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PHPLoc of Symfony 2.5 Framework
\vendor\symfony\symfony\src\Symfony\Component>php phploc.phar --log-csv log.csv --progress .
phploc 2.0.6 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Directories 449
Files 2417
Lines of Code (LOC) 283341
Comment Lines of Code (CLOC) 66130 (23.34%)
Non-Comment Lines of Code (NCLOC) 217211 (76.66%)
Logical Lines of Code (LLOC) 62945 (22.22%)
Classes 55473 (88.13%)
Average Class Length 24
Average Method Length 3
Functions 48 (0.08%)
Average Function Length 0
Not in classes or functions 7424 (11.79%)
Cyclomatic Complexity / LLOC 0.18
Cyclomatic Complexity / Number of Methods 1.79
Global Accesses 123
Global Constants 25 (20.33%)
Global Variables 0 (0.00%)
Super-Global Variables 98 (79.67%)
Attribute Accesses 17623
Non-Static 16929 (96.06%)
Static 694 (3.94%)
Method Calls 48650
Non-Static 47043 (96.70%)
Static 1607 (3.30%)
Namespaces 424
Interfaces 253
Traits 12
Classes 2252
Abstract Classes 136 (6.04%)
Concrete Classes 2116 (93.96%)
Methods 14211
Non-Static Methods 13859 (97.52%)
Static Methods 352 (2.48%)
Public Methods 12015 (84.55%)
Non-Public Methods 2196 (15.45%)
Functions 515
Named Functions 17 (3.30%)
Anonymous Functions 498 (96.70%)
Constants 557
Global Constants 15 (2.69%)
Class Constants 542 (97.31%)
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