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Last active January 25, 2024 22:41
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Save phpdave/32f4e3998844250e2191 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A PHP error handler to dump out what happened on the #IBMi #DB2 before an error occured.
//only output the error if we're in the development environment
//set error handler to the callback function defined later
//connect to db
$db2Connection = db2_connect( '', '' , '',array('i5_lib' => 'QSYS'));
if (!$db2Connection)
echo "false - Connection failed.";
//Demo - create a DB2 SQL error that will call our error handler
$stmt = db2_exec($db2Connection,"SELECT * FROM NONEXISTENTTABLE");
function myErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
//::NOTE:: use of global is not recommended and only shown for demo purposes.
//This should come from $_SERVER['APPLICATION_ENV'] a global var set by apache
//if this is not the development environment don't show the error in the browser
//Output the error string and let them know the file and line # that caused the issue
echo "Error: $errstr in $errfile line# $errline<br/>";
//Check if a statement call caused the error
echo "DB2 statement error: ".db2_stmt_error()." ".db2_stmt_errormsg();
//Check if a connection problem caused the error
echo db2_conn_errormsg();
echo db2_conn_error();
//SQL query to pull job log info on this connection
$sql="SELECT * FROM table(QSYS2.JOBLOG_INFO('*')) a";
//Could add a where clause to narrow down to only things that caused the program to crash
//$sql.=" WHERE a.SEVERITY>20";
//::NOTE:: use of global is not recommended and only shown for demo purposes.
//this should come from your "singleton" database connection that your app uses.
global $db2Connection;
$stmt = db2_exec($db2Connection,$sql);
//Loop through and echo out the job log information
while($row = db2_fetch_assoc($stmt))
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<h1>Full DB2 Call Stack</h1>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<table class="db2errortable">';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<tr >';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<th>#</th>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<th>MSG_ID</th>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<th>MSG_TYPE & SUBTYPE</th>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<th>SEVERITY</th>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<th>MSG_TIMESTAMP</th>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<th>FROM LIB|PGM|MOD|PROC|INSTR</th>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<th>TO LIB|PGM|MOD|PROC|INSTR</th>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<th>FROM_USER</th>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<th>MSG_LIB</th>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<th>MSG_FILE</th>';
// $htmlDB2CallStack .= '<th>MSG_TKN_LENGTH</th>';
// $htmlDB2CallStack .= '<th>MSG_TEXT</th>';
// $htmlDB2CallStack .= '<th>MSG_SECOND_LEVEL_TEXT</th>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '</tr>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<tr class="detailrow">';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<td>'.$row['ORDINAL_POSITION'].'</td>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<td>'.$row['MESSAGE_ID'].'</td>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<td>'.$row['MESSAGE_TYPE'].' - '.$row['MESSAGE_SUBTYPE'].'</td>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<td>'.$row['SEVERITY'].'</td>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<td>'.$row['MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP'].'</td>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<td>'.$row['FROM_LIBRARY'].'|'.$row['FROM_PROGRAM'].'|'.$row['FROM_MODULE'].'|'.$row['FROM_PROCEDURE'].'|'.$row['FROM_INSTRUCTION'].'/</td>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<td>'.$row['TO_LIBRARY'].'|'.$row['TO_PROGRAM'].'|'.$row['TO_MODULE'].'|'.$row['TO_PROCEDURE'].'|'.$row['TO_INSTRUCTION'].'</td>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<td>'.$row['FROM_USER'].'</td>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<td>'.$row['MESSAGE_LIBRARY'].'</td>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<td>'.$row['MESSAGE_FILE'].'</td>';
// $htmlDB2CallStack .= '<td>'.$row['MESSAGE_TOKEN_LENGTH'].'</td>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '</tr>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<tr class="messagerow">';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<td colspan="11">'.$row['MESSAGE_TEXT'].'</td>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<tr>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '<td colspan="11">'.$row['MESSAGE_SECOND_LEVEL_TEXT'].'</td>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '</tr>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '</tr>';
$htmlDB2CallStack .= '</table>';
//lets dump the library list as well
$stmt = db2_exec($db2Connection,$sql);
//Loop through and echo out the library list info
while($row = db2_fetch_assoc($stmt))
echo $htmlDB2CallStack;
/* Execute PHP internal error handler by returning false */
return FALSE;
<style type="text/css">
/*Make it green and black :-) */
background-color: black;
color: green !important;
font-size: 1.1em !important;
table, th {border: 1px solid black;}
.messagerow {border-bottom:1px solid #008999}
.detailrow {color:#7FFF00}
table {border-collapse: collapse;}
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