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Created December 29, 2010 14:51
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Customized callback to show an error message on the tweets's lookup
This callback is optional, the default error callback shows an alert(errorMessage)
var tweetsErrorCallback = function(errorMessage, tweet){
var msg = 'Oops! <a href="">Twitter Rate Limit Exceeded</a>';
msg += 'Try again later or search <a href="' + tweet.toQuery() + '">directly on Twitter</a>';
Customized callback to show the tweets
Remember that, this plugin is only for tweets's search, it does not generate view
var tweetsSuccessCallback = function(data){
var tweetsLi = '';
for(var i = 0; i < data.results.length; i++){
var tweet = data.results[i];
// Calculate how many hours ago was the tweet posted
var dateTweet = new Date(tweet.created_at);
var dateNow = new Date();
var dateDiff = dateNow - dateTweet;
var hours = Math.round(dateDiff/(1000*60*60));
tweetsLi += '<li>';
tweetsLi += ' <dl>';
tweetsLi += ' <dt><img src="' + tweet.profile_image_url + '" /></dt>';
tweetsLi += ' <dd>';
tweetsLi += ' <span><a href="' + tweet.from_user + '">' + tweet.from_user + '</a></span>';
tweetsLi += ' <span>' + hours + ' hours ago</span></dd></dl>';
tweetsLi += ' <div>' + tweet.text + '</div>';
tweetsLi += '</li>';
$('#tweets').html('<ul>' + tweetsLi + '</ul>');
Here is the example of the plugin usage
var tweets = Twitter.tweets();
tweets.containing('jquery.twitter').all(tweetsSuccessCallback, tweetsErrorCallback);
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