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Forked from dfreerksen/Date.php
Created March 18, 2014 06:35
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* Date class
class Date {
* Fuzzy date strings
* @var array
protected $_time_formats = array(
array(60, 'just now'),
array(90, '1 minute'),
array(3600, 'minutes', 60),
array(5400, '1 hour'),
array(86400, 'hours', 3600),
array(129600, '1 day'),
array(604800, 'days', 86400),
array(907200, '1 week'),
array(2628000, 'weeks', 604800),
array(3942000, '1 month'),
array(31536000, 'months', 2628000),
array(47304000, '1 year'),
array(3153600000, 'years', 31536000)
* Timestamp
* @var DateTime
protected $_timestamp = null;
* Use current timestamp
* @return Date
static public function now() {
return self::with('now');
* Specified time
* @param int|string $date
* @return Date
static public function with($date) {
return new self($date);
* Constructor
* @param int|string $date
public function __construct($date) {
// If the timestamp is not valid, set the timestamp to now
if (($this->_timestamp = strtotime($date)) === false) {
$this->_timestamp = strtotime('now');
* Pretty formatted date. Yes, this is an actual method. Deal with it!
* @return string
public function getPrettyDate() {
return $this->getFormated('F j, Y, g:i A');
* Timezone string. Or timezone abbreviation
* @param bool $abbrev
* @return string
public function getTimezone($abbrev = false) {
$abbrev = ($abbrev) ? 'T' : 'e';
return $this->getFormated($abbrev);
* Timezone offset in seconds
* @return string
public function getTimezoneOffset() {
return $this->getFormated('z');
* Difference to Greenwich time (GMT)
* @param bool $colon
* @return string
public function getGmtDiff($colon = false) {
$colon = ($colon) ? 'P' : 'O';
return $this->getFormated($colon);
* Current timestamp
* @return int
public function getTimestamp() {
return (int) $this->getFormated('U');
* Day
* @param bool $text
* @param bool $full
* @return string
public function getDay($text = false, $full = true) {
if ($text) {
return $this->getDayText($full);
return $this->getDayNum($full);
* Day of month. Optionally with leading 0
* @param bool $leading
* @return string
public function getDayNum($leading = false) {
$leading = ($leading) ? 'd' : 'j';
return $this->getFormated($leading);
* A textual representation of a day
* @param bool $full
* @return string
public function getDayText($full = true) {
$full = ($full) ? 'l' : 'D';
return $this->getFormated($full);
* English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters
* @return string
public function getOrdinal() {
return $this->getFormated('S');
* Numeric representation of the day of the week
* @param bool $iso8601
* @return string
public function getDayOfWeek($iso8601 = false) {
$iso8601 = ($iso8601) ? 'N' : 'w';
return $this->getFormated($iso8601);
* The day of the year (starting from 0)
* @return string
public function getDayOfYear() {
return $this->getFormated('z');
* Number of days in the given month
* @return string
public function getDaysInMonth() {
return $this->getFormated('t');
* Month
* @param bool $text
* @param bool $full
* @return string
public function getMonth($text = false, $full = true) {
if ($text) {
return $this->getMonthText($full);
return $this->getMonthNum($full);
* Numeric representation of a month
* @param bool $leading
* @return string
public function getMonthNum($leading = true) {
$leading = ($leading) ? 'm' : 'n';
return $this->getFormated($leading);
* A textual representation of a month
* @param bool $abbrev
* @return string
public function getMonthText($abbrev = true) {
$abbrev = ($abbrev) ? 'F' : 'M';
return $this->getFormated($abbrev);
* ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday
* @return string
public function getWeekOfYear() {
return $this->getFormated('W');
* Year representation
* @param bool $full
* @return string
public function getYear($full = true) {
$full = ($full) ? 'Y' : 'y';
return $this->getFormated($full);
* Whether it's a leap year
* @return bool
public function getLeapYear() {
return (bool) $this->getFormated('L');
* 12 or 24-hour format of an hour with or without leading zeros
* @param bool $leading
* @param bool $military
* @return string
public function getHour($leading = true, $military = true) {
if ($military) {
return $this->getHour12($leading);
return $this->getHour24($leading);
* 12-hour format of an hour with or without leading zeros
* @param bool $leading
* @return string
public function getHour12($leading = true) {
$format = ($leading) ? 'h' : 'g';
return $this->getFormated($format);
* 24-hour format of an hour with or without leading zeros
* @param bool $leading
* @return string
public function getHour24($leading = true) {
