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Created December 11, 2023 21:07
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Advent of Code 2023 - Day 7
package main
import (
const (
_ int = iota
var VALUES = map[rune]int{
'2': 2,
'3': 3,
'4': 4,
'5': 5,
'6': 6,
'7': 7,
'8': 8,
'9': 9,
'T': 10,
'J': 11,
'Q': 12,
'K': 13,
'A': 14,
func Value(b rune) int {
return VALUES[b]
// Helper type to sort by card real value
type Cards []byte
func (c Cards) Len() int { return len(c) }
func (c Cards) Swap(i, j int) { c[i], c[j] = c[j], c[i] }
func (c Cards) Less(i, j int) bool { return Value(rune(c[i])) < Value(rune(c[j])) }
// Helper type to sort cards by Rank (Level -> Points)
type Hands []Hand
func (h Hands) Len() int { return len(h) }
func (h Hands) Swap(i, j int) { h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i] }
func (h Hands) Less(i, j int) bool {
if h[i].Level == h[j].Level {
return h[i].Points < h[j].Points
return h[i].Level < h[j].Level
func (h Hands) String() string {
s := ""
for i := range h {
s += fmt.Sprintf("%5d : %s [L:%d] (%7d pts)\n", i+1, h[i].Raw, h[i].Level, h[i].Points)
return s
type Hand struct {
Raw string
Bid int
Points int
Level int
func ParseInput(src string) []Hand {
hands := make([]Hand, 0)
lines := utils.LoadLinesFromFile(src)
for _, line := range lines {
data := strings.Split(line, " ")
raw := data[0]
bid, _ := strconv.Atoi(data[1])
h := Hand{
Raw: raw,
Bid: bid,
hands = append(hands, h)
return hands
func HandLevel(hand string) int {
sorted := Cards([]byte(hand))
c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 := sorted[0], sorted[1], sorted[2], sorted[3], sorted[4]
switch {
case c1 == c5:
return FiveOfAKind
case c1 == c4 || c2 == c5:
return FourOfAKind
case (c1 == c3 && c4 == c5) || (c1 == c2 && c3 == c5):
return FullHouse
case c1 == c3 || c2 == c4 || c3 == c5:
return ThreeOfAKind
case (c1 == c2 && c3 == c4) || (c2 == c3 && c4 == c5) || (c1 == c2 && c4 == c5):
return TwoPair
case c1 == c2 || c2 == c3 || c3 == c4 || c4 == c5:
return OnePair
return HighCard
func PointHand(hand string) int {
points := 0
for i := range hand {
points += Value(rune(hand[i])) * int(math.Pow10(10-i*2))
return points
func ReplaceJokers(hand string) string {
if hand == "JJJJJ" {
return hand
counts := make(map[rune]int)
var maxRune rune
var maxCount int
for _, c := range hand {
if c == 'J' {
if counts[c] > maxCount {
maxRune = c
maxCount = counts[c]
if counts[c] == maxCount && Value(c) > Value(maxRune) {
maxRune = c
mod := strings.ReplaceAll(hand, "J", string(maxRune))
return mod
func PartOne(hands Hands) int {
for i := range hands {
hands[i].Level = HandLevel(hands[i].Raw)
hands[i].Points = PointHand(hands[i].Raw)
winnings := 0
for i := range hands {
winnings += hands[i].Bid * (i + 1)
return winnings
func PartTwo(hands Hands) int {
// Modify Joker value for pointing
VALUES['J'] = 1
// If hand contains J replace them with most common card
// for calculating the hand Level, else business as usual
for i := range hands {
hand := hands[i].Raw
if strings.Contains(hand, "J") {
hand = ReplaceJokers(hand)
hands[i].Level = HandLevel(hand)
hands[i].Points = PointHand(hands[i].Raw)
winnings := 0
for i := range hands {
winnings += hands[i].Bid * (i + 1)
return winnings
func main() {
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