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Last active May 13, 2017 11:01
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  • Save phrb/acbcd171617d844af01e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save phrb/acbcd171617d844af01e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hover Script: A very simple kOS script for hovering.
// A very simple kOS script for hovering.
// Control Flags.
set hovering to false.
set ascending to false.
set descending to false.
set end_program to false.
// Hovering Altitude and Velocity.
set target_alt to 0.
set hover_vel to 0.
// Thrust to Weight Ratios.
set target_twr to 0.
set ascent_twr to 1.5.
set descent_twr to 0.84.
// Couldn't find how to get the gravity from kOS.
set kerbin_g to 9.81.
// Let's just set hovering throttle to max, it's the Kerbal way.
// set hover_twr to 1.8.
lock target_throttle to target_twr*mass*kerbin_g*((kerbin:radius/(kerbin:radius+altitude))*(kerbin:radius/(kerbin:radius+altitude)))/(maxthrust).
print "=== Starting Hover Script ===".
print "=== Usage: ===".
print " [3]: Hover,".
print " [4]: Descend (Cushioned Crash Mode),".
print " [5]: Ascend,".
print " [6]: Engines Off (Lithobraking Mode),".
print " [7]: Exit.".
print "=== Good Luck ===".
// Main Loop.
until end_program = true {
// "3" to Hover.
on AG3 {
if hovering = false {
set target_alt to apoapsis.
set hovering to true.
} else {
set hovering to false.
print "> Hover Mode Toggle." + "(" + hovering + ")".
set ascending to false.
set descending to false.
// "4" to Descend.
on AG4 {
if descending = false {
set descending to true.
} else {
set descending to false.
print "> Descent Mode Toggle." + "(" + descending + ")".
set hovering to false.
set ascending to false.
// "5" to Ascend.
on AG5 {
if ascending = false {
set ascending to true.
} else {
set ascending to false.
print "> Ascent Mode Toggle." + "(" + ascending + ")".
set hovering to false.
set descending to false.
// "6" to Shutdown Engines.
on AG6 {
set ship:control:mainthrottle to 0.
set hovering to false.
set ascending to false.
set descending to false.
// "7" to Quit.
on AG7 {
set hovering to false.
set ascending to false.
set descending to false.
set end_program to true.
// Hover Code.
until hovering = false {
// Do you even efficiency?
// set target_twr to hover_twr.
set ship:control:mainthrottle to 0.
wait until ship:verticalspeed < hover_vel or altitude < target_alt.
set ship:control:mainthrottle to 1.
wait until ship:verticalspeed > hover_vel or altitude > target_alt.
// Ascent Code.
until ascending = false {
set target_twr to ascent_twr.
set ship:control:mainthrottle to target_throttle.
// Descent Code.
until descending = false {
set target_twr to descent_twr.
set ship:control:mainthrottle to target_throttle.
print "=== Exiting Hover Script (Did you crash yet?) ===".
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