield
elseif (preg_match('/Minefield/', $this->_ua))
$result = explode('/', stristr($this->_ua, 'Minefield'));
$version = explode(' ', $result[1]);
$this->name = 'minefield';
$this->version = $version[0];
// Chrome
elseif (preg_match('/Chrome/', $this->_ua))
$result = explode('/', stristr($this->_ua, 'Chrome'));
$version = explode(' ', $result[1]);
$this->name = 'chrome';
$this->version = $version[0];
elseif (preg_match('/Safari/', $this->_ua) && !preg_match('/iPhone/', $this->_ua) && !preg_match('/iPod/', $this->_ua)
&& !preg_match('/iPad/', $this->_ua)
$result = explode('/', stristr($this->_ua, 'Version'));
$this->name = 'safari';
if (isset ($result[1]))
$version = explode(' ', $result[1]);
$this->version = $version[0];
$this->version = 'unknown';
// Opera
elseif (preg_match('/opera/i', $this->_ua))
$result = stristr($this->_ua, 'opera');
if (preg_match('/\//', $result))
$result = explode('/', $result);
$version = explode(' ', $result[1]);
$this->name = 'opera';
$this->version = $version[0];
$version = explode(' ', stristr($result, 'opera'));
$this->name = 'opera';
$this->version = $version[1];
// iPod
elseif (preg_match('/iPod/', $this->_ua))
$result = explode('/', stristr($this->_ua, 'Version'));
$this->name = 'ipod';
if (isset ($result[1]))
$version = explode(' ', $result[1]);
$this->version = $version[0];
$this->version = 'unknown';
// iPhone
elseif (preg_match('/iPhone/', $this->_ua))
$result = explode('/', stristr($this->_ua, 'Version'));
$this->name = 'iphone';
if (isset ($result[1]))
$version = explode(' ', $result[1]);
$this->version = $version[0];
$this->version = 'unknown';
// iPad
elseif (preg_match('/iPad/', $this->_ua))
$result = explode('/', stristr($this->_ua, 'Version'));
$this->name = 'ipad';
if (isset ($result[1]))
$version = explode(' ', $result[1]);
$this->version = $version[0];
$this->version = 'unknown';
// Android
elseif (preg_match('/Android/', $this->_ua))
$result = explode('/', stristr($this->_ua, 'Version'));
$this->name = 'android';
if (isset ($result[1]))
$version = explode(' ', $result[1]);
$this->version = $version[0];
$this->version = "unknown";
$this->name = "unknown";
$this->version = "unknown";
function _createChecks()
$this->_checks = array(
$this->name, // browser check
$this->platform, // platform check
$this->engine, // render engine
$this->name . '-' . $this->platform, // browser + platform check
$this->name . $this->shortversion, // short browser version check
$this->name . $this->version, // longbrowser version check
$this->name . $this->shortversion . '-' . $this->platform, // short browser version + platform check
$this->name . $this->version . '-' . $this->platform // longbrowser version + platform check
function getChecks($file, $keep_path = false)
$checkfiles = array();
$ext = substr($file, strrpos($file, '.'));
$path = ($keep_path) ? dirname($file) . '/' : '';
$filename = basename($file, $ext);
$checkfiles[] = $path . $filename . $ext;
foreach ($this->_checks as $suffix)
$checkfiles[] = $path . $filename . '-' . $suffix . $ext;
return $checkfiles;
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