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Last active June 10, 2024 11:59
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Royal Game of Ur implemented for the Insitux Discord bot FaaS-ish apps
(var cmds "1234567ABCDEFG")
(function roll
(times 4 #(rand-int)))
(function new-positions
(-> (times 14 false) (times 2)))
(function new-game
(var positions (new-positions)
dice (roll) turn 0
off-board [])
(function no-dice?
(zero? (.. + dice)))
(function keep-rolling
(while (no-dice?)
(print "⚪ " (player-name) " rolled zero!")
(var dice (roll))
(unless ((symbols) "positions")
(function player-name
(str "Player " ({0 "ONE" 1 "TWO"} turn)))
(function next-turn
(var turn (abs (dec turn))))
(function ▢s list
(map #(or % "███") list))
(function ▩ list n
(let where (or n 0))
(set-at [where] (or (where list) "░░░") list))
(function spaced text
(map #(if (substr? % cmds) (str " " % " ") %) text))
(function stone-indicator stone
(match stone
(off-board stone) "✅"
((flatten positions) stone) "🤞"
(str stone " ")))
(function render-board again?
(let segment (juxt (first 4) (crop 4 2) (last 2))
reverses (adj reverse val reverse)
prepare #(reverses (segment %))
;Slice and orient the player's positions for rendering
[[a1 a2 a3] [b1 b2 b3]] (map prepare positions)
;Replace blank spaces with the correct tiles
middle (spaced (▢s (▩ (map or a2 b2) 3)))
[a1 a3 b1 b3] (-> [a1 a3 b1 b3] (map ▩) (map ▢s) (map spaced))
;Build the stones string, showing what stones can be used
stones [(split "" "1234567") (split "" "ABCDEFG")]
stones (map (map stone-indicator) stones)
;Build the dice string
dice-str (map {0 "⚪" 1 "🔴"} dice)
p-0 (= turn 0))
(.. .. strn
" " a1 " " a3 "\n"
" " middle "\n"
" " b1 " " b3 "\n"
" " dice-str "\n"
(0 stones) (p-0 " 👈" " ") (p-0 " " "👉 ") (1 stones) "\n"
(if again? "👀 " " ")
(player-name) " turn"
(when again? " again!")))
(function move player which by
;Calculate old position, new position, and if stones are already there
(let other-p (abs (dec player))
old-pos (idx (player positions) which)
new-pos (+ (or old-pos -1) by)
at-new (-> positions player new-pos)
at-other (-> positions other-p new-pos))
;Can't move onto own stone
(when at-new (return :illegal))
;Can only move off board with exact move
(when (< 14 new-pos)
(print "🚷 " which " cannot overshoot its exit")
(return :next))
;Move off board with exact move
(when (= new-pos 14)
;Remove stone from old position
(var! positions (set-at [player old-pos] false))
(var! off-board (append which))
(return :next))
;Knock off other stone if necessary
(when (and (< 3 new-pos 12) at-other)
(if (= new-pos 7) (return :illegal))
(print "😮 [" which "] knocked off [" (-> positions other-p new-pos) "]")
(var! positions (set-at [other-p new-pos] false)))
;Remove stone from old position
(var! positions (set-at [player old-pos] false))
;Place stone in new position
(var! positions (set-at [player new-pos] which))
;Let player have another turn if on a rosette tile
(if ([3 7 13] new-pos) :again :next))
(function handler input
(when (= input "help")
(return "
The Royal Game of Ur
↓←←← ←←
↑←←← ←←
Stones move around the board.
Player one starts at the top, playing numbers.
Player two starts at the bottom, playing letters.
You can remove your opponent's stones by landing on them.
Removed stones must start from the beginning.
If you land on ░░░ you get another turn.
A stone on the central ░░░ cannot be knocked off.
You must leave the board with exactly the correct number of moves.
First person to have all their stones leave the board wins!
Learn more about the game at:
There's even a Tom Scott video:
Make your own Insitux Discord app:
Learn more about Insitux:
See the source code for this app:"))
(when (= input "new")
(print (render-board))
(return ""))
(let cmd (upper-case input))
(unless ((split "" cmds) cmd)
(print (render-board))
(return (str "Commands: \"help\" \"new\" or " cmds)))
;Don't allow move with used stone
(when (off-board cmd)
(print "That stone is no longer on the board.")
(return (render-board)))
(let move-by (.. + dice)
is-p0 (substr? cmd "1234567"))
(when (not= is-p0 (= turn 0))
(print "🙅‍♀️ It's not your turn")
(return (render-board)))
(print (player-name) " moved [" cmd "] by " move-by)
(let result (move (is-p0 0 1) cmd move-by))
(when (= result :illegal)
(print "A stone was already there!"))
;Roll dice for next player
(var dice (roll) prev-turn turn)
(when (not= result :again)
;Keep rolling until non-zero
(render-board (= turn prev-turn)))
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