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Forked from cyrus-and/
Last active July 29, 2019 00:33
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let-in - User-initiated reverse shell via OpenSSL


User-initiated reverse support shell via OpenSSL from a host user behind a firewall to the guest.


  1. Both parties run:

     source <(curl -s
  2. Guest runs:

  3. Host runs:

     let-you-in $guest_address


sudo apt-get install socat  # Linux (Debian-based)
brew install socat          # Mac OS X (Homebrew)
sudo ports install socat    # Mac OS X (MacPorts)


  • Guest's terminal is frozen until a client connects.
# source <(curl -s
function let-me-in() {
local port="${1:-2222}"
local host="${2:-}"
local cert="$(tempfile -p cert)"
local dhparam="$HOME/.dhparam"
echo "[+] Preparing the certificate..."
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -subj '/' -keyout "$cert" -out "$cert"
! [ -r "$dhparam" ] && openssl dhparam -out "$dhparam" 1024
echo "[+] Listening on $host:$port..."
socat "-,raw,echo=0" "openssl-listen:$port,bind=$host,reuseaddr,cert=$cert,dhparam=$dhparam,verify=0"
echo "[+] Cleaning up..."
rm -f "$cert"
function let-you-in() {
if [ $# != 1 -a $# != 2 ]; then
echo 'Usage: <host> [<port>]' >&2
return 1
local host="${1}"
local port="${2:-2222}"
echo "[+] Connecting to $host:$port. Press Ctrl+C to exit..."
socat "openssl-connect:$host:$port,verify=0" "exec:$SHELL,pty,stderr,setsid"
echo '
1. Guest runs:
let-me-in [<port> [<host>]]
2. Host runs:
let-you-in <host> [<port>]
# source <(curl -s
function let-me-in() {
local port="${1:-2222}"
local host="${2:-}"
echo "[+] Listening on $host:$port..."
socat "-,raw,echo=0" "tcp-listen:$port,bind=$host,reuseaddr"
function let-you-in() {
if [ $# != 1 -a $# != 2 ]; then
echo 'Usage: <host> [<port>]' >&2
return 1
local host="${1}"
local port="${2:-2222}"
echo "[+] Connecting to $host:$port. Press Ctrl+C to exit..."
socat "tcp-connect:$host:$port" "exec:$SHELL,pty,stderr,setsid"
echo '
1. Guest runs:
let-me-in [<port> [<host>]]
2. Host runs:
let-you-in <host> [<port>]
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