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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Migration map
import csv
import re
from pygeocoder import Geocoder
infile = open('mig_data.csv')
outfile = open('geo_data.csv','wb')
csvfile = list(csv.DictReader(infile))
fieldnames = ['origin_long', 'dest_long', 'dest_lat', 'MIGMOVE',
'Ref_Date', 'Coordinate','tempdest', 'Vector', 'Value',
'GEODEST','tempgeo', 'GEO', 'origin_lat']
csvwriter = csv.DictWriter(outfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
unique = {}
for line in csvfile:
# Non-robust way to get around Unicode import errors from French characters.
line['GEO'] = line['GEO'].replace('\xe9','e')
line['GEO'] = line['GEO'].replace('\xe8','e')
line['GEODEST'] = line['GEODEST'].replace('\xe9','e')
line['GEODEST'] = line['GEODEST'].replace('\xe8','e')
# Pasting " City, Canada" makes sure we get the right coordinates
line['tempgeo'] = re.split('[,\-/]',line['GEO'])[0] + " City, Canada"
line['tempdest'] = re.split('[,\-/]',line['GEODEST'])[0] + " City, Canada"
# After the previous steps we end up with "Non City, Canada" records (from
# Non-Census Metropolitan Areas
if (line['tempgeo'] not in unique.keys() or line['tempdest'] not in unique.keys()) \
and line['tempgeo'] != "Non City, Canada" and line['tempdest'] != "Non City, Canada":
unique[line['tempgeo']] = Geocoder.geocode(line['tempgeo']).coordinates
unique[line['tempdest']] = Geocoder.geocode(line['tempdest']).coordinates
for line in csvfile:
geo = line['tempgeo']
geodest = line['tempdest']
if geo != "Non City, Canada" and geodest != "Non City, Canada":
line['origin_lat'] = unique[geo][0]
line['origin_long'] = unique[geo][1]
line['dest_lat'] = unique[geodest][0]
line['dest_long'] = unique[geodest][1]
geodata = read.csv("geo_data.csv")
geodata$Value = as.numeric(as.character(geodata$Value))
geodata = cbind($GEO,",",2)),geodata)
geodata = cbind($GEODEST,",",2)),geodata)
names(geodata)[1] = "dest_city"
names(geodata)[2] = "dest_province"
names(geodata)[3] = "origin_city"
names(geodata)[4] = "origin_province"
keepcols = c("origin_city","dest_city","MIGMOVE","Value",
"origin_lat","origin_long","dest_lat","dest_long", "Ref_Date")
geodata = geodata[keepcols]
majcmas = c("Vancouver","Calgary","Edmonton","Toronto","Ottawa-Gatineau","Montreal")
for (c in majcmas){
map('worldHires','Canada',col="lightgrey",border="white", fill=TRUE,ylim=c(35,70))
gsub = geodata[geodata$dest_city == c & geodata$MIGMOVE == "Net-migration"
& geodata$Ref_Date == "2011",]
dest_long = gsub$dest_long[1]
dest_lat = gsub$dest_lat[1]
for (i in 1:length(gsub$origin_city)){
city1 = gsub[i,]
gc = gcIntermediate(c(city1$origin_long,city1$origin_lat),c(dest_long,dest_lat),n=50,addStartEnd=TRUE)
if (gsub[i,]$Value < 0) lines(gc,col="#0078BF",lwd=0.5)
else lines(gc,col="red",lwd=0.5)
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