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Created March 11, 2020 00:05
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.htaccess validator
$email = '';
$path = '/home/*';
$folders = glob($path, GLOB_ONLYDIR);
foreach($folders as $folder){
// skip non-client directories
if(fileowner($folder) < 1001) continue;
$account = pathinfo($folder)['filename'];
$file = $folder.'/public_html/.htaccess';
$backup = $folder.'/public_html/.htaccess-backup';
$modified = $folder.'/public_html/.htaccess-modified';
$file_size = filesize($file);
$modified_size = filesize($modified);
// if our stored modified file is more than a day old, let's remove it so we can re-notify admin
if($modified_size) {
$modified_time = filemtime($modified);
$now = time();
if($now - $modified_time > 86400)
// only copy if we have a valid .htaccess file
if(!file_exists($backup) && $file_size > 0) {
copy($file, $backup);
chown($backup, $account);
chgrp($backup, $account);
// notify admin
send_mail($email, $account, 'backup');
$backup_size = file_exists($backup) ? filesize($backup) : 'n/a';
if($file_size != $backup_size) {
if($file_size == 0 && $backup_size > 0) {
// restore backup
copy($backup, $file);
chown($file, $account);
chgrp($file, $account);
// notify admin
send_mail($email, $account, 'empty');
} else {
// if we already have a modified version stored, ignore everything
if($modified_size) continue;
// if the file is changed, store the modified version then restore the backup and notify admin
copy($file, $modified);
chown($modified, $account);
chgrp($modified, $account);
// toyed with the idea of restoring the backup by default,
// but that could create issues if a legit plugin made a change
//copy($backup, $file);
//chown($file, $account);
//chgrp($file, $account);
$file_contents = file_get_contents($modified);
$backup_contents = file_get_contents($backup);
// notify admin
send_mail($email, $account, 'modified', $file_contents, $backup_contents);
// putting this in a function isn't necessary, but it makes reading the code above easier
function send_mail($email, $account, $type, $file_contents = '', $backup_contents = '') {
switch($type) {
case 'empty':
$subject = ".htaccess file EMPTY for: $account!";
$message = <<<EOQ
.htaccess file found empty for: $account !!!
Backup has been restored.
case 'backup':
$subject = ".htaccess backup created for: $account!";
$message = <<<EOQ
Backup .htaccess file created for: $account
Backup file: .htaccess-backup
case 'modified':
$subject = ".htaccess file modified for: $account";
$message = <<<EOQ
Modified .htaccess file for: $account
Modified version stored as .htaccess-modified
There will be no further emails about this for 24 hours.
To accept the modified version, copy .htaccess to .htaccess-backup and delete .htaccess-modified
Until this has been done, there will be no further checks for modified content for this account unless the file becomes empty.
New Content:
mail($email, $subject, $message);
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