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Created August 5, 2014 12:11
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MCI Patient JSON
"nid": 1234568930163,
"uid": 11111114111,
"first_name": "dfdfdf",
"middle_name": "Ali",
"last_name": "Hosssain",
"full_name_bangla": " হোসেন মন্ডল",
"fathers_name_bangla": "dfdfdf",
"fathers_first_name": "Akhtartest",
"fathers_middle_name": "Hossaine",
"fathers_last_name": "Mondal",
"fathers_uid": 11111111111,
"fathers_nid": 1234567890163,
"fathers_brn": 12345678901633456,
"mothers_name_bangla": "আনোয়ারা খাতুন",
"mothers_first_name": "Anowara",
"mothers_middle_name": "Khatun",
"mothers_last_name": "antora",
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"mothers_nid": 1234567890163,
"mothers_brn": 12345678901633456,
"place_of_birth": "Dhaka",
"marriage_id": "12345678",
"spouse_name_bangla": "আখতার",
"spouse_name": "Akhtar",
"spouse_uid_nid": "1234567890",
"date_of_birth": "1983-09-21",
"gender": "3",
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"religion": 1,
"blood_group": 1,
"bin_brn": 12345678901633456,
"occupation": 11,
"edu_level": "01",
"nationality": "bangladeshi",
"disability": 1,
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"post_office": "Dhaka",
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"ward": 12,
"thana": 45,
"city_corporation": 12,
"country": "050"
"permanent_address": {
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"post_office": "Dhaka",
"post_code": "1207",
"ward": 13,
"thana": 45,
"city_corporation": 12,
"country": "050"
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