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Last active August 23, 2021 21:12
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DayDream BBS Installation Guide for DigitalOcean
// DayDream was initially created as a dialup BBS for the Amiga computer and operating system.
// Later it was ported to linux. Recently, it was ported also to *bsd and should be compatible
// with most *nix flavors.
// DayDream is maintained by Ryan Fantus ( or
// This guide was written step by step following the process on a Linux console. If you find,
// steps you want to skip, that is up to you, but if you follow step-by-step, you will have a
// working DayDream BBS Setup by the end of it.
// Pre-requisites:
aptitude update
aptitude -y upgrade
aptitude install -y build-essential
aptitude install -y cvs subversion git-core mercurial <-- optional step skip if not developing
aptitude install python-setuptools python-dev \
python2.7-dev python-software-properties \
aptitude install libtiff4-dev libjpeg8-dev \
zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev liblcms2-dev \
libwebp-dev tcl8.5-dev tk8.5-dev
apt-get install xinetd
Use any of these links to download DayDream:!OdtRxSZL!JK52ebg_XFAK3bnx-uoLpKKnfONebmala4D0EbqjrCo
Then upload to your server via ftp.
tar -xvf ryanfantus-daydream-31b84dd.tar.gz
cd /ryanfantus-daydream-31b84dd/daydream-2.20.0
sudo ./
At this point, the script will ask you to state the home directory for the bbs.
The default is /home/bbs If this is your 1st time with daydream I suggest you
go with the default setup, because all the guides use /home/bbs as the default.
The next step will ask you if you have a bbs account or not, if its a new install
go ahead and create it. Then continue with the instructions. If you know how
to read, you will get to the end.
When the script finishes compiling, it will give you the instructions to copy some
lines to xinetd.conf. Ignore those and instead follow the steps in After-Install.
1. create a file called /etc/xinetd.d/telnet do this by nano /etc/xinetd.d/telnet
add the following lines:
service telnet
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = root
server = /home/bbs/rundd
log_on_failure += USERID
Then press CTRL-X and save the file.
2. create a file called /home/bbs/rundd do this by nano /home/bbs/rundd then add:
/home/bbs/bin/ddtelnetd -ubbs
Then press CTRL-X and save the file and chmod +x /home/bbs/rundd
3. create a file called /home/bbs/ownbbs again by nano /home/bbs/ownbbs then add:
chown -R bbs.bbs /home/bbs
chmod 775 /home/bbs
chown zipcheck /home/bbs/utils/runas
chmod u+s /home/bbs/utils/runas
Then press CTRL-X and save the file and chmod +x /home/bbs/ownbbs
Lastly, restart xinetd by service xinetd restart
With this last step, if there were no errors and you copied everything as it is above,
you should be able to telnet localhost or telnet your.ip.address into the bbs.
You will be greeted by this screen:
DayDream BBS/UNiX 2.15a
Programming by Antti HΣyrynen 1996, 1997,
DayDream Development Team 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
Bo Simonsen 2008, 2009, 2010
Currently maintained by Ryan Fantus
You are connected to node #1 at 57600 BPS.
1) Latin-1 + Color 2) Latin-1 + Ascii 3) IBM + Color 4) IBM + Ascii
Se dos-peelo joka ei tajua laittaa IBM:iΣ, saa kirveestΣ.
Display Mode [1]-4 or H)elp:
To continue, press 1 (other modes dont work) to remove this screen and configure the bbs
you can read the manual in /home/bbs/docs or go to
This guide has been brought to you by Phuck Ewe [dPS]. If you get stuck you can contact
me at phuckewe at decayingsyndrome dot com or you can leave me a message on Black Flag DD
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