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Last active July 6, 2018 18:26
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PHP Script to find and delete duplicate mp3 files
* This script will search in your iTunes Music folder for duplicate
* mp3 and aac files, and print them out for inspection.
* Do a dry run, inspect the output, and if desired, do a delete run.
* To do a dry run:
* $ php duplicate_music_fixer.php
* $ php duplicate_music_fixer.php --dry-run
* To delete duplicates:
* $ php duplicate_music_fixer.php --delete
* By passing the --delete flag, the script will delete the duplicate files.
* It will not delete original music files!
* Uncomment all // echo lines to see extended details.
* Tested with PHP 7 on Mac with music backup on a Drobo NAS volume.
* This Script provided FREE AS IS with NO WARRANTY *
// Edit to point to your iTunes/Music folder containing artists
$base_path = "/Volumes/DroboFS/tdb103070002/2/Music/iTunes2/Music";
* Get list of folders in a folder
function getFoldersInFolder($folder) {
//echo "Getting files in $folder \n";
$thefolder = basename($folder);
$thepath = dirname($folder);
//echo "Digging into $thefolder inside $thepath \n";
$foldersInFolder = [];
$folders1 = scandir($folder);
//echo "There are ". count($folders1) ." folders in $folder \n";
foreach ($folders1 as $folder1) {
if (is_dir($folder .'/'. $folder1)) {
if ($folder1 != '.' && $folder1 != '..') {
$foldersInFolder[] = $folder1;
return $foldersInFolder;
* Returns true for MP3 files
function isAnMp3File($file) {
$mp3matcher = '|^.+\.mp3$|i';
if (preg_match($mp3matcher, $file)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns true for AAC files
function isAnAacFile($file) {
$aacMatcher = '|^.+\.aac$|i';
if (preg_match($aacMatcher, $file)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns true for AAC or MP3 files
function isAMusicFile($file) {
return (isAnMp3File($file) || isAnAacFile($file));
* Returns true for AAC files
function getMusicFilesInFolder($folder) {
$musicFilesInFolder = [];
$files = scandir($folder);
foreach($files as $file) {
if (isAMusicFile($file)) {
$musicFilesInFolder[] = $file;
return $musicFilesInFolder;
* Checks to see if a song is a duplicate version
function isDuplicateSong($song) {
$dupeMatcher = '|^.+ \d.mp3$|';
$folder = dirname($song);
$file = basename($song);
$possibleDupe = preg_match($dupeMatcher, $file);
if ($possibleDupe) {
// echo "The song $file in $folder is a possible dupe.\n";
$othersongs = getMusicFilesInFolder($folder);
if (count($othersongs) == 0) {
//echo "No other songs found in $folder. $file is not a dupe.\n";
return false;
if (isAnMp3File($file)) {
$ext = '.mp3';
} else if (isAnAacFile($file)) {
$ext = '.aac';
$originalVersionName = preg_replace('| \d'. $ext .'$|i', $ext, $file);
if (file_exists($folder .'/'. $originalVersionName)) {
//echo "The file $file is a dupe based on the existence of $originalVersionName \n";
return true;
} else {
//echo "The file $file is probably the original version.\n";
return false;
$filesToDelete = [];
$num['artists'] = 0;
$num['albums'] = 0;
$num['songs'] = 0;
$total['artists'] = 0;
$total['albums'] = 0;
$total['songs'] = 0;
$artists = getFoldersInFolder($base_path);
foreach ($artists as $artist) {
echo str_repeat('=', 80) ."\n";
echo "ARTIST ". $num['artists'] . ") $artist \n";
echo str_repeat('=', 80) ."\n";
$artistpath = $base_path .'/'. $artist;
$albums = getFoldersInFolder($artistpath);
$files = getMusicFilesInFolder($artistpath);
if (count($files) > 0) {
echo "*** Stray files found in $artistpath \n";
if (count($albums) == 0) {
echo "No albums found in $artistpath \n";
foreach ($albums as $album) {
echo str_repeat('-', 80)."\n";
echo " ALBUM ". $num['albums'] .") $artist > $album \n";
$albumpath = $artistpath .'/'. $album;
$songs = getMusicFilesInFolder($albumpath);
foreach ($songs as $song) {
echo "\tSONG ". $num['songs'] .") + $artist -> $album : $song ";
$songpath = $albumpath .'/'. $song;
if (isDuplicateSong($songpath)) {
$filesToDelete[] = $songpath;
echo " DUPE ";
} else {
echo " ORIG ";
echo "\n";
$num['songs'] = 0;
$num['albums'] = 0;
// Default to DRY RUN !
if (count($argv) < 2) {
$argv[1] = '--dry-run';
echo "\n";
echo str_repeat('#', 80) ."\n";
echo str_repeat('#', 80) ."\n";
echo "ACTIONS\n";
if (count($filesToDelete) > 0) {
foreach ($filesToDelete as $dupe) {
if ($argv[1] == '--dry-run') {
$comment = "Remove";
if ($argv[1] == '--delete') {
$comment = "Deleted";
echo $comment ." ". $dupe ."\n";
} else {
echo "No Duplicates Detected!\n";
echo "\n";
echo str_repeat('#', 80) ."\n";
echo str_repeat('#', 80) ."\n";
echo "\n";
echo "Results:\n";
echo "\tTotal Artists: ". $total['artists'] ."\n";
echo "\tTotal Albums: ". $total['albums'] ."\n";
echo "\tTotal Songs: ". $total['songs'] ."\n";
echo "\tTotal Duplicates: ". count($filesToDelete) ."\n";
if ($argv[1] == '--dry-run') {
echo "Done. Inspect the output above to see what would've been removed.";
} else {
echo "Done. Your duplicate songs have been removed.";
echo "\n\n";
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phpguru commented Jul 6, 2018

A dry run took about 3 minutes; a delete run took about 30 minutes, from my Macbook Pro Laptop, mounting my Drobo-FS NAS over Wifi.

Total Artists: 540
Total Albums: 939
Total Songs: 12618
Total Duplicates: 6154

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