$format = ($leading) ? 'H' : 'G';
return $this->getFormated($format);
* Minutes with leading zeros
* @return string
public function getMinutes() {
return $this->getFormated('i');
* Seconds with leading zeros
* @return string
public function getSeconds() {
return $this->getFormated('s');
* Microseconds
* @return string
public function getMicroseconds() {
return $this->getFormated('u');
* Ante meridiem or Post meridiem
* @param bool $upper
* @return string
public function getMeridiem($upper = true) {
$upper = ($upper) ? 'A' : 'a';
return $this->getFormated($upper);
* Whether or not the date is in daylight saving time
* @return bool
public function getDaylightSaving() {
return (bool) $this->getFormated('I');
* ISO 8601 date (eg. 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00)
* @return string
public function getIso8601() {
return $this->getFormated('c');
* RFC 2822 formatted date (eg. Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200)
* @return string
public function getRfc2822() {
return $this->getFormated('r');
* Find the age in years
* @return int
public function getAge() {
// Current
$now = self::now();
// Differences
$year_diff = $now->getYear() - $this->getYear();
$month_diff = $now->getMonthNum() - $this->getMonthNum();
$day_diff = $now->getDayNum() - $this->getDayNum();
if ($day_diff < 0 || $month_diff < 0) {
$year_diff --;
return $year_diff;
* Find the relative date
* @return string
public function getFuzzy() {
// Difference between now and the passed date
$diff = time() - $this->_timestamp;
$val = '';
// Waaaayyyy to long ago (earlier than 1970)
if ($this->_timestamp <= 0) {
// A long time ago... in a galaxy far, far away
$val = 'a long time ago';
// Future date
else if ($diff < 0) {
$val = 'in the future';
// Past date
else {
// Loop through each format measurement
foreach ($this->_time_formats as $format) {
// if the difference from now and passed time is less than first option in format measurement
if ($diff < $format[0]) {
// If the format array item has no calculation value
if (count($format) == 2) {
$val = $format[1].($format[0] === 60 ? '' : ' ago');
// Divide difference by format item value to get number of units
else {
$val = ceil($diff / $format[2]).' '.$format[1].' ago';
return $val;
* Generic date format. See
* @param string $format
* @return mixed
public function getFormated($format = 'F j, Y, g:i A T') {
return date($format, $this->_timestamp);
$date = Date::now();
$date = Date::with(1358755200);
$date = Date::with('November 24, 1979 06:15:18');
$date = Date::with('now');
$date = Date::with('10 September 2000');
$date = Date::with('+1 day');
$date = Date::with('+1 week');
$date = Date::with('+1 week 2 days 4 hours 2 seconds+1 day');
$date = Date::with('next Thursday');
$date = Date::with('last Monday');
var_dump( $date->getPrettyDate() );
var_dump( $date->getTimezone() );
var_dump( $date->getTimezone(true) );
var_dump( $date->getTimezoneOffset() );
var_dump( $date->getGmtDiff() );
var_dump( $date->getGmtDiff(true) );
var_dump( $date->getTimestamp() );
var_dump( $date->getDay() );
var_dump( $date->getDay(true) );
var_dump( $date->getDay(false, false) );
var_dump( $date->getDay(true, false) );
var_dump( $date->getDayNum() );
var_dump( $date->getDayNum(true) );
var_dump( $date->getDayText() );
var_dump( $date->getDayText(false) );
var_dump( $date->getOrdinal() );
var_dump( $date->getDayOfWeek() );
var_dump( $date->getDayOfWeek(true) );
var_dump( $date->getDayOfYear() );
var_dump( $date->getDaysInMonth() );
var_dump( $date->getMonth() );
var_dump( $date->getMonth(true) );
var_dump( $date->getMonth(false, false) );
var_dump( $date->getMonth(true, false) );
var_dump( $date->getMonthNum() );
var_dump( $date->getMonthNum(false) );
var_dump( $date->getMonthText() );
var_dump( $date->getMonthText(false) );
var_dump( $date->getWeekOfYear() );
var_dump( $date->getYear() );
var_dump( $date->getYear(false) );
var_dump( $date->getLeapYear() );
var_dump( $date->getHour() );
var_dump( $date->getHour(false) );
var_dump( $date->getHour(true, false) );
var_dump( $date->getHour(false, false) );
var_dump( $date->getHour12() );
var_dump( $date->getHour12(false) );
var_dump( $date->getHour24() );
var_dump( $date->getHour24(false) );
var_dump( $date->getMinutes() );
var_dump( $date->getSeconds() );
var_dump( $date->getMicroseconds() );
var_dump( $date->getMeridiem() );
var_dump( $date->getMeridiem(false) );
var_dump( $date->getDaylightSaving() );
var_dump( $date->getIso8601() );
var_dump( $date->getRfc2822() );
var_dump( $date->getAge() );
var_dump( $date->getFuzzy() );
var_dump( $date->getFormated() );
var_dump( $date->getFormated('D M j, Y @ g:i a') );
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